There is another post tonight, but this needs to be said. I have received information that Jackson Gatlin has been terminated for refusing to speak with GRACE. If this is true, then this was the right decision, IMO. Please keep the victims in your prayers.
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He is probably not speaking because there is likely an ongoing criminal investigation. Any lawyer would likely counsel him to not say anything.
I would be surprised if a prosecutor *didn’t* subpoena GRACE as part of any investigation.
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FYI – I made an update on the situation I asked for prayer about in the previous post this morning. It still has not been posted, but for whomever is interested, it is there.
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IMHO, there should be anti-nepotism rules as condition of qualifying for non-profit, tax exempt status.
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Duluth Vineyard has stated as much on its website:
I’m glad that they are now taking this seriously.
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In addition, Vineyard USA has now turned his mother’s leave of absence with the national organization into a suspension:
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I would not talk either, If I was told to show up at an interview that was being video taped and I was NOT allowed to have an attorney present. I do not see how that type of behavior by the Church is even legal, I am sure none of you would agree to an interview that has huge legal implications without an attorney. By the way Jacksons family, his mother, father and wife where also told to do video interviews WITHOUT legal representation, and because they all said they would do the interviews but they wanted attorneys to be present and were denied, all of them will meet similar consequences of loosing there jobs. WHAT ever happened to the JUSTICE SYSTEM?
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The Justice system gets involved when there is criminal activity. This interview gave Jackson, along with Mom and Dad, to tell the truth about what happened in the church. They had the opportunity to deny what was alleged and tell the church their truth. The fact they refused answers the question for everyone. Why won’t they tell their story to the church, which is what the GRACE investigation is about? This is an effective way to cut through the stories and get to the truth.
Get ready now for the aftermath of this decision on their part. It appears the “leaders” may not have been leading well, and it may lead to a criminal investigation or a civil to this outside observer suit. How their current or past actions affect Vineyard Duluth will be looked at closely, and it appears to be a mess.
I am so sorry for what is happening to Duluth Vineyard. May the truth be told, and may God give all who were hurt the peace that passes all understanding.
Phil-one suggestion. In these situations, it is wise to say something about the victims. For example, “My heart goes out to the victims.” You seem more concerned about the leaders in your comment.
Since you seem to know this situation, can you tell me if you believe Jackson is just an innocent pastor working vigorously for the Gospel?
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Thank you for the update.
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For anyone following this story, Michael Gatlin has resigned as our head pastor now:
Like his son, he apparently wasn’t cooperating with the GRACE investigation. I get that it’s maybe the expedient thing to do if you’re in that position, but so much for all those sermons about Christian values like honestly, love, and caring for the community!
The thing I’m struggling to shake is the idea that Michael and Brenda were the only two that allegedly knew about the accusations and did nothing. The student and kids ministry pastors really didn’t know or hear about it? Even if they didn’t, how did no one notice this creepy thirty year old man spending so much private time with young girls or not think that was inappropriate? I feel frustrated and confused what to do. I feel so sorry for the victims and that our community has failed to protect them.
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I am grateful for this information. I will post an update today. If you don’t mind, I would like t post your comment. Your comment is an example of many people who often get caught up when their favorite pastors get caught covering up abuse. They forget about the victims. Your expression of concern was well done. Thank you.