“Thirst was made for water; inquiry for truth.” CS Lewis
There is an update to the original post: {UPDATED 10.21.24} Melissa Was 12 and Molested for 6 Years by Pastor Martin MacDonald. She Was Told She Seduced Him, and Her Family Was Told by Pastors to Forgive Him.
Melissa Hobson has reported what happened to her to the police. I believe others will come forward.
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Only the good Lord knows what these precious people has gone through over the years. Forgiveness is one thing and a very important one because if you don’t forgive you will always be in bandage, but justice in another thing altogether. Stay strong Melissa and the Lord is faithful.
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One of the things a very good (properly certified) counselor taught us and our child who was abused is this: Forgiveness is something between you and God, not you and the perp. It is a gift you give yourself, a taking back of your power over the situation, and in no way negates the consequences coming to the perp.
Forgiving does not lessen the offence, remove the consequences of it for the offender, make it all go away, or instantly heal the victim. It is however a powerful way to begin healing, allowing the victim to refuse to let the perp continue to ruin their life or run their emotions.
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Excellent summary.. and, I would argue, plenty of examples in the Bible that individuals still delt with the consquences of their past..
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Good for Hobson!
She went to the cops and left no place for the dirt-bag to hide.
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And with a police report, she now has official documentation on record.
Which can be cited in the future corroborating other reports and/or establishing a pattern for legal purposes.
While not exactly Perjury, filing a false police report can really get you in trouble, so this adds credibility to her claim/testimony.
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I picked the following article about Melissa Hobson off Dee’s Twitter, although with Dee leaving for Iceland on Saturday, it might(?) be a little while before you see my comment. 🙂
From the Batavian article, Alleged sexual abuse victim files police report against Batavia pastor, by Joanne Beck, October 24, 2024: