Another SBC Trustee Mess. Did Kevin Smith Hide Under the Desk of a Female Employee and Does He or Does He Not Have a Doctorate?

“The difference between me and most Protestants is most Protestants have no problem at all saying ‘The Lord told me this’ or ‘The Lord told me that,’ but they won’t believe that the Lord speaks through the pope. You know, at least this guy has some credentials.” Rich Mullins

Mark Booker, the senior pastor of Park Street Church, took a position in a church historically known for having academically gifted leaders as pastors. When the church search committee had trouble finding a pastor with a doctorate, they settled on one that supposedly had an equivalent Master of Divinity from the Oxford University setting. That has been called into question, and the pastor, taking a cue from some SBC pastors, refuses to show his documented diplomas to anyone in the church. He has a small number of “search committee BFFs” who claim there is “Nothing to see here. Move along, or we’ll invite you to a conversation with our elders, who might suggest you relocate ASAP.” Said conversations are reportedly going on as I write this post.

As many know, Bryan Loritts, who already had a not-so-squeaky-clean reputation in Memphis, was hired by JD Greear as an associate pastor. I’ve heard he finally got an actual doctorate after posing for one when he didn’t have one. When someone receives an anointing from the SBC insiders, they often skate on the need to be truthful. That seems odd coming from those who claim to follow the One Who is the Truth.

Just who is (Dr.) Kevin Smith, and does anyone who runs the SBC give a hoot?

Recently, Baptist News Global posted The SBC’s trustee system is broken by Mark Wingfield. I am merely joining a long list of those who question the goings on in the SBC hierarchy, be it the Board of Trustees, the SBC Executive Committee, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), the seminaries, or the North American Mission Board. In this case, the ERLC, which has been under fire for the last gazillion years, hired Kevin Smith to right that part of the unwieldy mothership of the SBC.

While I’m at it, does anyone really believe that the SBC has no hierarchy? This denomination should be a group of autonomous churches with no hierarchy. For those of us who have participated in the SBC or have observed it from the outside, it is evident that a designated ruling class calls the shots. Some of us suspect that the people (primarily men) who serve on these committees are reimbursed really, really well, and these appointments are handed out as rewards for good behavior or for merely looking good to those looking in from the outside.

So what about Kevin Smith? Here is what BNG had to say.

Kevin Smith never should have been elected a trustee of the ERLC in the first place, and he sure as heck shouldn’t have been named board chairman. A simple bit of vetting would have made this obvious.

Hiding under a female’s desk

He what?

BNG has confirmed that while serving as executive director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware, Smith allegedly hid under the desk of a female employee, resulting in complaints that now sit in a file in the human resources office there. A BNG representative attempted to verify the contents of the file — including why Smith took such an odd action — but was told this is a “personnel matter” and cannot be discussed.

We further attempted to ask his current employer, Family Church Village in West Palm Beach, Fla., if they were aware of this incident when they hired him, and they replied with “no comment.”

I searched for any confirmation of this and found Nothing. Did human resources deep-six the incident? If this happened, could other incidents have been overlooked by the crowd who likes to claim that “boys will be boys?”

The disappearing doctorate

Here is what BNG had to say.

For many years, Smith also held himself out as having an earned doctorate, which he apparently does not have. After eventually being confronted about this, he stopped calling himself Dr. Smith. We can find no evidence of him having a doctorate. If we’re wrong about this, someone please show us the diploma and we’ll make a correction to this article.

…All this would have been easily verifiable with a couple of phone calls — except the Good Ol’ Boy System intervened. Smith, it turns out, has been recommended for position after position by some of the top leaders in the SBC. People like Al Mohler, who should have known whether his friend and former employee actually earned a Ph.D. from his own institution or not.

The way the SBC works, it’s who you know that matters more than who you are. Smith has some powerful friends in the SBC — including Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Kevin Ezell, president of the SBC North American Mission Board and former pastor at Highview Baptist Church in Louisville, where Smith previously was a teaching pastor.

I found him using the vaunted “Dr” before his name on the FBC of Savage website.

​Dr. Kevin Smith leads the staff of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware. He has experience as a pastor, chaplain, church planter, conference speaker, and short-term missionary. He has studied at Hampton University, the Church of God Theological Seminary, and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, subsequently serving on Southern’s faculty for a decade. In 2015 he was elected president of the Kentucky Baptist Convention.

But the “trustees”  thoroughly vet everyone!!

According to the Biblical Recorder in 2016, Seminary professor Kevin Smith called as Mid-Atlantic exec:

Trammell said Smith was “thoroughly vetted by our Executive Director Search Committee, the Administrative Committee of the General Mission Board and by the full membership of the General Mission Board” in “acting in accordance with [the board’s] bylaws.”

Smith is a scholar.

“Simply stated, we believe Dr. Smith is the man God has chosen for us,” said Trammell, senior pastor of Mt. Airy (Md.) Baptist Church. “Dr. Smith is a scholar and is a tremendously gifted leader. He has outstanding people skills, and has a deep passion for reaching the lost. We are excited that Dr. Kevin Smith has accepted the call of our board to serve alongside Mid-Atlantic Baptists.”

…Search committee chairman Victor Kirk said, “We reviewed, vetted and interviewed many candidates and through our process. Dr. Kevin Smith emerged as the one that God has chosen for our state convention.

“[Smith’s] credentials, his personality, his love for his family, his love for God and his love for and command of God’s Word were determining factors in our decision. His report within and without was without scrutiny,” said Kirk, pastor of Sharon Bible Fellowship in Lanham, Md.

I’m sorry, Executive Committee Search Committee, but he is either not a scholar or a scholar who actually had some Doctorate. Without telling faithful Baptists who trusted this committee, they gave what is known in many circles as codswallop. Did y’all get paid for this?

He is completing his doctoral studies at SBTS.

I wonder. Smith has been serving as SBTS faculty since 2006. There is no record of him completing his doctorate, which is far more difficult than saying one is completing one’s doctorate.

At SBTS, Smith was named to the faculty in 2006 and is completing his doctoral studies. He previously was a presidential scholarship recipient and served as the Martin Luther King Jr. Fellow at the seminary

Smith was out of a job at the ERLC when he screwed up.

According to BNG’s Wingfield:

The latest evidence comes from the bizarre turn of events that happened in a 12-hour period this week when the board chair of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission unilaterally fired President Brent Leatherwood only to have the rest of the board overrule him and reinstate Leatherwood.

…However, the ERLC board itself is so dysfunctional that it has delegated most real power to the small executive committee, which does have the power to hire and fire the president. Why have a board at all if just four people are running the place?

What are the underlying problems?

The BNG articles had some excellent suggestions, but I have a few more.

  • Anyone who lies about their credentials should be fired and NEVER recommended for any positions within the SBC, even if they eventually get their doctorate. If they lie about that, they are lying about other things.
  • Any sexually motivated actions should result in immediate firing. The records should not be hidden in the HR department’s round file.
  • If the record of Smith’s completion of his doctorate is accurate, SBTS should turn over it. Don’t trust verbal affirmations of scholarship.
  • Can Al Mohler confer an unearned doctorate if it fits his agenda? I have to admit that I’m beginning to wonder.
  • Obvious games are being played. It’s the Calvinists—Dever, Mohler, and Akin—against everyone else. The Calvinists are winning, and they are ruling the roost.

Ultimately, Smith is back at his church, and all is well. I predict that in the years to come, he will be given a plum job in the NAMB, where tired pastors go to make lots of money thanks to the likes of Mrs. Ettie Mae, who left her money to send missionaries to Tibet.


Another SBC Trustee Mess. Did Kevin Smith Hide Under the Desk of a Female Employee and Does He or Does He Not Have a Doctorate? — 35 Comments

  1. “Ultimately, Smith is back at his church, and all is well. I predict that in the years to come, he will be given a plum job in the NAMB, where tired pastors go to make lots of money thanks to the likes of Mrs. Ettie Mae, who left her money to send missionaries to Tibet.”

    So the path is:

    Step 1: Know who you know among The Gospel Boys that are finagling the very non transparent system of duped Blind Donors with Gospel Intentions. Network on the trail of corruption.

    Step 2: Kowtow and ingratiate to the Who of Step 1 to become a bonafide member of the Gospel Boys.

    Step 3: Lockstep in line to reap the benefits of being one of the bonafide Good Ole Gospel Boys. Or, maybe slither on over to the slippery Good Ole Gospel Boys Network, slicked up with their common brand of snake oil.

    Step 4: Following after Judas Iscariot, the role model of lockstepping or slithering to join in with the Big Boys.

    Did not end well for Ole Judas.

    A fool’s game. For shekels of silver. Selling one’s soul.

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  2. Muff Potter,

    I’m with you Muff. Jesus showed no interest in academic achievement but rather in those who really followed Him by putting into practice what he modeled and taught. He sent out the 12, then 72 others, to preach, teach, cast out demons and heal the sick when (gasp) none of them were ordained. Oh the horrors.

    The real problem is men setting up seminaries to confer degrees and titles to make themselves look good. Then, LYING about having those degrees when they don’t. Pathetic from any angle you look at it. The degrees don’t impress God. The lies impress him even less.

    If God is impressed with anyone, I”m positive it’s ordinary people who take Him at his Word and just do what he says without drawing attention to themselves.

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  3. “[Smith’s] report within and without was without scrutiny,” said Kirk, pastor of Sharon Bible Fellowship in Lanham, Md.

    For once they are unwittingly telling the truth. On the other hand, maybe Inigo Montoya was right: “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means”

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  4. Muff Potter:
    This probably won’t endear me to some, but I think that academic pedigrees are way over rated.There exists regular people outside of the club who can think rings around Phd(s).

    You’re quite correct.

    I’ve seen some absolutely ridiculous word salad submitted as Master’s theses. I would assume that the years spent pursuing a doctorate include ESoE (English for Speakers of English) classes.

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  5. The SBC keeps getting it wrong on these issues. As a result it has lost sight of the primary mission. To tell the world about Jesus in both action as well as words. As Jesus is recorded as saying “by this they shall know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Where is the example of loving one another in this ongoing train wreck? Lying about qualifications and deceiving others is not the example that I would expect from disciples of Christ. This points to the need for more diversity in leadership roles but I fear it will not occur any time soon.

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  6. “Smith has some powerful friends in the SBC — including Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary”

    If Dr. Al is your bud, you can darn near get away with anything in SBC! Remember that he supported C.J. Mahaney, a member of “Al’s Little Playgroup”, while allegations that he covered up sex abuse of children swirled around him … until the potato became too hot to handle.

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  7. Muff Potter: This probably won’t endear me to some, but I think that academic pedigrees are way over rated. There exists regular people outside of the club who can think rings around Phd(s).

    Agreed. Just because one has an advanced degree, doesn’t mean they have an advanced intellect or superior abilities to those who don’t. During my long journey through the American church, I have known many religious intellectuals who weren’t very smart – some were even called “theologians”. Some of the best preachers I have known had no Bible school training – instead, they possessed a call from God to preach the Gospel. And, they never lied about their credentials to gain position, prestige, and power. As we’ve seen on TWW, lying scribes abound in the American church.

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  8. Grahame Gee: The SBC keeps getting it wrong on these issues. As a result it has lost sight of the primary mission.

    It should be clear to all by now that the current mission of SBC elites is not the Great Commission. They are on a mission to spread reformed theology through a largely non-Calvinist denomination … to accomplish that objective, their modus operandi are stealth and deception.

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  9. “Obvious games are being played. It’s the Calvinists — Dever, Mohler, and Akin — against everyone else. The Calvinists are winning, and they are ruling the roost.”

    I spent nearly 70 years as a Southern Baptist, bailing out when I discerned the New Calvinist checker game. The NeoCals, under Mohler’s charge, have successfully taken over one of the largest non-Calvinist denominations in the world, now controlling all of its entities (seminaries, mission agencies, publishing house, church planting program, a growing number of once-traditional churches, etc.). All the while, mainline non-Calvinist Southern Baptists have financed their rebellion! The pew ain’t got a clue! It’s been the darnedest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

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  10. Muff Potter,

    True… the issue is not the capabilities of those with/without the degree, but lying about it.. in some areas of study many years, full time, are spent earning the degree… but then, those of us that did spend pur time doing this are just low-life peons to the “priestly royalty”…
    I would like to hear how these clowns define the word “scholarly”

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  11. “Search committee chairman Victor Kirk said, “We reviewed, vetted and interviewed many candidates and through our process. Dr. Kevin Smith emerged as the one that God has chosen for our state convention.”

    Good to know they have a direct line to God, and that God tells them His Thoughts. /s

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  12. Max: It should be clear to all by now that the current mission of SBC elites is not the Great Commission.They are on a mission to spread reformed theology through a largely non-Calvinist denomination … to accomplish that objective, their modus operandi are stealth and deception.

    Well said.

    I would also argue that fundamentalist evangelicals in general are not serving the Great Commission.

    Instead of evangelizing the True Gospel, the fundamentalist evangelical missionaries are largely evangelizing a pharisaical, rigid, Old Testament style, legalistic version of “Christianity”. This pharisaical, twisted version of what they call “Christianity” demands that its adherents submit to a variety of requirements that Jesus Christ NEVER mentioned, such as support for zionism, wives submitting to husbands, people obeying governments, church members obeying elders/pastors, the idea that the Bible is God’s infallible word, the idea that pastors and elders are God’s anointed, etc.

    If anyone is unwilling to submit to these fundamentalist beliefs, the fundies brand them as “not real Christians”.

    The fundies get immense glee and enjoyment from going around pompously and sanctimoniously telling everyone who doesn’t submit to their pharisaical authoritarian beliefs, “you’re not a real Christian and you will go to hell!”

    In my opinion the opposite is true: namely, that is is the fundamentalist pharisee types who are NOT real Christians. The fundamentalists are morally bankrupt and covet earthly wealth, status, and power.

    These fundamentalists are the COMPLETE and TOTAL OPPOSITE of Jesus Christ.

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  13. Jeffrey Chalmers: I would like to hear how these clowns define the word “scholarly”

    “scholarly, adv.: has read a dozen books recommended by Mohler”

    @Muff: in many jobs, much of the stuff you learned for your degree is not very relevant for what you do every day, but you need your credentials to get through the door and get a chance of an interview. In many research STEM jobs, it often becomes a smaller and smaller section of the full gamut of what you have learned, but you need to at least be very aware of it.

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  14. Max: C.J. Mahaney said Dr. Mohler had a bigger stack of books than anyone else.Just because a theologian has read a bunch of books doesn’t mean they have heard from God.

    Having a lot of books only means that one has a lot of books. Reading and comprehension are optional to these book collectors.

    Actually, reading is optional and comprehension seems prohibited to these stooges.

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  15. Headless Unicorn Guy:
    Assume any claim of a Doctorate is bogus until proven otherwise.

    Yep. Caveat emptor, and all.

    REAL Doctorates do NOT brag about their doctorates.
    Or demand everyone (incluidng wife & kids) always address them as “Doctor”.

    The behavior tells the truth about these “Doctors”. (Newly minted docs get a pass after a successful defense. It’s similar to a Buddhist monk “reeking of enlightenment” after a spiritual experience.)

    “You’ve got a doctorate? Great! You might be able to run a chain saw and keep your legs. Get to work.”

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  16. Herringbone: Having a lot of books only means that one has a lot of books.

    I probably have more books than Chuckles Mahaney and Al’s Little Playgroup combined.
    Books overflowing every shelf, books in boxes, books stacked on the floor.
    So do both my writing partners (the burned-out preacher and the self-educated son of a steelworker).
    It’s characteristic of Old School SF litfandom.

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  17. BNG has confirmed that while serving as executive director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware, Smith allegedly hid under the desk of a female employee,

    Was he setting up an ambush or something?
    “Just a Prank, Bro”?
    Because usually it’s the female secretary under the male boss’s desk, if you get my drift.

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  18. I was surfing YouTube this morning and came across a video titled “Self Improvement Gurus Are the Definition of INSANITY!”

    It included the following card:


    – unjustified but fragile ego
    – extremely poor social skills
    – inability to lead a normal dialogue
    – envy towards anyone with higher IQ
    – lion tattoos (cringe alert!!)

    Except for the lion tats, doesn’t this describe a LOT of the preachers covered on this blog?

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  19. Gus:
    How many “single unrelated incidents” does it take for some to recognize them as a systemic problem?

    When your Paycheck, Prestige, and Power all depend on you NOT recognizing them as systemic?

    Like Reichsminister Speer “arranging his mind” to see NOTHING wrong with the System that personally benefits him.

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