Bruce Gerencser is a blogger whom I have been following for several years. I have found his writings to be challenging, honest, and insightful. Bruce has graciously allowed me to reproduce this recent post of his. There is a short bio of Bruce at the end of the post and there are two links to his blog in the article below. (Black Collar Crime.)
Why is it that many Evangelical Christians have a hard time believing that pastors, evangelists, parachurch leaders, Christian university presidents, and other notable Christian leaders commit crimes such as sexual assault, rape, child abuse, murder, fraud, or otherwise engage in behaviors deemed by faithful Christians to be sinful? Often, when I write a Black Collar Crime article about a pastor or some other Christian leader committing a crime or behaving in ways that make them out to be hypocrites, I end up getting comments and emails from people objecting to my publicizing the story. These objectors leave comments that suggest that they have some sort of inside knowledge about the matter, and once the “truth” comes out the accused will be vindicated. Other objectors will take the “they are innocent until proven guilty” approach, subtly suggesting that these kinds of stories should not be publicized until there has been a trial and a conviction. With righteous indignation they attack me, the messenger, for daring to publish anything about the stories, warning me that God is going to get me for causing harm to his servants and his church. And when the trials are over and convictions are handed down, do these same people return to this site with heads humbly bowed, confessing that they did not know these men and women as well as they thought they did? Of course not. If anything, they will demand forgiveness for the offender. After all, we are all sinners in need of forgiveness, right?
Years ago, I remember some people getting upset with me over my publicizing on Facebook their pastor’s criminal behavior. He didn’t do it! I KNOW this man! I’ve been friends with him for 20 years! He led me to Jesus! It’s just the word of a confused teenager against the word of an honorable, devoted man of God. It was interesting to watch all these outraged people disappear once multiple girls came forward from several churches and said that this pastor had taken sexual advantage of them. Why is it these church members had a hard time believing that their pastor committed felony sexual crimes?
When Jack Schaap was accused of carrying on a sexual affair with a teenage girl he was counseling, scores of outraged members and supporters of First Baptist Church in Hammond Indiana came to this blog and declared Schaap’s innocence. These are the same people who, to this day, believe that Schaap’s father-in-law, Jack Hyles, never carried on with his secretary, and these same people, while not condoning David Hyles’ heinous crimes, demand that he be given favorable treatment since God has forgiven him. Who are we to condemn, if God has forgiven him, they said. He that is without sin let him cast the first stone! Judge not!
Bob Gray, the one-time pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Jacksonville Florida, was accused of sexually molesting young children. Countless Gray supporters said that their pastor could never do such a thing, yet we now know that it is likely he had been a sexual predator for most of the fifty years he spent in the ministry. How is it possible that a pastor who was considered by many, including myself, to be a Holy Ghost-filled man of God, could, for decades, sexually harm children, yet no one know about it (or at least was willing to report it)?
In 2017, Justin White, pastor of First Christian Church in Columbus, Indiana was arrested on felony charges of insurance fraud and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. White was later sentenced to three years in prison. Come to find out, White was a heroin addict. I found myself asking, how is it possible that a man could preach three times a week and lead a large church while on heroin? Those must have been some pretty awesome and inspiring sermons. Did church leaders know that White had a heroin problem? It seems likely that they did. In 2015, White went out of state for thirty-two days to a rehab center, returning clean to a none-the-wiser church congregation. If news reports are to be believed, White’s recovery was short-lived, resulting in him committing insurance fraud to pay an $11,000 debt he owed to a drug dealer. Despite the evidence and White’s subsequent resignation, some congregants believed their pastor was innocent of all charges. Why do these church members, and others like them, have such a hard time believing that the man who stands in the pulpit on Sunday can be someone other than who he says he is?
These same people have no problem believing that non-Christians commit all sorts of crimes. When newspapers report the crimes of unbelievers, these followers of Jesus shake their heads and say if they only put their faith and trust in Jesus all things would become new for them. In their minds, Jesus is an antidote for bad and criminal behavior. And, to be honest, he often is, or at least the idea of Jesus is an antidote for behavior deemed sinful or unlawful. Countless alcoholics and drug addicts clean up after having a Come to Jesus moment. While I could write much about why this is so, the fact remains that in some instances having some sort of conversion experience leads people to change their ways. If Jesus really is the antidote for sin and the answer for what ails us, why then do so many Christians fall (or run) into behaviors that are considered sinful or criminal? Why is there little difference behavior-wise between nonbelievers and believers?
The reason then that Evangelicals have a hard time believing their pastors could ever commit the crimes they are accused of is because they think — despite evidence to the contrary — that people are protected from moral and ethical failure by their Christian salvation and the presence of the Holy Spirit living inside them. This is why the Black Collar Crime series is so important. The series is a public reminder of the fact that religion, in and of itself, does not make anyone a better person. It can, and perhaps at times does, but countless people who are nonreligious or members of non-Evangelical churches live exemplary lives. Religion is not a prerequisite to goodness. And because Evangelicals refuse to understand this, they find it difficult to accept that the men and women they hold up as pillars of morality and virtue can really be perverts and criminals in disguise.
While we should generally trust people, we should not do so blindly, and therein lies the problem for many Evangelicals. They are taught to obey those that have authority over them. They are reminded that gossip is a sin and that church members should not believe an accusation against an elder (pastor) unless it can be firmly established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. Jack Hyles was fond of saying, if you didn’t see it, it didn’t happen. Countless Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) preachers have used this very line to turn back whispers about their sexual infidelity or criminal behavior. You keep your mouth shut now. If you didn’t see it happen, you have no business talking about it. I’m sure former IFB church members can remember blistering sermons about gossip or the dangers of speaking badly about the man of God. Remember those boys who mocked the man of God in the Bible? Why, bears came out of the woods and ate them. Best keep your tongue quiet, lest God send bears to eat you. How often do Evangelicals hear sermons about not touching God’s anointed? Mind your own business, church members are told, and let God take care of the preacher. If he is sinning, God will punish him. But here is the problem with this kind of thinking: God doesn’t punish sinning preachers. They just keep on sinning and sinning and sinning. They will keep on molesting little boys and girls, raping teenagers, and sleeping with vulnerable congregants until real flesh-and-blood human beings make them stop.
Think of all the times that church leaders heard rumors or reports about clergy misconduct, yet did nothing. They were more concerned about the testimony of the church than they were about the victims. Think of all the times that church leaders heard rumors or reports about clergy misconduct, conducted their own investigations, and once finished, buried the accusations or elicited a promise from offenders that they would never, ever do again that which they were accused of. After all, since Jesus has forgiven them, shouldn’t the church? The short answer to this question is HELL NO! When clergy commit criminal acts that harm other people, they must be held accountable. This is why states have mandatory reporting laws. When church leadership hears of reports of possible criminal sexual misconduct, they are required to immediately report these actions to law enforcement. It is not their responsibility to investigate or mete out punishment. We have a legal system that’s responsible for investigating crimes and bringing offenders to justice. I wish more churches would be prosecuted for failing to report. If a handful of church deacons or elders had to spend time in jail for not reporting or for covering up crimes, perhaps this would put an end to these men and women placing their religious institutions’ reputations above the welfare of those who have been victimized.
I spent twenty-five years in church ministry. From the time I preached my first sermon at age fifteen to preaching my last at age fifty, I was a member of the preacher fraternity. I know what went on behind closed doors. I know about scandals, sexual affairs, fraud, and suspected criminal behavior. I know where the bodies are buried. I know the real story behind Pastor So-and-So’s abrupt call to a new church. I know why certain missionaries had to come home from the field, never to return. I know that preachers are not any different from the people they pastor. Yes, most pastors are good people. Yes, most pastors generally desire to help others. What is also true is that some pastors are lazy and see the ministry as a way to make a quick and easy buck. It is also true that some pastors watch pornography and have sexual affairs with people in and out of their churches. People are people, and the sooner church members understand this, the better. Stop putting pastors on pedestals. Stop thinking pastors and their families are in any way better than anyone else. They are not, and I wish that pastors would stand before their congregations on Sundays and be honest about this.
The reason they don’t, of course, is that few congregants want honesty and transparency. Instead, they want pastors who are victorious over sin. They want pastors who are above the fray. They want winners! They want men and women they can look up to as examples of moral purity and virtue. Years ago, I remember admitting in a sermon that I knew what it was to lust after a woman. My objective was to let congregants know that I was just like them, and that I was not in any way morally superior to them. After the service, a man came up to me and told me that he was upset over my confession. In no uncertain terms, he let me know that he didn’t want to hear about my sins or failures. He wanted a pastor who was a shining example of holiness and righteousness. In other words, he wanted me to be God. Needless to say, this man did not last long in our church. He quickly found out that I was, like the apostle Paul, the chiefest of sinners.
Have you ever attended a church where the pastor, deacon, Sunday school teacher, or some other revered leader in the church was accused of criminal behavior or sexual misconduct? How did the church respond to these accusations? Were some members unwilling to believe that the pastor could do the things he or she was accused of? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section.
Bruce Gerencser, 67, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 46 years. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist.
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“There is no evil that the father’s love cannot pardon and cover, there is no sin that is a match for his grace.” (Tim Keller)
I wish Keller had closed the loop on that thought with “… if the sinner genuinely repents.” It would have also been helpful if he had added “But it doesn’t mean that a pastor who failed morally should be restored to the pulpit.”
Mr. Keller didn’t get that ‘exactly’ right when he said “no sin”. Jesus said that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.
Keller held to the New Calvinist persuasion. There is a lot of cheap grace on the move through those ranks … some of those guys are getting away with way too much.
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Todd Wilhelm,
You wrote at the beginning of your OP:
Thank you for reproducing Bruce Gerencser’s post. 🙂 There were times I laughed out loud at my computer….not because the topic he wrote about is funny, but because what Bruce Gerencser wrote at the beginning of his post could’ve been written at the beginning of any Christian watchblog writer 🙂 ….as I’m sure you and Dee can attest. 🙂
And Bruce Gerencser’s post is excellent. 🙂
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Dee, your relentless disparagement of Evangelicals never recedes. Only Evangelicals are sheep right? Wrong – as you should have learned in your 44 years of life. [ Maybe 45 ]
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I assume the OP has to do with the Lawson disappearance. In fewer than 24 hours, evidence of Lawson ever living cannot be found at the website of The Masters Seminary (where Lawson was a Dean) OR at the website of the church he founded, Trinity Bible Church Dallas. The very people who wax angrily at the remake of Kamala Harris, affect their own disappearance of one of their own superstars. Simply breathtaking. How infantalizing of their followers to try such an internet scrub. It’s an ugly reminder of the deletion of Bob Glenn. Steve Lawson, a 73 year old is in a 5 year relationship with a woman in her 20’s. All while he is preaching, teaching and being lavishly rewarded and feted by Calvinists everywhere. If you are tempted to think this may give reason for them to pause, and reflect on their theology…to consider whether it may be in error or bankrupt in some way…think again, my friend. A pox on all their houses!
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Dee had nothing to do with this article. I am the individual that reposted it, which I thought I made clear at the top of the post.
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As the author of this article, I’m confused by your comment. What, in this article, is disparaging of Evangelicals?
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The first clue should be if your “pastor” is not really a pastor. The role of pastor entails much more than being a good speaker, preacher, theologian or “vision caster”. If we are all thinking about Steve Lawson as we read the post and the comments, then we need to ask ourselves if he was really pastoring. Too many of these guys live the CEO lifestyle and their churches (elder boards) allow it.
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Writing as one who is considered “critical” and/or “mouthy” by believers, we forget that pastors and other believers are people capable of sin. Thank you for Bruce Gerencser’s thoughtful post. Regardless of whether they are believers or not, people are always people, and capable of both good and evil.
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I understand that if you get the dosage right, you can be completely trashed on opiates and remain fully functional.
Both Appalachian and Pennsylvania Dutch lore are full of stories of Conjure-Men and Hexen extorting money and goods and sex from those around them by threatening them with supernatural powers and bound spirits and curses and hexes. How is this any different except the weaponized supernatural power is called God?
“No one is ever asked whether they have one fairly, only that they have Won.”
— Famous Austrian cult leader with a funny little mustache
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Yes, I know Todd is responsible for this article. So I guess his relentless disparagement of Evangelicals should be addressed as well. So I’ll address it.
First off, Neither Dee nor Todd are disparaging anyone. They are simply reporting on and exposing the dark deeds of men who lied and cheated their into positions of power in the church.
Second, “There is sin in the camp” (Joshua 7). And as long as Evangelicals continue to pretend there is no sin in the camp when it is glaring us all in the face, Evangelicals will continue to loose all their battles and credibility in the world.
Which brings us to the third thing.
Judgment BEGINS with the household of God (I Peter 4:17). The church has absolutely nothing to say to the world when the church is this corrupt. There cannot be a revival or awakening or repentance in the world when the church is covering up so much sin within.
So, Seneca, stop giving Todd and Dee such a hard time for calling the church, especially Evangelicals, to clean house. The place is filthy and completely worthless as long as the so-called leaders wink, wink, nod, nod, at each other and cover each other’s sin.
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This is a very insightful thought. That scrubbing of the internet. The fun part is, there is something called the Wayback Machine. I found this about Bob Glenn on July 4, 2014.
“R W Glenn was called to Redeemer in 2002 as the Pastor of Preaching and Vision. He is the author of various audio and video theological and evangelistic resources. His sermons and lectures can be found online and are available for free. Pastor Glenn lives in Eden Prairie with his wife, Gayle, and their four children. He enjoys working out, watching the NFL, cigars and single malt scotch.”
Seems to me that pastoring a church and loving single malt scotch and cigars is a little incongruous, and may indicate a less than godly life. I am not saying that you can’t drink or smoke. I am just saying, “Is advertising those things the first thing people should read about a man who is going to lead them in worship?”
Anyway, you can find anything at the Wayback machine, just watch their 20 minute video on how to use it.
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“Self deception is not the worst thing you can do, but it’s the means by which we do the very worst things. The sin that is most distorting your life right now is often the one you can’t see.”
Tim Keller
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AMEN! I truly believe that judgment is flowing through the American church, idols are falling, the counterfeit is being exposed … all to prepare the genuine for the days ahead.
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A real-deal, called by God, Spirit-led, uncompromising “Pastor” is a rare & endangered species in the American church. Oh, there are a lot of men filling that office, but I believe most “went” into ministry, rather than being “called” into it. The evidence of that continues to flow through the blogosphere.
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If you are predestined to be totally depraved, you have to live up to it.
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> They want men and women they can look up to as examples of moral purity and virtue.
This is very true.
Sadly it is also true that the pastors and elders often enjoy having a high opinion of themselves and think of themselves as “better” Christians than their flock.
They enjoy doing things like exhibiting cheap grace to sex offenders because they don’t see it that way. They simply think they are setting an example of modelling Jesus because they are better than their judgmental congregation.
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Including the one-upmanship game of More Totally Depraved Than Thou.
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Is that anything like “Iggy, Master of Spells and Shadows”?
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Bob M,
“Pastor Glenn lives in Eden Prairie with his wife, Gayle, and their four children. He enjoys working out, watching the NFL, cigars and single malt scotch.”
…Is advertising those things the first thing people should read about a man who is going to lead them in worship?
sounds like he’s bragging, but i think he’s simply creating his brand with gimmicks.
so silly & embarrassing that gimmicks are required for church and ‘ministry’.
it doesn’t matter whether he or anyone enjoys cigars and single malt scotch. it’s just not news.
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What is it with these guys and the Andrew Tate-sized cigars?
Years ago, there used to be a blog called “Scotteriology” ragging on Calvin Zombies. One of the posts had several pics of one Truly Reformed Theologian. In every pic TRT was dressed like some street thug, topped off with a HUGE cigar and a HUGE German-style stein of beer. I took one look and said “THUG. LIFE.”
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And now for something completely different:
Who’s the ZZ Top cosplayer on this post’s thumbnail?
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Most likely Calvinus:
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If you’re part of big EVA (evangelicalism), gimmicks are always proffered instead of any substance.
It’s in their business model.
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It’s Bruce Gerencser.
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Thanks Mara!
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No, Seneca, only of evangelical leaders who commit crimes. We had this little talk last week.
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Like William Castle’s B-movies:
Imagine some of these Megachurch shows done in Emergo (with the zipline skeletons), Percepto (with Tingler-rigged pews), Illusiono (with fake 3D glasses), or… HORRIFYING HYPNOVISION!
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Todd Wilhelm,
Looks more like Mr. Natural of R. Crumb fame wayyyyy back in the day.
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Apparently, Seneca is a forever “touch not mine anointed” sorta guy … regardless of whether or not they needed to be touched!
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This. And what a good job they do. I just can’t with the mega churches anymore. And realize that some victims are just playing the victim, but until that is proven, I stand with them We need more pastors repenting like Zachaeus (Luke 19:8).
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Was that a Ted talk?
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I’ve been in two worlds where high moral standards are imposed. The first is as a church missionary/Sunday School teacher/Bible study leader where I’ve had to sign a code of conduct (agree to the doctrinal statement, uphold the mission of the church/mission organization, follow a certain code of conduct). The second has been the private school where I have been employed for the last 20 years. We don’t have a doctrinal statement, but there is upholding the mission of the school and a code of conduct (heavy on non-student engagement in a variety of moral areas).
In both cases, people are absolutely shocked when someone goes astray. But, the entire purpose for the existence of the codes is that we, as fallible human beings, CAN go astray. I don’t know what support my church gives pastors to stay on the straight and narrow, but we certainly have them at my school for our students: no friending on social media; avoiding intimate, physical relationships; not being alone with one student; not picking favorites; encouraging friendly, supportive friendship; always being the adult in any situation. We get pep talks at staff meetings, and-the big difference that I see from my church-a sharing of essential details when someone goes off the rails. We don’t get any specific criminal charges kind of information, but we are warned about the dangers of social media, getting in too deep emotionally with a student, or violating our boundaries of professionalism. We’ve only had two bad incidents with staff in the 20 years I’ve been here, and the message we got was exactly what I listed above. Anyone can get into trouble if they aren’t careful. I think churches need to be much more specific with that message when dealing with their leadership.
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Wouldn’t matter.
— PastorRaulReesCalvatyChapelWestCovina, any time anyone tried to reason with him
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Again, you seem to refuse to acknowledge what the purpose of this blog is, Senneca. Dee and Todd are simply staying on point. Exposing abuses in the church. And take note please, it’s not just the Evangelical church that is written about here.
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Not too long before Dee started this blog and this was a part of the entire situation that caused her to start this happened.
The church we were at had a small group in the traditional sense. The situation with the intern who got got caught doing things with teen boys blew up. And it turned out one of more of the pastors were not fully truthful about the situation. A few told, oh my oh my oh my, fibs. And we had hard evidence that some of these fibs were willful fibs.
One member of our small group told Dee and I in no uncertain terms that “XYZ could never say that. I know him. He’s a good friend. And will believe him not matter what evidence you show me.”
As you can imagine our small group broke apart due to so many “I will just not believe our pastors would say anything untruthful.”
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Where is the evidence that this was happening for 5 years with a 20-something young lady? Genuinely curious as it seems hard to understand what is going on.
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NC Now,
NC Now,
NCNow, thank you! That’s as good an example of the remedy we seek to relieve cognitive dissonance as could be offered. Sadly, we can watch this being offered in real time across the evangelical church to the Steve Lawson scandal.
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To add to what others have said, there is always the not wanting to destroy your perfect world. Admitting that a leader isn’t as perfect and committed some serious sin and hypocrisy is hard to accept and disrupts your world. Thus easier to deny and sometimes this denial can be without you even realizing it.
Also, no one ever wants to admit they have been duped by a hypocritical leader.. One saying is that it is easier to fool a man than convince him he has been fooled after he has.
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I have been guilty of believing that this can’t occur with my favorite pastors/teachers with more reformed doctrine, while not be surprised and expecting this within the heretical Word Of Faith NAR individuals especially because they are so apt to instruct us that no matter what they do, who they protect and demand from the adherents not to touch “thine anointed.” Learning this has been sad and hard.
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Ron L.,
Sin is an equal opportunity employer.
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Dirt-bags are dirt-bags, and cannot (nor do they want to) be anything else.
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Phil Johnson tweeted out the information and then removed it the next day. I have just posted a screen shot of his tweet and also included his tweet listing the reasons he removed it. You can see my tweet here:
I have heard through the grapevine that the woman attends Grace Community Church, but I have not verified that.
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Jack, you can go to to be brought up-to-date
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Slightly OT 🙂 ….I thought readers might like to hear some good news….an example of a priest / minister actually “doing their job”. 🙂
I know (personally) of a priest / minister in an Anglican church who drove quite some distance to provide a very elderly woman with dementia — who is in a personal care home — with the Anglican church’s last rites, ensuring she has the last rites at some point before she dies. He also read some Scripture with her, and filled her in on church news.
This Anglican priest / minister co-ordinated everything, including with the staff at the personal care home….long distance.
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Kudos to him!
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Oh, they are still out there! Unfortunately, in many American cities, they are like looking for a needle in a haystack, a treasure buried in the field, a rare & endangered species.
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I understand that the author knows and understands far more about Christian ministry and Evangelicals than I ever will. But on his blog where he declares his atheism, in the section where he talks about his hatred for the Evangelical, American Jesus, he dismisses the Jesus of the Bible and the historical Jesus in a couple of sentences. “I’ll let the historians debate whether he existed or not.” If the American version of Jesus and Christianity is “evil” (treats homosexuals as second class citizens etc.) does the biblical version have any relevance? If that Jesus was real, wouldn’t it mean we’d have to at least consider what that means? But Gerencser doesn’t seem interested. Does God exist? No, says Gerencser, and who cares if the Jesus of the Bible existed or not?
Fair enough. Again, as I said earlier, I’m not the scholar here, the author is. Considering his hatred of lying, evil American Christianity, I do appreciate the author’s willingness to give us a nuanced take on the failings of leadership of the Evangelical church. I don’t see the rest of the world as giving a superior answer or producing better leadership, so this doesn’t convince me God doesn’t exist, but now we’re getting into Problem of Evil territory and this article isn’t about that. Best wishes to you Mr. Gerencser. I know you hate it if people say they are praying for you etc. so I will only say best of luck to you as well.
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Especially when you factor in “More Totally Depraved Than Thou” One-Upmanship/Bragging Rights.