It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galations 5:1 NIV
I first wrote about BattleCreek Church and their Senior Pastor, Alex Himaya on November 8, 2021 in an article titled “Jumping Off a Cliff For Jesus at BattleCreek Church.”
I was given an anonymous tip about a charismatic Baptist pastor that had people jumping off a cliff into a lake below as part of cleverly contrived plan to raise $50 million for the church. My interest was piqued, so I started researching the Southern Baptist, multi-campus church located in Tulsa.
What I found was a bright, energetic pastor that was a good public speaker and a gifted salesman; the type of guy that could sell sand to the Egyptians. Coupled with an expert media department that created slick videos and a company named Generis (comprised of professionals that work with churches to implement giving programs with proven results), Himaya spent six weeks of Sunday mornings preaching to his faithful followers about the importance of being “All In” for Jesus. Sure, you would be asked to sacrificially give of your money, but you would reap a closer walk with Jesus and heavenly rewards in the next life.
What I witnessed was a slightly scaled-back, calmer version of the crazy Charismatic name it-claim it propaganda.
In that first article I also highlighted Alex Himaya’s close relationships with two former SBC Presidents – Ronnie “Armani” Floyd and Johnny Hunt. I also embedded a podcast in which NAMB National Director, Kevin Ezell and Johnny Hunt interviewed Alex Himaya about evangelism. IMO, these individuals integrity is less than one would hope for in an individual involved in full-time Christian work. But this is not surprising. These men are all part of the “good old boy” network of SBC leaders that the United States Department of Justice is investigating.
Below is a screenshot of the BattleCreek Leadership Team at the time of my first article.
Here is a screenshot of the current Leadership Team. Absent is attorney Rachel Crawford and Kurt Von Eschen. Todd Roy has replaced Kurt Von Eschen. I don’t know why Rachel Crawford is no longer on the team, nor am I certain why Von Eschen left, but I believe he was terminated.
Why do I believe Kurt Von Eschen was terminated? Because after he suddenly left BattleCreek he moved to Conway, AR to be the “Pastor of Engagement” at New Life Church. Von Eschen seems to have been at that job for only a few months. From there he went back to Willow Creek to be the Worship Pastor. So it would seem he didn’t leave BattleCreek for his dream job in Arkansas. I am speculating here, but I would guess an old friend from Willow Creek called Von Eschen and persuaded him to move back to the Chicago area and be the worship leader for a Willow Creek church that was moving to a new building. Von Eschen is the lead singer, hopping around in the middle of the video below.
Now check out Kurt Von Eschen’s resume. I took these screenshots from LinkedIn at different dates, the older one is the bottom section. It is apparent that Von Eschen has doctored his resume. Why would he do this? Is he hiding something? This is unethical and it comes from a guy who has been in full-time ministry for his entire adult life.
You may recall in a previous article I posted a video in which Alex Himaya gave a glowing introduction of Julie Bullock. She works for Generis and is also serves on the Board of BattleCreek Church.
Below is a video of Julie Bullock. In this video Bullock says the majority of churches she has been working with didn’t need their PPP funds, so maybe they put more money in the bank than ever before!
PPP “loans” were basically free money given to help hurting businesses make it through the tough times during the COVID 19 epidemic. The money was to be used for payroll or utilities. As long as you didn’t fire or lay-off any employees these “loans” would be forgiven – so it was basically a huge government give-away. Evangelical churches across the nation jumped on this free money like a hungry duck on a june bug. Yet Bullock appears to gleefully tell her audience that most churches didn’t need the money and implies that they banked it! She is smart enough not to identify any of these church, or say for certain they banked the money, but again, I find this news repulsive. Churches, of all organizations, should not be bilking the taxpayers out of their money. I venture a guess that Bullock knew the rules for the PPP loans, therefore her reaction when she heard from churches that “maybe” banked the “loans” should have been to advise them that this was not a legal use of the taxpayers money.
BattleCreek Church received nearly $1.3 million dollars from the US taxpayers. I wonder if perhaps they were one of the churches that, wink-wink, banked the giveaway? Can any member of BattleCreek Church tell me if they see a yearly budget? Does the church have an outside audit by an independent company? Members with integrity should insist on this.
Next, meet Chris Campbell. He is a former associate pastor at BattleCreek church and now is the leader of the 111 Project.
The video briefly explains what they do.
111Project Introduction from 111Project on Vimeo.
Care Portal sounds like a worthy project and BattleCreek is a big supporter of it. As I understand it, the 111 Project works to connect churches with the Care Portal project. The natural question to ask is where does the 111 Project obtain their money? It appears to be from individual donors as well as churches.
So where do I have issues with the 111 Project? Well, I have an elementary problem whenever the Church and State start working together. As James Madison said so eloquently:
“Every new & successful example therefore of a perfect separation between ecclesiastical and civil matters, is of importance. And I have no doubt that every new example, will succeed, as every past one has done, in shewing that religion & Govt. will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.”
[Letter to Edward Livingston, 10 July 1822 – Writings 9:100–103]”― James Madison: Writings
See below for an additional issue I have.
You get the idea.
If a family wants to travel the world, more power to them. I wholeheartedly endorse the venture. Just do it on your own time. If the 111 Project can manage for a year with Campbell having a few zoom meetings and answering emails, maybe they don’t really need the guy. Trim his job and be responsible with money from donors. Admittedly, I don’t know all the details of this arrangement, but on the surface the visuals are not good. If Campbell wants to share the rest of the story with me I will be happy to publish it. Meanwhile I probably wouldn’t recommend Christians donate any money to the organization, and were I a member of a church utilizing an “All In” type of program to put the squeeze on members, I would think twice about “giving till it hurts” while the leader of a charitable organization whose goal is find a home for children in Oklahoma is drawing his salary while traveling the world.
Finally, I want to end with an exchange I had with a BattleCreek Church member whose family was featured on the church’s social media. I have all the information saved, but decided not to embarrass the guy as I believe he has had enough struggles in life without me piling on. Suffice it to say that he was portrayed as being blessed by God with a good job, he was also an “All In” giver. I asked him a simple, straightforward question which he did not answer truthfully. I have factual data that shows the guy has filed bankruptcy, he has had 2 lawsuits filed against him and his business was shut down. He currently opened a company under a different name, doing the same thing he did with the first company. He told me that Alex Himaya was a good friend. Maybe he is, but I don’t know if it’s wise to spread that around. Kind of like saying Johnny Hunt is a close friend and one of the world’s top charlatans pulpiteers of our generation, but I digress.
My opinion is that there are a whole lot of families attending BattleCreek Church that have been pressured to give beyond their means. Give freely, give cheerfully but give sensibly. Sure, Alex Himaya gets up in front of the church and tells how he and Meredith are also giving way, way above the tithe. They are your example. But are they really? Can anyone tell me how much Alex makes per year? If I am earning $1 million dollars a year it’s much easier to give $150,000 to the church than it is for someone earning $50,000 to donate $7,500 to the church. See my point? And this is just an example, I have no idea what Himaya earns per year. I can guess that he spends a boatload of money to put his daughter through law school at the University of Texas. He said he had 2 boys in college, but one of them has since dropped out of Liberty and is now on the BattleCreek payroll, so that helps. He has another daughter in a private Christian High School. I wonder what he payed for the destination wedding to Guatemala? I know the photographer was probably the best in the business with prices starting at $12,500. His home in Tulsa is worth over $800,000. He also owns a much more modest home in Lynchburg, where I would guess his children lived while attending Liberty University. (And where his best friend, David Nasser formerly worked as the right-hand man for Jerry Falwell Jr.)
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“the type of guy that could sell sand to the Egyptians”
And postering as a middleman, could collect money for a gift from the Holy Spirit to the Body of Christ: Rom.12, 1 Cor 12, Eph 4. 18 Gifts of the Holy Spirit to the church. Gifts.
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I am requesting prayer from those who are here who are Christians. I have a situation coming up on Monday, the kind of situation that is dealt with here regularly. I am meeting with a interim pastor and a head deacon to deal with an elephant in the room that is being ignored. Years ago God showed me that there was a job for me the next time I would run into someone who was once a youth leader over the youth group I was in many decades ago. I did not understand what the job was going to be until pretty recently. Monday will be that time that I see him again after many years.
I am requesting prayer because the situation is not good, and:
1) I am a bull in a china shop. I appreciate people who have a gift of diplomacy. Not me though.
2) I have been batting .000 on these situations. Four pastors so far. The men were polite. The women were arrogant and unwilling or unable to consider any views other than their own dictations as I was booted out the door. So root canals are more fun. This one is closer to home so not easy in that way either.
3) It is clear that this is what I am supposed to do at this exact time. That does not mean that anything will change for the better. But prayer cannot hurt. This situation could easily change as the Word of God is so very clear and it is not being followed.
I am not in control of what others do but the least I can do is ask for help from God so what I do on my end was the best possible. I have no confidence that will happen apart from prayer, both my own and from others. So any prayers towards this end will be appreciated. Thanks.
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Mr. Jesperson,
Am doing so.
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Mr. Jesperson,
Do you have anyone to discuss this with “in confidence”? It sounds “messy”, to say the least, and a neutral person can be very helpful in sorting it all out and “play the role” of “the other side”.
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The money is coming from support so I can only assume that this guy’s congregation is “all in”.
And since churches pay no taxes, they’ve been jerking the taxpayer around forever.
Parasites on the body of society.
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AKA church dynasties.
Promote and market a myth but call it faith, build a dynasty but call it a church.
Watchman Nee would say, “Faith or obsession?”
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This is an interesting point.
With church fundraising campaigns like this “All In” deal, apparently the
1. USA Tax Free status granted to churches via US Federal law is not enough;
2. 10% tithe that some folks believe in and practice is not enough.
The Black Hole of church financing raises its ugly head with enormous deadly jaws ready to raid the pockets of the 8-5 real job working wage earner. For what? Pastor personal planes and palaces?
In the name of God. Under the auspices of faith. But in realty snake oil greed.
Even Moses (a godly leader NOT a king), in collecting for the traveling tabernacle, halted the giving with, “Stop! Enough is enough!”
“They received from Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, with which to make it. They kept bringing free will offerings to him every morning. All the wise men, who performed all the work of the sanctuary, each came from his work which he did. They spoke to Moses, saying, ‘The people have brought much more than enough for the service of the work which Yahweh commanded to make.’
“Moses gave a commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, ‘Let neither man nor woman make anything else for the offering for the sanctuary.’ So the people were restrained from bringing. For the stuff they had was sufficient to do all the work, and too much.”
From Exodus 36.3-7 World English Bible, Public Domain.
1. Has anyone EVER heard a pastor preach from this text?
2. Each pastor could find ten real job wage earning tithers, and secure for himself a living wage for himself and his family. 10.
3. Yet it’s still paying for a gift from the Holy Spirit to the church (Eph. 4.11, pastor) and who is dumb enough to BUY a gift?
God doesn’t take our money to pay for pastors (as well as 17 other gifts from the HS to the Body of Christ: Rom 12, 1 Cor 12, Eph 4).
Men may take wage earners money to PAY for so-called gifts from the Holy Spirit that these men claim to have (but not from God). God is not in the business of selling spiritual gifts. Man invented that business, which has NOTHING to do with God and His Holy Spirit. These middlemen pocket money they impose or demand to pay for gifts from God. What a racket.
Paying for a pastor is not paying for a real pastor. You cannot buy a spiritual gift. The Holy Spirit refuses to take money for His 18 gifts to the Body of Christ. It’s not transactional. These are 18 gifts. Each disciple of Jesus has at least one.
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“I was given an anonymous tip about a charismatic Baptist pastor that had people jumping off a cliff into a lake below as part of cleverly contrived plan to raise $50 million for the church.” (Todd Wilhelm)
Uhhhhh … when it comes to throwing your body off a cliff, it would be best to listen to Jesus, rather than Pastor Himaya:
“The devil took Jesus to the holy city, and set Him on the highest ledge of the Temple. ‘If you really are the Son of God,’ he said, ‘Throw yourself down. For the Scripture says — ‘He shall give his angels charge concerning you,’ and ‘In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone’. ‘Yes,’ retorted Jesus, ‘and the Scripture also says ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God’.” (Matthew 4:5-7)
Believer, beware of “pastors” with a touch of charisma, a gift of gab, and a bag of gimmicks! Following them could get your neck broke (and wallet).
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“… Alex Himaya’s close relationships with two former SBC Presidents – Ronnie “Armani” Floyd and Johnny Hunt. I also embedded a podcast in which NAMB National Director, Kevin Ezell and Johnny Hunt interviewed Alex Himaya …” (Todd Wilhelm)
All of a sudden, I feel very slimy.
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Circus shows disguised as churches. Pastors are just barkers and ringmasters. The suckers that come for the shows are happy and will pay for the performances over and over. as long as they can leave with smiles on their faces.
“Every crowd has a silver lining.” P. T. Barnum.
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This information is incredible! Several things jumped out at me. What in the world is a “generosity strategist?” It’s another word for a person who figures out how to make people feel guilty for not giving what people like the businessman whose businesses are failing were giving.
I wouldn’t give a dime to the 111 Project, and I love to travel, but not on the church’s dime.
And HImaya’s friendship with Floyd, Ezell, and Hunt is cause for the red flags to be vigorously waving.
Great post! How do you find these things?
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Sooner or later one of those idiots is gonna’ get seriously hurt.
There’s a point above the water, not much more than a few meters, at which hitting the water is like hitting concrete.
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By having them make out a will giving EVERYTHING to the church (ditto with life insurance policies) before they took the dive?
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A Visionary, what else?
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COME INSIDE! COME INSIDE!” — Emerson, Lake & Palmer, “Karn Evil Nine”
Don’t forget “There’s a sucker born every minute.” P.T.Barnum
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Like Ergun Caner and Psalmanazar the Formosan Cannibal.
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We did mission work, came with skills and no money, then left with experience but no money. So we voluntarily gave several years of our lives to service or humanitarian aid and, yes, sharing our testimonies, or the Gospel, with whomever would listen.
Overseas, we saw the tourist types there for the ride and a story to tell back home, with photos. The career missionaries find this type only get in the way and consume precious resources. They are a burden to the real work going on.
OTOH, our eye doctor does mission work on his vacation time, doing hundreds of eye surgeries in a very short time. Free. Gifting eyesight.
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most likely a new position created by the Calvinistas to shame the pew into digging deeper into their pockets to support the NeoCal rebellion
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birds of a feather flock together – until the cat comes
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I’ve tried to talk some of these fools into avoiding such ministries, but they have hard heads … it will take more than a dive off a cliff into water to deter them since they think they have arrived
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So Alex Himaya and his “Above All” campaign is asking his “sheep” to sacrifice, even the unemployed, to raise $55 million for various, not well defined “projects.” Yet, even with multiple campuses his daughter chooses a destination wedding with a $12,500.00 minimum wedding photo/film guy?!? And daddy paid for it all, not to mention her law school?? I did some poking on Alex’s FB page and the wedding video is on it. Drone, destination, rehearsal dinner, early life story are above and beyond the 12,500.00 fee. Where is the accountability? Where is the transparency? Where are the elders?
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Kinda sad in the Here & Now.
Seems like a disastrous plan for what’s coming down someday in the Hereafter. Not enviable. At all. Wouldn’t trade places with the Pastor Planes & Palaces People for all the treasure everywhere. Can’t take it with ya.
“Now there was a certain rich man, and he was clothed in purple and fine linen, living in luxury every day. A certain beggar, named Lazarus, was taken to his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Yes, even the dogs came and licked his sores. The beggar died, and he was carried away by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died, and was buried. In Hades, he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far off, and Lazarus at his bosom. He cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue! For I am in anguish in this flame.’
“But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that you, in your lifetime, received your good things, and Lazarus, in the same way, bad things. But here he is now comforted, and you are in anguish. Besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, that those who want to pass from here to you are not able, and that no one may cross over from there to us.’
“He said, ‘I ask you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father’s house; for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, so they won’t also come into this place of torment.’
“But Abraham said to him, ‘They have Moses and the prophets. Let them listen to them.’
“He said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’
“He said to him, ‘If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if one rises from the dead.’”* (from Luke 16, World English Bible, Public Domain).
Note to Max: some choose not to heed wisdom until it’s too late. From in the time of the prophets, in Jesus’ day, and more recently in our time. There’s Choice now and there will be eventual Eternal consequences (maybe … we may not all agree on this). IMHO.
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I agree with you.
We reap what we sow.
Sometimes in this life, and sometimes in the next.
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“The opposite of poverty is not wealth but justice.” – Bryan Stevenson, author of “Just Mercy”, and main character in the film.
Nothing just nor right about scam artists running churches.
Micah 6:8
World English Bible
“He has shown you, O man, what is good. What does Yahweh require of you, but to act justly,to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”
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In my experience, diplomacy doesn’t make much of a difference. Praying for you and the situation, regardless. Good luck.
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I did once hear a pastor preach from a different section in Exodus, where the Hebrews were told to give only if they wanted to. The pastor (of a very small congregation) said that God doesn’t want us to give when we feel guilty or obligated, but only when it’s out of genuine desire. Otherwise, don’t worry about it. It was unbelievably refreshing to hear this from a pastor.
Everything else before or since has been more along the lines of “you’d better be giving and you’d better be happy when doing it, dang nabbit!” Not cool.
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Pastor planes*, pastor palaces*, as well as grand stage and media productions* have elevated church collections to another level.
*Not found in the NT, with Jesus, his disciples, or NT churches.
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I heard a pastor put that in perspective this way “We reap what we sow, more than we sow, later than we sow.”
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The first thing I noticed on the Generis website was flattery. The company claims God gave “you”, the customer, a vision, and they are going to help you get the money for it.
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Mr. Jesperson,
Couple thoughts:
1) Diplomacy is not a gift. It’s a learned skill. Dr. Les Carter has some great videos on dealing with narcissists. They are helpful videos for learning to talk respectfully with difficult people. Whatever you do, don’t give people the satisfaction of treating them disrespectfully – it takes the focus off the issue at hand.
2) The Word of God isn’t really clear on everything. It might just be your opinion and they have a different one. Even if this is a clear issue, just treat it like your opinion and have no expectations they will see it like you. “But this is what the Bible says!” is not an argument – it’s just an appeal to authority. Using phrases like, “I think Scripture says…” instead of “Scripture says…” really helps not to put someone else in a defensive position.
3) I’ve found it helpful to set a time limit for these types of things.
All the best to you! I recently had a difficult conversation with some pastors but left after 45 minutes with my dignity intact, having said what I needed to say, and no bridges were burned. And I gave them plenty of time to ask questions.
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Are there money collections in the church in the Bible?
Here’s one: 1 Corinthians 16:
“Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I commanded the assemblies of Galatia, you do likewise. On the first day of every week, let each one of you save, as he may prosper, that no collections are made when I come. When I arrive, I will send whoever you approve with letters to carry your gracious gift to Jerusalem.”
1. It is a collection of money.
2. For saints suffering in poverty due to persecution (Christian Jews in Jerusalem).
3. Paul doesn’t touch even one shekel.
4. They are to select trusted people to deliver the aid untouched to the needy Christians in another community.
In the NT, a town was to welcome, and room/board traveling saints (teachers, pastors, disciples, leaders) who served the church and ONLY for a few days. IOW, leaders DO NOT establish themselves as DEPENDENTS of a working community. NO COLLECTIONS OR SALARIES FOR LEADERS. NO CODEPENDENT LEADERS.
Paul worked a trade.
In the 2nd generation of the Early NT Church, the Didache writings put together Jesus’ teachings similarly. However, the Didache then refers to the OT to re-establish the priesthood [supported by Israel] … but Jesus died & rose as the Final Priest and Sacrificial Lamb. So oops on them for going backwards!
Perhaps churches sheltering and supporting codependent leaders need to study Melody Beattie’s “Codependent No More” literature.
In the OT, God warned Israel about wanting a king: a king takes your money, your sons, your daughters, the fruits of your labor, your property, time, etc. We seem to be there with our pastors. They create a myth (heavenly vision). We go to church to sit under their indoctrination and then end up jumping off cliffs and emptying our pocketbooks with the fantasy of God blessing us, per the pastor vision.
At the end of 1 Corinthians 16, Paul blesses the faithful followers of Jesus and curses those unfaithful to Jesus. Jesus and his disciples never collected even one shekel. God’s blessing is in following Jesus.
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Ava, Amen!
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Thx, Linda.
The fact that there have been good men on the payrolls in the history of churches, IMHO, seems parallel to the variety of kings serving Judah (tribe) and Israel (rest of them), in the OT. God tolerated what would not be his best plan.
Indeed, TWW reminds me of The View except better:
1-not limited to/targetting women.
2-not presented at a particular time – daytime.
I’m not really a viewer of The View (broadcast during the work day). I’ve seen clips.
IAC, it was established as a round table presided by universal civility but a broad range of viewpoints, generations, experiences, and thus, voices.
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Paul K,
“I recently had a difficult conversation with some pastors but left after 45 minutes with my dignity intact, having said what I needed to say, and no bridges were burned.”
what was the result? did they treat you respectfully? (with or without passive aggression, manipulation, etc.)
did they see your point? did they make adjustments in response?
very curious.
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There is no doubt that some congregations idolize celebrity pastors to king status … kings who take and take … and the people love it so. Kings ain’t all that.
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As the regulars already know I have seen a cell in hell reserved for goats or false Christians. It was the most real thing I have ever experienced. Jesus spoke about this in multiple places and times. It is a part of my personal testimony. But if people do not believe Jesus who will listen to me? Not everyone here will avoid that place, which is a shame. I can think of no sadder truth. Such an experience creates a soberness that I do not think can come any other way. What we do in this life is dead serious and ultimately important. Taking up your cross and following Jesus is either something you do or do not do. Talk about it matters nothing.
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There is a lot of mostly useless bickering over interpretations of hard to interpret sections which is true. But in this case what the Bible says is absolutely clear. There are certain verses repeated here over and over again that are clear. Things such as lying, stealing, adultery are as black and white as can be. How to interpret certain Prophetic scriptures are not. I know the difference and do not waste my time on insisting on my own opinion as truth. The issue at hand is as clear as any can get. Anyone here knowing the particulars would agree. They already have in certain situations elsewhere that are identical.
Wild Honey may be right. Diplomacy may simply not work when what going on is a wrong as wrong can be and yet the people in charge are stubborn and have already justified what is clearly wrong in their own minds.
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I am curious too. The times that things are done right is rare. I see all too little humility or a real fear of God in church leadership. They tend to do whatever they do. When wrong they either politely dismiss correction from a serf or go into bullying mode and tell you where they want you to go. To whom much is given, much will be required. People tend to take being responsibility in leadership way too casually, as people whom will not face a judgment at the end.
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What people want, ask for, pay for, idolize, feel good about, revere, vote for (Barabbas), applaud, listen to, follow after … invest in, believe in. Telling.
Psalm 1 warns us not to mock.
Psalm 2 says God looks at the kings of the Earth and chuckles, mocks them.
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Good deal. Ya think he got that teaching from the seminary, or on his own (like via the HS)?
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What’s this about “care portal?” Start a non-profit, become an area director [state] of care portal, and then take off with your family for a global expedition for 11 months!?! And still collect your “executive director” paycheck and benes? Is that right? What am I missing?
Chris is the executive director for one of CarePortal’s implementing partners the 111Project. 111Project exists to mobilize the local church to see that every child has a family. Through engaging the church to recruit and support foster families while actively participating in CarePortal, 111Project has seen tremendous fruit in its partnership with CarePortal in states like Oklahoma and Florida. Chris has been married to Ashley for almost 20 years and has 5 children. The Campbell family shares a passion for travel and the outdoors.
Email me at
Love the part about “ tremendous fruits,” I’d say! Passion for travel might just me an understatement for this guy……
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So, what’s the deal with care portal and Chris Campbell? Become a regional [state] director with your non-profit, ie, 111 project, and the “run” the whole thing while on an 11 month trip around the world? And collect a pay check in the process?
How does that work? Do the churches and other organizations contributing to care portal and/ or 111 project know this arrangement?
Whatever happen to a sabbatical or leave of absence?
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Private Jets are EXPENSIVE.
As in “A LOT of your Social Security Check Seed Money – TITHE! TITHE! TITHE!”.
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As someone who has seen Mooch-and-Sucker Shows in various fandoms, NOBODY has Champagne and Caviar tastes like a Mooch.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
In my world, sabbaticals do still exists. They are carefully planned and budgeted, not a financial burden or income source. In the academic world, they give professors time to complete a scholarly book, and give someone else a chance to teach. The ministry comes out of the academic tradition and sometimes still offers traditional sabbaticals—not grand money-making opportunities.
Bracing now for the objections that ministers should never be paid, churches should not have buildings, we can all read the Bible, etc. There’s some rationale for that, but full-time pastors and church buildings have been around for over a thousand years. The problem is not the existence of buildings or a modest salary. The problem is the worship of power and money. I belonged to a highly abusive group that had no money or pastors, but it sought total control over all members.
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So did I.
Koinonia House Christian Fellowship(TM), a “One True Splinter Church” in Whittier, CA, circa 1973-76. Actively recruiting at Rio Hondo JC under a “Spiritual Life Club”. Actually had a “Cult Compound” of two or three old houses at the north end of Whittier; no single Cult Leader (except for Hal Lindsay in absentia) but Groupthink sufficed among a handful of twentysomething “Elders”.
Got out of there before I could get sucked in completely (they were really love-bombing me to move out from my Heathen family and in with them/JESUS’s Family), but I’d discovered Dungeons and Dragons in early ’76 and that’s what pulled me out; found more inclusion and acceptance in my first D&D group than I ever did with God’s Own.
Didn’t hear much about them afterwards, but about 5-10 years later heard that they had disbanded (no details) and that some of their “Saints” had to be abducted and forcibly deprogrammed. Seems that I dodged a bullet thanks to D&D.
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Hey friends, this is Chris Campbell the Executive Director for the 111Project. I welcome accountability and transparency. Glad to visit anyone that wants to schedule a meeting with me. We have been living and working abroad now for 7 months. I have been working very actively during the day, evenings, and even late in the night. Just finished up team meetings that I do weekly and it is almost 1:00am in the morning here in Vietnam. Couple of things I would keep in mind related to this post.
1. Is there a profit motive even in this website?
2. Is there a desire to actually make things better in the world or just complain about them? No one has reached out to me directly related to this post. Is that good journalism? Is that really an example of the faith that is being discussed about on this site?
3. If anyone wants to directly help children and families in Oklahoma you can directly donate to any one of our over 200 CarePortal request that are currently active on our platform provided by over 40 agency partners across the state. This last year local churches and community partners have helped over 6000 children and families in the state. I would love to visit with any of you about this ministry.
4. I know many of you may not understand how it is possible to live and work while living abroad. I am humbled by the opportunity to get to do so while still maintaining a role leading an amazing organization in Oklahoma. I will be back in proximity to my team in a few short months and I am excited about that but even when I do, being a steward of the resources given to us means that I do a lot of meetings virtually and online vs in person because Oklahoma is big enough that a 3 hour drive to OKC from Tulsa with the time and cost associated is just not wise. I take the financial stewardship of our organization as a high priority. We have a board, submit public financial reports (that anyone can access) which is unlike many churches, have separations of duty to prevent fraudulent activities and corruption, and have an outside accounting firm that manages our finances.
5. I can do all this because I have an amazing team, church partners, and donors. The only hurt that a post like this does is attempts to tarnish the good work that our team and organization is doing for the state of Oklahoma. Since I have been in this work we have seen the amount of children in foster care go from almost 12,000 children in care to on January 1, 2023 have about 6500 children in care which is the lowest the number has been in almost 20 years. Your post is potentially on harming these children and families not me. My personal cell is 9183214171 – feel free to text, call or even personally reach out if you would like to actually talk about any of your concerns. My email is I know many of you visiting on this site are hurt and broken and jaded by what you read on this website. I want to encourage you that there is a beautiful real hope found in the gospel of Jesus Christ and the church. I get to experience it every week with my amazing team from the stories that we get to tell and share about what God is doing all across our state. Blessings
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Was that the one (k-house) started by the late Chuck Missler?
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Hello Todd and team, looks like my comment got deleted? Just checking back in and glad to follow up and interview with anyone who wants to talk about my working while living abroad. The 111Project Oklahoma team is amazing and I am humbled I get to be a part of it. Feel free to reach out if you have honest questions. Nothing to hide here. Chris Campbell
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Going to try to post this again. Anyone one of you can reach me at or 19183214171 and I would be glad to visit with you. Thanks for your interest in the amazing work we are doing at 111Project. Interested in fostering or adopting? How about supporting a family in crisis in our state. We would love to help you get involved.
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That being said, I liked Paul K’s statement about emerging from the conversation with your dignity intact. I think that is a better barometer for having handled one’s self appropriately in difficult conversations than whether or not the other party was receptive to what you may have been trying to communicate. As you’ve noted, sometimes people are just not ready/willing to listen, no matter how diplomatic you may be. And that’s on them, not your diplomacy skills.
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I would suggest that you take a deep breath and slow down before you either have a heart attack or embarrass yourself. You have managed to tick me off.
You didn’t do your homework. There is “no monetary profit” from this website. My husband would love to know where it is if you think there is. I take no ads. I take no kickbacks from Amazon. We operate in the red, on purpose. I never wanted anyone to think I do this to enrich my coffers.
Now, I get enriched by the wonderful people I meet since I’ve been doing this for 14 years this March. My husband is a Duke cardiologist and supports this blog with his own earnings. You have found the one website where making money is not an issue. We, instead, lose money and are better off for it.
So, next time, be careful with your little potshots. I’ll let Todd take it from here.
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Many who visit this website have been hurt and broken by church leaders and find understanding, a loving community of believers, and encouragement here. They have been victims of sexual and spiritual abuse by pastors they trusted; they have been enslaved by false doctrine and led astray by false prophets; they have been deceived by church leaders with a touch of charisma, a gift of gab, and a bag of gimmicks. This website is all about sharing their experiences, in addition to informing and warning others about the condition of certain corners of the American church. If you followed this website, you would find real-deal Christians helping real-deal Christians in a niche that can’t be found elsewhere.
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Hey Dee, thanks for letting me join the conversation. You mentioned in our direct twitter chat that you had a filter that blocked the comments until you approved them. Glad to be a part of the discussion.
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I gotcher’ tithe right here!
— Joe Pesci —
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Wow, this guy…. Accusing the Wartburg Watch of potentially harming the children of Oklahoma while he’s cavorting across the globe on a endless summer (it’s on his wife’s blog, no winter weather) while claiming to run the care portal, serving children who couldn’t even imagine a trip to see a beach, let alone a 11 month holiday.
Care portal/111: Organizations that rely solely on the good will and donations of individuals to provide those services.
The care portal is a good idea, Mr. Campbell’s 11 month holiday while remaining the ED of the 111 project and careportal OK not so much. A sabbatical and/or leave of absence would have been the appropriate course of action for Mr. Campbell. I would hope that his board would revisit their fiduciary duty to the non-profit and not the man. Additionally, I would hope that careportal would revisit their relationship with Mr. Campbell.
The relationship that care portal has with OK DHS appears to a big source for referral needs. That could be a great selling point for community organizations and churches to sign up for the care portal and care portal’s ongoing “ admin” cost.
Would a OK DHS employee keep their job while cavorting across the globe for 11 months? Would they even be able to afford taking their family of seven out to eat, let alone a 11 month trek across the globe?
Why does Mr. Campbell think he’s better than the average OK DHS worker who has boots on the ground daily. The REAL heroes here.
BTW, we already suffered a scandal in OK with Epic charter school, we don’t need Mr. Campbell and his baseless accusations of profit and church hurt and potential harm to the mission of care portal. Classic. Classic. Classic
Do care portal and 111 project openly share Mr. Campbell’s awesome globe trotting pictures and travels with potential partners? And what would they think? Care portal, OK DHS, 111 project board, etc. what do you think?
In closing, thank you Dee, Todd, and crew for suffering withering attacks while bringing the light to darkness. G-dly heroes for sure!
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Hey Dee, do you think maybe you have strayed a little from the purpose you mention? Are you resorting to bullying tactics? Are you taking potshots at people as well? I don’t follow your website and actually never have heard about it. Is going out on the offensive and commenting on my personal facebook page all about your loving community of believers finding encouragement? I work actively with the local church and it is full of amazing wonderful people. It also has wolves, unfortunately. The only reason I came over to your site is a “concerned” person Harold Dennis emailed our team. Harold’s email and phone number do not work to be able to address Harold’s concern. So maybe if profit is not your motive power and influence is? There is a saying that hurt people hurt people and maybe you are in this camp….
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They listened respectfully. They also did not change their minds or make any changes. But, I had matured enough to the point I understood my lack of power in the situation, did not have high expectations of meaningful change, and limited the amount of time I prepared for and participated in the meeting.
I set aside feeling entitled to their agreement with me, an entitlement I learned from authoritarian and controlling leaders from my past. Once I was able to do that, I didn’t care that much about their agreement. I was able to let them make their own decisions, and when I walked out of the meeting I hardly thought about it again.
For clarification, I met to discuss some concerns I had with a person the leadership were promoting as a “prophet”. This man prophesied that our area would soon experience a famine with scarcity of food and water. The senior pastor released a video with this man promoting his prophesy. I met with the pastor and elder to point out that the prophesy was so vague nobody could really hold him to it. They disagreed. So far, about 9 months later, no famine, they have deleted the video, the “prophet” has moved to another state, and the congregation hasn’t been informed of why those last two things happened.
But at least I knew I didn’t want to be a part of that and stopped attending after the meeting.
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Chris Campbell,
Hello Mr. Cambell,
In response to some of your points…
I was also up at 1am today doing my job. Then up again at 6am to get the kids ready for school and then off to my weekly volunteer gig, which today included tutoring a refugee, English-language-learning seven-year-old. In math. So, what’s your point?
2. Yes, actually, I do have a desire to make the world a better place. Thank you for asking.
3. My family already donates to other charitable organizations, but thank you for the plug.
4. Actually, I HAVE lived and worked abroad, so I have a fair idea of how it’s done, but thank you for checking. And my husband is privileged to work remotely full-time, so yes, I have a fair idea of how that works, too. But spending (A) almost an entire year traveling and sight-seeing (B) with one’s entire family (C) in multiple countries spanning multiple continents (D) while also working full-time is quite rare. Even if you scrimped and saved both finances and vacation time for seventeen years in order to make this happen, the fact that it is so rare should make you realize how incredibly privileged/blessed you are. I was inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt, knowing that it IS theoretically possible to scrimp and save for years on end and homeschool kids for a year while traveling internationally. But the “hey, don’t pick on me” attitude instead of the “yeah, I realize the optics aren’t good at first glance, but we’re incredibly fortunate to have been able to scrimp and save for 17 years blah blah blah” response you could have shown is not helping my desire to give you the benefit of the doubt.
5. To echo Max’s point above, the reason I’m jaded is because of abusive experiences at now multiple cult-like churches with paternalistic leaders. It’s the ministry of Dee and Todd (and others like them) that has provided a place of healing and hope and reflected the gospel of Jesus.
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Mr. Jesperson,
Yeah – sounds like this is cut and dry. Still, a calm confident demeanor keeps YOUR dignity intact. As you will read in my reply to elastigirl, diplomacy didn’t work to change anything in that church BUT it helped ME understand nothing was going to change and that I should leave.
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That totally made me laugh out loud.
I “prophesied” that our now-former Acts 29 church’s modus operandi was unsustainable and it would fail. Nobody made a video. Husband and I were shunned. Little under four years later, the church folded. Still no acknowledgement from leadership, though I never before now thought to expect one.
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Wild Honey,
So yes we did save for 15+ years for this trip, travel is awesome isn’t it, yes you can work and enjoy the world, and yes we are trying to live very frugally and within a budget to make this trip happen. My wife has also worked and had an online business that enables us to travel. We also homeschool and love affording our kids the privelage to learn in the world experiencing it instead of just reading about it. We totally recognize how incredibly privileged we are. The world is an amazing place. I know the optics maybe hard, like you guys have mentioned, and I have done my best to have transparency for those that want it. We have a board, staff, partners who are all in the know about my travels. I am not hiding it on social media. I also submit to their accountability. I don’t decide my salary, I don’t have a voting seat on our board. We have transparency on 990 reporting. What do you want my response to be? Do you have suggestions for how I could do this better?
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Wild Honey,
I also commend you for finding a nonprofit you are passionate about and serving refugees. We have stayed in several refugee quarters in various places around the world so far and I get to call folks from places like Sri Lanka friends. War is a terrible thing and so is poverty. Most of us in the US don’t know what either are really like and I feel a responsibility to try to do my part as seems you do.
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General announcement:
Do not feed trolls.
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Chris Campbell,
“Hey friends, this is Chris Campbell the Executive Director for the 111Project. I welcome accountability and transparency. Glad to visit anyone that wants to schedule a meeting with me. We have been living and working abroad now for 7 months. I have been working very actively during the day, evenings, and even late in the night. Just finished up team meetings that I do weekly and it is almost 1:00am in the morning here in Vietnam. Couple of things I would keep in mind related to this post.”
Hey friend, this is Todd Wilhelm. I don’t have any fancy titles, I’m simply a rock-throwing peasant in the twilight of a mediocre career. But enough about me, let me proceed to your questions.
“1. Is there a profit motive even in this website?”
Dee answered this already. I personally would like to convince her to start an “All In” campaign in an attempt to wring some cash out of our Wartburg Watch readers. I figure we could maybe raise $100 which we would then use to put me up at a Motel 6 in Casa Grande, AZ for a night or two. I promise to write an article and even do a Zoom call, time permitting. A major drawback to my campaign idea is that I’m afraid of heights and the water is cold this time of year.
“2. Is there a desire to actually make things better in the world or just complain about them?”
This is a tired question frequently trotted out by individuals embarrassed by facts. Do you think you are making things better by wasting donations that were meant to help meet the needs of poor people in Oklahoma? No matter how much lipstick you put on that pig it’s not going to make it beautiful.
“No one has reached out to me directly related to this post.”
Is this a Matthew 18 question in disguise? I didn’t see a need to reach out to you. Your SM sites clearly explain that you and your family are traveling the world on some sort of working vacation.
“Is that good journalism?”
Since I have no paid subscribers, apparently not. I’ve never had a class in journalism, so let me ask Julie Roys and get back to you. But you obviously know how tough blogging is. I saw the one entry you made on your “Jonathan Network” blog. You wrote 6 lines and then seemed to have moved on from the venture. ( )
It looks like you made the right call though – there you are in Vietnam watching the beautiful sunsets as you pound out emails to your colleagues back in Tulsa, and here I sit at my desk, typing on my own dime.
“Is that really an example of the faith that is being discussed about on this site?”
Hey friend, that seems to be bordering on judgment and negativity, but I’ll give you a pass since you have been working late into the night. You mentioned it was almost “1:00am in the morning here in Vietnam.” (Just a little tip on journalism, from my untrained self – it’s redundant to say morning when you have told your audience it’s 1:00am, but to risk being redundant myself, it was late and you were tired when you wrote that sentence.) But to answer your question, yes.
“3. If anyone wants to directly help children and families in Oklahoma you can directly donate to any one of our over 200 CarePortal request that are currently active on our platform provided by over 40 agency partners across the state. This last year local churches and community partners have helped over 6000 children and families in the state. I would love to visit with any of you about this ministry.”
I guess this wasn’t really a question, but I’ll comment anyway. You Baptists really like citing numbers. I am glad people are being helped in Oklahoma, but why would I give money to a Christian organization that sends its leader on an 11-month world tour financed by donations? Is that good stewardship of God’s money?
“4. I know many of you may not understand how it is possible to live and work while living abroad.”
I lived and worked overseas for 9 years. My family and I traveled to many countries while there, but we went on my vacation days and paid our own way.
I don’t question the how, I question the why. Any charitable organization that sends the director and his family of seven around the world on a working vacation is a charitable organization I want no part of. I have seen enough abuse and misuse of funds in churches and Christian charities. It’s time for fiscal responsibility to be restored.
“I am humbled by the opportunity to get to do so while still maintaining a role leading an amazing organization in Oklahoma. I will be back in proximity to my team in a few short months and I am excited about that but even when I do, being a steward of the resources given to us means that I do a lot of meetings virtually and online vs in person because Oklahoma is big enough that a 3 hour drive to OKC from Tulsa with the time and cost associated is just not wise.”
Humble, shmumble, enough of your Christianese. And you are going to now attempt to tell me of being a steward of the resources given to your Charity while working from Vietnam? Please!
“I take the financial stewardship of our organization as a high priority. We have a board, submit public financial reports (that anyone can access) which is unlike many churches, have separations of duty to prevent fraudulent activities and corruption, and have an outside accounting firm that manages our finances.”
So you are more fiscally responsible than the church you were formerly a pastor of? I have looked at the latest (2019)111 Tulsa 990 form. (It is the latest available due to IRS backlog.) Who filled that form out? It is the most unprofessional document I have ever seen. It was also received one year late! You were paid $25,000 in 2018 while working an average of 20 hours per week. Total donations were just under $89,000. How much was your total compensation in 2022? I know the CEO of the Global Orphan Project, INC, a Charity which 111 Tulsa, INC has done business with, was compensated nearly $130,000 that same year.
“5. I can do all this because I have an amazing team, church partners, and donors. The only hurt that a post like this does is attempts to tarnish the good work that our team and organization is doing for the state of Oklahoma.”
You have it wrong, friend. This post does good by attempting to wake up the slumbering church. And as far as helping the state of Oklahoma, I have issues with the Church uniting with the State. There was a time when most church leaders did too, but that was prior to them accepting big money from the taxpayers in the form of PPP “loans.”
“Since I have been in this work we have seen the amount of children in foster care go from almost 12,000 children in care to on January 1, 2023 have about 6500 children in care which is the lowest the number has been in almost 20 years. Your post is potentially on harming these children and families not me.”
More numbers? Alex done taught you well, friend. Your last sentence is rather hard to read, but I guess you are saying that my exposing your waste of money donated by hardworking Christians is harming children and families. That’s some twisted logic. I trust you are keeping a detailed record of your expenses on your 11-month world tour. Would you mind emailing me a copy of them after you return to Tulsa? (After all, you said you value transparency and accountability.)
“My personal cell is 9183214171 – feel free to text, call or even personally reach out if you would like to actually talk about any of your concerns. My email is”
I’m happy to continue our online discussion here, friend.
“I know many of you visiting on this site are hurt and broken and jaded by what you read on this website.“
That sentence is partially correct. Many of our readers are hurt, broken, and jaded by spiritually abusive church leadership.
“I want to encourage you that there is a beautiful real hope found in the gospel of Jesus Christ and the church. I get to experience it every week with my amazing team from the stories that we get to tell and share about what God is doing all across our state. Blessings”
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Todd, I am definitely not as winsome as you. I think you will grow tired with the banter from me pretty quick.
1. I have a salary that I get paid for a job that I have to perform. It is pretty simple. I can perform the majority of that job remotely just like I did in COVID. Also due to the 40 counties that we currently serve across Oklahoma a lot of my work is digital. I work different hours depending on what timezone to make sure I am making meetings with agencies, staff, and church leaders and our team. I definitely have some challenges in not being in person for some meetings but for most remote works.
2. Yep I made $25,000 working for 111Tulsa in 2019. It was a salary approved by a board. I received no expense reimbursement. Paid for all my travel, meals, and expenses. We were too small to do anything else. I also got paid $25,000 by 111Project in 2019 for serving as their executive director. The combined salaries afforded me the opportunity to work full time. I think in 2019 we mobilized about 1 million dollars for Oklahoma. So we actually provided a net benefit to the state. I make a little more than this amount now. I continue to make a salary while we live abroad. I offered to my board to go on an unpaid leave of absence, work part time, or maintain full time expectations to make sure all goes well with the work and the organization. They asked me to stay on board and work to get the job done knowing there would be challenges. I think we have done well and am grateful to get to be able to live abroad but maintain leadership of an organization I love and get to do a job I love.
3. So according to IRS rules they don’t require reporting of salaries for executives over a certain amount. It was $100,000 for several years and is now it is something like $120,000 in 2022. I am well below this range. We also use the Oklahoma Center for Non profits salary report to try to maintain compatible salaries for our staff. I am below this range for similar non profits of our size in Oklahoma.
4. Numbers numbers numbers…. The age old question of how and if they matter. Todd, I think they do. In our work they represent a life, a child, a family often which like we heard in a story this week chose to not take their life because somebody saw and intervened in their situation. We don’t discriminate who we serve, we try to help families as best as we can, and we often do that by mobilizing resources beyond a dollar amount that ends up actually having a multiplier effect. If the government could solve the foster care crisis they would have already done that in the 100 year history of federal child welfare. We believe the church has a role to play in helping provide safe and loving homes and in serving families when they want and need help.
5. Global Orphan is a great organization. They have several for profit businesses owned by the charity that provide jobs for families in Kansas City and Haiti. These jobs keep families together verse causing them to be broken a part. Since poverty is one of the major causes of neglect this is really a good solution but it takes some experienced folks to run it. They also are the creators of CarePortal and have a pretty robust team dedicated to building the platform. They have some heavy hitters in leadership who have left pretty significant for profit roles. The organization has been privately funded for many years by a small group of affluent donors. Who’s for me to tell those folks how to pay the staff of the charity they have funded and started. I don’t think the salary is out of line for the size and scope of the organization they run.
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Oh forgot to answer your question about our travel expenses. First of all this comes out of my salary and savings and I have no expenses being paid for by our organization. We have a really good excel file going keeping track of our expenses. For example, so far our travel expenses for buses, planes, and such have worked out around $2500/person for a family of 7. For example, that includes a recently purchased United Flight for $260 from Tokyo to LAX one way. As I stated before our accommodations have averaged $50-60 per night for a family of 7. You can do the math on that but ultimately it is going to work out to $1500-1800 a month. Other than food we don’t have many expenses.
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Lee Watson,
Lee thanks so much. I echo what you are sharing here. OKDHS staff work tirelessly and they are definitely folks we want to celebrate and honor. They work hard and do their best in very hard circumstances. We actually compare our salaries to OKDHS staff and try to make them comparable. This last year we partnered with about 700 different case workers and supervisors on serving directly their families.
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Mr. Campbell,
Thank you for clarifying the “madness” with your response to Lee’s blog post. He had so much more to say about the heroes at OK DHS vs. your situation. Yet, you glossed right over his valid points. Very pollyannish Mr. Campbell.
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Well, if nothing else, he will probably think twice now about posting such pics, while his ministry colleagues are slaving away in the trenches of Oklahoma. There is wisdom in the Scripture “do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”
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I have no power except tp be able to post something on this website. I’m allowing you to speak your case but it is getting tricky when you use tired memes like “hurt people hurt people.” If you want to influence me, try harder and look at your method of communication because I am beginning to think that we have kicked over one more hornet’s nest.
Speak your truth clearly and, as hard as it is for you, try to be sweet. Remember, Jesus was able to be kind when under pressure.
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… and have developed, through that experience, a keen eye and discerning ear for abuse of one sort or another elsewhere in the church. TWW commenters who have been through such pain have stepped into the gap to inform and warn others about blindly trusting church leaders. Unfortunately, things are often not what they seem in the American church. Believer, beware.
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Last night I advised against feeding trolls. In the true fashion of one who has been misled by TWW, I now say bring it! The guy has all day and all night to respond in excruciating detail.
He implies that we are all manipulated by this post, which is “potentially … harming these children and families not me.” Then he asks for money, with a touch of shaming:
“If anyone wants to directly help children and families in Oklahoma you can directly donate to any one of our over 200 CarePortal request [sic] …”
Where did he learn to induce an already manipulated group to send money to his named cause? Oh, hang on, he got me! Sign me up! Where can I send all my current and future funds? I’m sure they’ll want donations from people who can’t think straight.
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… a worn out shallow psychological phrase intended to deflect from the problem at hand
Lots of hurt people show up on this website to bring healing to others. Folks who have been hurt and betrayed by church leaders perhaps suffer more than any other. When they come out on the other side of that dark valley, they becomes champions of the faith … it may be hell in the hallway, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel (His name is Jesus!).
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Well, he hasn’t asked us to jump off a cliff yet to be “All In” … but he would probably like to this morning.
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Dee still trying to be kind over here, I actually respect the work that you are trying to do just don’t love the tactics. I am glad to try to be transparent as I am not trying to hide behind false psuedo names or go after people personally without having facts. The only reason I got brought over here is someone reached specifically out for a response directly on our website. Then also someone under a private anonymous account then also tried to post on my personal public Instagram calling into question my lack of transparency all pointing me back to this site. What do you call this? Maybe it is not people associated with you or Todd?
Here is from my instagram from user @plain_truth_at_bc “Bad look for care portal!
Then from this Harold in a direct email that went to our organization “What’s the deal with Chris Campbell being on an around the world trip and running 111 and care portal? Check out the Wartburg watch article on him!
Is this some cruel joke? Care portal is a VERY important service and y’all are making a joke of it by having this dude tripping around the world with his large family and rcving a paycheck.
Ever hear of a sabbatical? How must this look to the secular world?
Do y’all have a board of directors??
What is your definition of Bullying? Some would say it is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. Looks like you guys have made a platform out of it.
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Mr. Campbell,
Regarding Harold’s comments, looks like they referred to accountability in regards to a non-profit and his concern for “a VERY important service” care portal.
He left a remark on your Instagram about your work abroad tagged to that beautiful picture of you abroad. Moreover, he expressed his concern to 111 project.
That’s accountability, not bullying. Revisit your definition of bullying, none of those actions were engaged in by Harold or the Wartburg Watch.
Enjoy your travels.
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Didn’t that phrase originate as a SEXUAL Pickup Line?
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Plus an Excuse-Machine phrase of Abusers and Sociopaths casting Pity Me Pity Me.
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Wasn’t there a Celebrity ManaGAWD who would hand his Elders a glass of Poison and order them to drink it as a Loyalty Test?
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Damage control is always a priority.
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Chris Campbell,
Mr Campbell, you are making assumptions, again. I volunteer for a public school, not a nonprofit serving refugees. And what about this blog gave you the impression that those of us here don’t also have friends from all over the world or don’t also have knowledge of poverty and/or war?
As for hiding behind pseudonyms, maybe it is because some of us have been badly burned by spiritual leaders who have abused their positions of authority when knowing someone’s name:
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The optics stink.
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Well said.
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I think that is why you are having trouble; when you enter into a conversation with those you don’t know, go slow. You asked if this blog is all about power or influence. You needed to ask this question because you didn’t take the time to figure me out. If you take a few minutes, you will find out why I started this blog, which has nothing to do with power and influence. I started this blog when no one here except for one or two was reading. Now, I would be called an abuse advocate.
This is my point. You make statements when it is evident that you didn’t take a minute to understand. You jumped in and made assumptions, which is why you have not convinced people.
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To Chris:
Wild Honey has spoken up well (several times) and so has Bruce. You tried to appear to agree with Lee without accepting his main points. Where you stuck your knife in me, like those hat wearing “catholic boys”, is by characterising the likes of me as some species of losers or leftovers. Is this a person pretending to be Chris Campbell and not you at all?
I have followed your wavering, unprofessional “arguments” all over the place which frequently centre on an attitude of superiority over those of us who saw something wrong with various situations which, to your mind, haven’t impacted you adversely enough yet. Your line has been mostly offensively defensive.
As an ordinary wouldbe pew sitter I am encouraged by this site and maybe many non-commenters are also? As a former preacher you have surely noticed the lack of prayerfulness among most denominations during the last half century or more, impacting morale and method in the christian scene and wider society.
You belatedly cited that you are self funding your travels, which you should have offered first as straight clarification. And after that you again cast aspersions. You detracted from good by investing in imputing of motives as a shoddy PR move (for an ex-preacher). Hence an “own goal” by organisations you act for.
As I read it in a nutshell you need to criticise all commercialised pressurising of religion attenders (from which a cut is taken) by your recent high pressure religion that has ties with a finance expert with knowledge of the misuse of written off loans. This will NOT equate to biting the hand that feeds the needy. And then your expenses and / or reimbursement will be seen in their rightful place.
Another thing about the monies flowing through your various organisations: the “small group of wealthy donors” makes the high pressuring of religion attenders by your ex-chief pastor redundant surely?
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Thank you, Wild Honey, for providing the link to your blog post The Feedback My Pastor Labeled “Possibly Aggressive” (or How NOT to Respond to Solicited Feedback).
I thought the feedback you provided on your form regarding the possibility of moving the church location was really well done — and far more feedback (including suggestions) than many other people would’ve written.
And when when you wrote (later in your post) that the pastor replied that your feedback could’ve been perceived as “possibly aggressive”, my comment (to myself) was along the lines of (and no offence to anyone intended, it’s a not-meant-derogatorily saying I’ve used for many years) “Seriously? What kind of glue was he sniffing?”.
When you wrote:
….I laughed….I doubt the pastor would’ve understood the irony.
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Dear Wartburg Watch,
I received an email from CarePortal and the Global Orphan Project today saying that someone named JG reached out to CarePortal with this concern about me.
I just read an article about Mr. Chris Campbell and Care portal in Oklahoma on the Wartburg watch. So this guy is running care portal while on an 11-month global trip with his large family?
How does that work?
“How much is your organization paying this guy? And how does this look to the community? We have OK DHS workers who couldn’t imagine a global vacation destination and Mr. Campbell is on an 11 month trip while running care portal in OK, FL, and GA???
Not a great look for your valuable care portal project.
I am not personally paid anything by CarePortal but do serve as director for CarePortal in Oklahoma which 111Project independently fundraises. As I stated before I receive a salary approved by a board and am paying for this trip out of my own personal funds. I am living and working abroad while I travel.
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I received an email from CarePortal and the Global Orphan Project today saying that someone named JG reached out to CarePortal with this concern about me.
I am not personally paid anything by CarePortal but do serve as director for CarePortal in Oklahoma which 111Project independently fundraises. As I stated before I receive a salary approved by a board and am paying for this trip out of my own personal funds. I am living and working abroad while I travel.
Dear Mr. Campbell,
Thanks for sharing the contents of your email from Care Portal with us. It sounds like “JG” is a concerned citizen from Oklahoma who had understandable concerns that he wanted addressed. I applaud JG’s efforts.
Other than that, I don’t believe your comment broke any new ground. Feel free to comment anytime.
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Wasn’t “Ticket to Paradise” also the title of a pop song whose lyrics (what I remember of them) sound like an extended pickup line?