“We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.” ―
I had a weird problem today with the post. I kept correcting spelling, and the spell check overrode the corrections. I have done my best to correct things, but I wanted to give you all fair warning.
In 2018, I wrote The Day the Vatican Hung a Green Light at St. Peter’s Basilica and How Evangelicals Are Doing the Same Thing. In this post, I observed how the pedophile problem in the Catholic church had roots back to the 1940s. In my opinion, the refusal to deal with the issue then, combined with the belief that they should believe that the pedophiles repented, led to the slow but exponential growth of pedophiles in the RCC. Sadly, the pedophiles did go on to molest untold numbers of RCC children. Like them, the SBC church leaders appear determined to prove there isn’t a problem.
Does the pedophilia problem go all the way to the Pope?
The Weekly Standard recently published a disturbing post The Catholic Church Is Breaking Apart. Here’s Why. In this article, a high ranking archbishop attempted to get Pope Francis to act on credible accusations of abuse by one the Pope’s friends.
Then there are the allegations: On August 25, 2018, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò published a letter in which he claimed that he had been party to several attempts to make the Vatican aware of McCarrick’s abuses over the years; that he had personally discussed them with Wuerl; and that Pope Francis—knowing full well all of the above—rescinded the house-arrest order of his predecessor, made McCarrick his “trusted counselor,” and, at McCarrick’s behest, began elevating certain bishops—such as Blase Cupich and Joseph William Tobin—to positions of power in the American church.
How did the Pope respond? Just like some evangelical hyper-authoritarian pastors who fuss about divisions and claim Satan is behind all of it. The Pope’s bishops were just fine in his opinion. Given my thinking, I would have to say that Pope himself must be suspect or he is ill-informed and simply trying to protect the “reputation of the church.” Apparently Jesus is unable to do that without the help of the Pope or his bishops.
In the weeks after the Viganò letter was published, Francis preached a homily in which he declared, “with people lacking good will, with people who only seek scandal, who seek only division, who seek only destruction” the best response is “silence” and “prayer.” If this sounds like Francis believes the real villains in this mess are Archbishop Viganò and people who want to know what the bishops knew, and when they knew it, well, yes.
In another homily on September 11, Francis went further, saying that not only was Viganò the real villain, but the bishops were the real victims: They were being persecuted by the devil: “In these times, it seems like the Great Accuser has been unchained and is attacking bishops,” Francis preached. And Satan “tries to uncover the sins, so they are visible in order to scandalize the people.” (The Father of Lies—as he is referred to in the Bible—has not traditionally been regarded as the revealer of sins in Catholic thought, but this pope has never been known for having a supple mind.) Francis then offered counsel for his poor, suffering brother bishops: “The Great Accuser, as he himself says to God in the first chapter of the Book of Job, ‘roams the earth looking for someone to accuse.’ A bishop’s strength against the Great Accuser is prayer.”
What is the problem that evangelical face?
As TWW and other abuse advocate document story after story of missteps on the part of evangelical churches, we have become more concerned that these churches are sending out “Pedophile Are Welcome Here” vibes.
The Village Church’ quickly proclaimed the restoration of Jordan Root who used child pornography.
The Village Church claimed that Jordan Root, Karen HInckley’s child porn loving, former husband, was *walking in repentance* while she, who exposed his past and current activities, was subject to church discipline. You can read about the story here. This is like putting a big green light on the front door of TVC. It appears to say that pedophiles/child porn users will be able to successfully play a game of repentance. It also demonstrates a profound lack of understanding. Pedophilia is not just a sin requiring repentance but s a serious psychiatric disorder. I believe that this response put TVC at a high risk of pedophiles seeking out the church.
The Sovereign Grace scandal involved accusations of church hierarchy which covered up child sex abuse claims.
This is the best overview of the problems inherent in the SGM system. The Sex-Abuse Scandal That Devastated a Suburban Megachurch: Inside the rise and fall of Sovereign Grace Ministries.There was a plethora of complaints that CJ Mahaney and his BFF leaders covered up reports of sex abuse. The pedophiles in the area watched the alleged lack of leadership response to abuse concerns. Could it be that SGM unwittingly put a green light in the church windows? Could it be that their alleged lack of action led to greater problems with abuse in the church?
SBC pastor Chuck Hooten gushes over his pastor friend who was convicted for child porn offenses.
TWW posted PCA Worship Leader Sentenced to Prison for Child and Adult Porn. SBC Worship Leader, Chuck Hooten, Along With Friends, Go to Court to Support the Predator, Not the Victims. Hooten demonstrated a disturbing lack of understanding on what was at stake here. His friend has a serious psychiatric problem. Yet, according to Hooten, all is well since his buddy repented. Hooten was sending out a signal that pedophiles and child porn addicts would be safe at his church. All they have to do is repent and look sorry and Hooten, who has not done his homework, will believe all is well.Time for group hugs.
I could list case after case but I think my point is made.
To recap: By *forgiving* the repentant pedophile and pretending all is well, the church is putting their people in danger. Jesus told us to be wise as serpents. It is time to wake up and understand that pedophilia is a profound psychiatric disorder and it is time for us to take the problem seriously. The Catholic Church did not and they are facing the consequences to their actions from decades ago. The sins of the 1940s are more than evident today in 2018.
It’s time to brush off those red lights and say “It stops here and now.”
Christa Brown recently wrote that SBC leader offers little hope for change in addressing clergy sex abuse for Baptist News Global. An SBC pastor, Paul Watts, hosts SBC Conversation: Questions and Issues in the SBC. I have a critique about the “conversation.” It appears that Philip Robertson was allowed to make all of his statements, followed by Watts’s “Amens” or “Praise the Lords”. In one instance, he made a comment which was not even true, which Robertson jovially accepted. Therefore, this tête-à-tête appeared to be a political, religious kissy kissy for both individuals.
Now, onto the subject at hand. Sadly, it seems the SBC Executive Committee’s Phillip Robertson is spelling out that attention to this problem is a disaster for the SBC. Christa made this observation.
When new leaders express views like those of Philip Robertson, there is little reason to expect any meaningful reform for addressing sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention.
Before I read her post, I listened with frustration to the rah-rah interview.
Here are the points made by Robertson with an occasional “Praise the Lord” from Watts.
- Sex abuse must be addressed.
- We realize we’ve got to be intentional.
- The SBC made some mistakes.
- The issues was hijacked by some leaders who used this because they wer not satisfied with SBC polity and autonomy. This is “rooted in Scripture.” (I guess as opposed to the rest of churches who think that a Christin organiztion whould have some ability to stop sex abuse.)
- Russell Moore made salacious accusations of rape and child molestation in the Executive Committee that we now know is false. (ooo-It’s Moore’s fault.There were far more issues than this.)
- It was outside of the norm to waive attorney/client privilege.
- This was a wave stemming from the “metoo” movement and he mentioned the Kavanugh trial.(Apparently its all a political agenda.)
- Guideposts investigation cost $4-6 million dollars and they decided to pay for it out of Executive Committee reserves.
- Lawsuits came out because of Guideposts and even though was “no guilt” by the Executive Committee had to defend themselves and spent $14 million. (Mack was astonished.)
- This money was taken from sacrifical donations to the SBC, (Kind of like the NAMB and trustees money is taken from the sacrifical donations. (Mack was silent.)
- Guideposts finished their investigation and found no abuse in the Executive Committee.. (“Praise the Lord “shouts Mack.)
- There was the Johnny Hunt thing which Hunt denies and Paul Pressler may allgedly have done some things but NOT when he was a member of the Executive Committee. (“Allgedly” repeats Mack, wanting not to be sued by the ghost of Pressler.)
- The Houston Chronicle started this all. (Robetson misqutes the nuber stating they said 700 sexual abusers in the SBC. It was 325 abusers in the SBC and over 700 kids.)
- Robertson said some “individuals proved” that many of those accused were not members of the SBC. (No proof offered and Mack sat on his hands.)
- The database put the SBC in a position of not being covered by liability insurance because they might get someone on the list wrong. (“That’s right “chimes in Mack.)
- Maybe churches can check the registries already out there.
- They must be intentional and diligent in their local churches to provide a safe place. (The autonomy thing again.)
- Mack chimed in here and said “They even did a bakground check on me!”
- The SBC believed in forgiveness and restoration but they must be careful about sending pedophiles off to another church. (Here is a problem. How far should restoration go? A pedophile must never, ever be allowed to be a pastor but Robertson mentioned the restoration word which worries me.)
- Robertson said “We made mistakes.” Don’t get excited. He meant they need to react better to issues and have no more knee jerk reactions.
- Mack claimed that all pastors are mandatory reproters. (Thhis is not true in 22 states. )
Christa Brown made many significant observations.
Robertson thinks there is no systemic problem and won’t tell us who the geniuses who have proven it are.
And if Robertson won’t even acknowledge the systemic problem — if he thinks it’s “not true” — then it’s highly unlikely he’ll be working toward systemic solutions.
Robertson doesn’t tell us who the “numerous individuals” are that purportedly did “a lot of digging.” Personally, I suspect they aren’t really so “numerous,” and they may be just a “lone ranger” or two.
The Guideposts Report documented far more than Robertson stated. Can I get a “Praise the Lord” from Mack?
The Guidepost report documented SBC officials’ decades-long practice of ignoring sexual abuse reports “even if it meant that convicted molesters continued in ministry.” It also revealed their deceit in claiming an abuser database was impossible to build and maintain, even as, all the while, the Executive Committee was keeping a secret list of its own.
The report also showed SBC officials’ cruel treatment of survivors with stonewalling and hostility. (My own name appears dozens of times in the report precisely because the Executive Committee treated me so terribly. So, I take it personally to hear documented meanness now described in “praise God” terms.)
Many survivors of abuse within the SBC have said what did them even greater harm than the sexual abuse itself was how they were treated within the faith community.
Many survivors of abuse within the SBC have said what did them even greater harm than the sexual abuse itself was how they were treated within the faith community. Yet Robertson completely ignores the Executive Committee’s own documented maltreatment of survivors.
There is a danger lurking for the SBC. It is a problem that afflicted the Catholic church.
I have met many Baptists in my journey through the evangelical wilderness who claim that the reason there is sexual abuse in the Catholic church is because priests cannot marry. Frankly, by this time, the SBC should be a stop to this nonsense. A priest who wants to violate his vows would do so with a consenting adult, not a five-year-old boy. The reason they molest is that they have a profound psychiatric problem, which, even with intense intervention, leads to repeated abuses. Married pastors with children molest. Married pastors with children in the SBC molest.
Here is the real danger of the interview by Robertson and Mack: It seems like the hunting grounds are open for business in the SBC since there is “not an abuse problem.” Those stupid reporters at the Houston Chronicle didn’t know what they were talking about. And this invites trouble. As time passes, I predict we will hear about more and more offenders in the SBC. But that doesn’t worry Robertson. Just call the police and let the churches do what they will. Christa and I’ll be out here, documenting those stories. Parents, be very cautious of your children attending SBC functions. It looks like it’s only up to you. Your pastors, like in a former church of mine, don’t care. They should know better.
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Thank you Dee for providing this information. I hope you are feeling better.
My heart breaks for the 700 children who were molested by SBC MALE Church leaders. And what is the SBC doing to help those children? Probably not much. Those children were sentenced to a life of shame, guilt, and emotional pain. Not to mention the disdain and contempt of church attendees. But it sounds like all that the SBC MALE leadership wants to do is downplay the results and CYA. Not to mention blaming everyone and anything else.
Is there not one Godly MALE Pastor out there that can speak out against the sexual abuse of children rather than trying to cover it up? I’m waiting.
Also Dee, what can we as your audience do?
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From the main article up-top:
“The Village Church claimed that Jordan Root, Karen HInckley’s child porn loving, former husband, was *walking in repentance* while she, who exposed his past and current activities, was subject to church discipline.
So far as I know, the trafficking, distribution, and viewing of kiddie-porn is illegal and subject to severe penalties in all 50 states.
So how come Hinckley’s former husband is not in the hoosegow?
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New EC Chair Elected
JUNE 12, 2023
“The new chair is Philip Robertson, pastor of Philadelphia Baptist Church in Deville and Alexandria, Louisiana. He was elected on the third balloting, after his opponent Russ Barksdale of Arlington, Texas, withdrew”
“Robertson is a leader in the Conservative Baptist Network”
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Robertson leads new CBN chapter in Louisiana
FEBRUARY 22, 2021
“The Conservative Baptist Network announced Feb. 18 the launch of its Louisiana state chapter, with more states soon to launch”
“the CBN shared that Philip Robertson, Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee member…will serve as the lead state coordinator”
“Robertson noted that the Louisiana chapter already has scheduled three events, each featuring Mike Stone, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Blackshear, Georgia, and a candidate for SBC president”
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Thanks again, Dee, for all you do. How do you research all this and write about it and not get discouraged; I get wore out just reading about the grossness of it all. You must have a stomach of iron and a heart of gold <3
"I'll tell you
what it really means
to worship the Lord.
Remove the chains of prisoners
who are bound unjustly.
Free those who are abused!"
Is. 58:6 (CEV)
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Touch Not Mine Anointed (upon pain of Eternal Hell)?
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So what are the SBC leaders going to do about sexual abuse? Just my opinion but the same thing they have done for decades-NOTHING!
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And yet they’ll have a $hit fit if a woman so much as gets near a pulpit.
Go figure huh?
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Let me tell you about drive-time radio coverage of the RCC:
* Appending “-pedophile” to every mention of a Catholic Clergyman – Father-Pedophile, Monsignor-Pedophile, Bishop-Pedophile, Cardinal-Pedophile…
* “John Paul II – Patron Saint of Pedophiles.”
* The reason the RCC is against birth control? “So the priests have more altarboys to molest.”
And when I was writing and submitting to a Cahtolic-themed SF anthology, the editor remarked in an email that she got a couple stories whose entire “Catholic Content” was having the main character molested by a priest in their childhood.
THAT’s the first thing that comes to mind these days when you think “Catholic”.
While the Founding Lead Pastor-Apostles & Prophets, God’s TRUE Shadows upon the Earth, point their fingers and Piously intone “WE THANK THEE, LOOOOOOOORD, THAT WE ARE NOTHING LIKE THOSE FILTHY ROMISH PAPISTS OVER THERE!” before going back to banging their Jail Bait and younger.
They’re probably relieved that those Filthy Romish Papists are taking all the flak and nobody’s looking at them. Like Harry Potter being denounced as SAY-TANN-IC!!! while Golden Compass sailed right through. While the convoy escorts are off depth-charging a false alarm, the REAL torpedoes come in from the other (now unprotected) side.
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SBC President or Supreme Commander of Holy Gilead?
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“I had a weird problem today with the post. I kept correcting spelling, and the spell check overrode the corrections. I have done my best to correct things, but I wanted to give you all fair warning.”
Something similar happened on my phone recently. The autocorrect started changing the words I typed to all sorts of bizarre words (some of which weren’t even real words, just combinations of letters).
Clearing the internet history and caches on my phone solved the problem for some reason, even though autocorrect has no connection to internet usage, as far as I know.
Regarding the Southern Baptist Convention, they are a dumpster fire, and most of their leaders are corrupt self-serving ambitious opportunists.
That includes the nasty manipulative charlatan Russell Moore, who was happy to participate in the cover-ups until he got fired, at which point he started trying to pretend to be some sort of whistleblower.
I can’t stand Russell Moore. I view him as a complete dirtbag, one of the manipulative false teachers who Jesus warns us about in the Bible.
Most of the other SBC leaders are just as bad.
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Being convicted and going to jail just is not scary enough for some. I would think that once released, they would want to move somewhere new, work a job where people are probably not going to google your name, and just spend the rest of their lives with the goal of not having to go back to jail. But no, I must be in ministry! I must be applauded by the sheep! I am special to God! They need to memorize 1 Timothy 6:6 and just thank the good Lord every day that they are forgiven. The egos!
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YEP! Moore got out of town before the SBC fired him and found a nifty new gig at “Christianity” Today. He is a “Minister in Residence” at a NeoCal church here in Nashville.
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The pedos and predos found their niche, welcome mat included right at the front door, that extends all the way up to the pulpit. Church.
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The SBC Executive Committee also denies there is a New Calvinist problem in the denomination, as the young reformers sweep across the landscape taking over traditional (non-Calvinist) Southern Baptist churches by stealth and deception. The SBC elite only see what they want to see.
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All the while claiming to be keepers of the one true faith (New Calvinism = Gospel).
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Headless Unicorn Guy
IMHO… lots of truth in what you’re saying. I was raised to fear Catholicism, but I’ve been seeing a lot of integrity in the way certain Catholics I know have responded to the proof that their system was allowing abuse to flourish.
I’m feeling so grateful that Jesus, in his mercy, guided me in not letting people push me to leave my kids at just any old SBC event. Often SBC kid events are lavish and free to attend, and there was a lot of pressure to go to them, from family and other people we knew.
Also, I’m feeling so grateful for organizations like RAINN and Protect Young Eyes, that helped me feel I wasn’t being paranoid as a mother, like so many people around me tried to say… that my caution was warranted and not fear-based.
And for books like Good Pictures, Bad Pictures.
And for Tim Ross, the pastor that has YouTube content about his experience being sexually abused as a child, and eventually finding out as an adult that it had happened to his brother and both his parents… and his journey of healing with Jesus.
And for Oprah, and similar TV personalities that bravely have shone a light on abuse, and helped survivors know where to start turning for help. It’s tremendous to me that Cindy Clemishire first realized she had been horrifically abused, from an Oprah episode. And I guess Oprah has a lot to do with why I wouldn’t let people push my to send my kids places that I didn’t have peace about.
And you, Dee. I hope this comment isn’t too much of a tangent. Just trying to do the thing Fred Rogers’ mother told him to do… looking for the helpers. Jesus is sending people to help, in these abuse disasters. Taking note of how he’s still moving, and mentioning resources other people might want to check out, are the only ways I know to keep any sense of hope.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
Back when I was enamored with the Calvary Chapel cult, Papa Chuck never missed a segue to bash Catholicism.
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Just any old church event (regardless of religious affiliation) is potentially dangerous ground for children. There are just too many horror stories out there for parents to not take this seriously … you cannot afford to blindly trust ANY ministers and ministries. It would be prudent for parents to “test the spirits to see if they be from God” (1 John 4:1 ) before allowing their children to participate in church events, especially weekend retreats and summer church camps.
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Do the names “Nimrod”, “Semiramis”, and “Tammuz” sound familiar?
As in The Satanic Trinity of Mystery Babylon Revealed?
If so, there’s a backstory behind it, dating back to Victorian-era Fringe Literature.
What I remember when Papa Chuck and his Chuchkbots near-monopolized Christianese AM radio in the early Eighties, Papa Chuck also h never missed a chance to bash Star Wars. Segue into “The Force is SATAN!” at the drop of a hat he’d drop himself.
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Isn’t it ironic that your (generic your) kids are safer in a secular activities venue than they are at ‘church’?
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This has not been my experience, or that of many people I know.
In my comment above I spoke specifically about SBC events, but I didn’t mean to be confusing. In my experience, caution is warranted about any event at all that is marketed or pitched toward children. Or any invitation for a kid to come to a friend’s house.
Although there has to be balance, and kids can’t be locked up in their house all the time. It’s very challenging to parent in an era when almost everyone has a device in their pocket that can instantly display explicit sexual material.
We had a lot of awkward and very specific conversations with our kids about all this, and how it’s never too late to tell someone about something “weird” that happened, and we always want to help them and the other kids around them figure out what is ok (potty training books and diaper changes were a very confusing grey area in explaining all this), and what needs to be reported further.
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We’ve seen that for real in 2020-2022, when kids were locked down with only a screen to scroll.
And its aftermath.
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Don’t forget PastorRaulReesCalvaryChapelWestCovina (all one word).
The guy’s rabid anti-Catholicism was literally impossible to exaggerate.
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This calls for a famous meme: