“Now I have reached the age
of judgment giving sorrow
that many men have come to,
the verdict of regret,
remembering the world
once better than it is,
my old walkways beneath
the vanished trees, and friends
lost now in loss of trust.
And I recall myself
more innocent than I am,
gone past coming back
in the history of flaw,
except Christ dead and risen
in my own flesh shall judge,
condemn, and then forgive.”
-Wendell Berry
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I also like War on Drugs, “I don’t live her anymore.
Never heard of Wendell Berry before but that’s pretty awesome.
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Thank you, Todd.
The Wendell Berry poem speaks to me. I think that for many of us (and certainly for me), much of earlier stages of one’s life is spent making mistakes, and by the time one has learned enough wisdom to be able to live wisely, there is little time left in which to do that.
Perhaps that’s, if not at center stage, at least in the wings of Ecclesiastes, “the more wisdom, the more sorrow”.
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Samuel Conner,
I always appreciate your comments, Samuel. Thanks.
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Yes, that’s a good song too. The War on Drugs is one of my favorite groups. Thanks, Seneca.
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Long time Wendell Berry fan here.