Leanne and Raggy
“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but we can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” ― Robert F. Kennedy
There are a few necessary graphic details in the following post.
This is one of those times to rejoice. When Leanne called me three years ago, she asked me a life-changing question. Would I be willing to post the audio of a call she made to a Methodist minister who molested her 45 years ago? In this remarkable recording, we heard Raggy confessing to what he did to her so many years ago. (It was a legally recorded call.)
Look up to the picture at the top of this post. Look at that beautiful little girl. Now, look at the man who molested her with his big cross. He was a fake—a man who used his position to harm Leanne.
He forgot about one thing. Leanne would grow up to be quite a woman. She is a nurse-midwife working in Appalachia. He may have forgotten about what he did, but she didn’t. LeAnne learned that Mississippi does not have a statute of limitations regarding the molestation of young children. She decided to go for it over four decades later. She hoped that the publication of this phone call might jumpstart the wheels of justice. I was happy to help her in this way.
The back story and the phone call.
In 2019, I wrote: Decades Later, Leanne Kay Confronted Her Abuser and Recorded the Remarkable Conversation. The following is an excerpt that includes the phone call. It would help if you listened to it. Wade Burleson told me that he had never heard anything quite like it. I agreed.
(Begin excerpt)
When LeAnne was 10 years old, in 1974-1975, Dural R. “Raggy” Ragsdale became the youth minister at Iuka United Methodist Church in Iuka, Mississippi. For a period of time, he lived in LeAnne’s home and proceeded to molest her between 15-and 20 times allegedly.
After that time, he continued to serve as a Methodist minister in Mississippi for 30 years. He also was the Director of the Wesley Foundation at Mississippi State University. Then, a few years ago, he was forced to leave his position at Porter’s Chapel UMC when he was unwilling to give up his YouTube channel, where he is known as *Uncle Raggy.*
Apparently, the Statute of Limitations in Mississippi does not apply in this instance, and more will be forthcoming in another post.
The Telephone Call: Must Hear
On 12/6/2002, LeAnne got up the courage to confront her alleged molester by telephone. (This is about 27 years later.) She could legally record the conversation since Mississippi is a one-party consent state.
This is a remarkable phone call. LeAnne got up the courage to confront Raggy, and he confessed what he did to her. LeAnne stays strong in the call, often telling Raggy to stop talking and listen to her.
In my 10 years of blogging, I’ve never encountered such a clear recording between an alleged abuser and his courageous victim.
Please take the time to listen. I promise you will not regret it. I’ve also attached a transcript of the call at the end of the post.
LeAnne’s call to Raggy
(End excerpt.)
Raggy got arrested and blamed 10-year-old Leanne for the molestations!
The wheels of justice began moving because Leanne, with the help of Mark Belenchia, continued to press for an arrest. Approximately 10 months later, Raggy was arrested. I wrote about this 45 years later, Leanne Kay Gets Mississippi Law Enforcement to Arrest “Uncle Raggy,” a Methodist Minister Who Abused Her When She Was 10 Years Old!

Raggy’s arrest
We call him “Uncle Raggy” because that is the name he used to refer to himself on YouTube with his rather concerning (!) ukelele lessons, which have since been removed.
This post covered a great deal. For example, Raggy decided to blame 10-year-old Leanne for the molestation! He told the Clarion-Ledger :
“I can’t prove I didn’t, but I didn’t,” he said. “There’s no Bill Clinton dress that I did but, god, what a horrible thing to have to say or reference.”
Then, he threw a grenade, claiming that Leanne actually did it to him because she was a *curious* child.(He said), “it only happened once,” before offering an initial description of the events.
“I woke up with the feeling of warm breath in my very private area because that will wake you up and, when I woke up, I realized that she had her head down there and there did not appear to be anything happening but I could feel the breath,” he said.
“So I reached down and got both of her shoulders and I lifted her to eye level and I said, ‘LeAnne, you know, that can’t be done. You can’t do that, we can’t do that but when you get a little older, like 17, 18, whatever, you’re going to start dating and you’ll find a guy —you guys might do that and you’ll have a lot of fun with it and enjoy it but that’s not something we can do.”
He first said it may have happened on “accident.” Then, he said, it may have happened because the child was “curious.”
While he initially denied intimate physical contact, as he talked, he said it was possible his penis was in the child’s mouth that night.
Then he appeared to attempt suicide and landed in the hospital for a few days but recovered amazingly fast. I quote my own words since I was the one who investigated the report of the attempt.
Raggy had allegedly attempted suicide via a car in a garage and carbon monoxide. He landed in an ICU. Needless to say, this action was a bit disconcerting to me. However, a short time later, Raggy was released. He was well enough to begin deleting all of the YouTube videos. Leanne was way too smart for this Methodist pastor/ukulele player and made sure she had downloaded evidence of all of them.
Finally, on 04/11/22, Raggy pled guilty and was sentenced.
The following is a report from Leanne.
Raggy pled guilty in open court. He did an Alford plea so he did not have to admit to the details of the crime but he had to answer “guilty” to the question “How do you plea?”
His official senetnace is 10 years with 10 years suspended. He will have 5 years with ankle monitoring.
He will have to register as a sex offender for the t=rest of his life.
He cannot leave the state or stay overnight at any other address with goiving a 7 day notice to his probation officer.
If he violates any part of the terrms for probation, the judge said he would not hesitate to send him to prison to serve each day of his 10 year sentence.
LeAnne gives a powerful victim’s statement to the court. She reveals some further disturbing observations of Ragsdale’s life.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI vs. Dural Reece Ragsdale
Cause No. CR19-165/Tishomingo County
Submitted by Glenda LeAnne Kay, Victim
The impact of Dural Reece’s “Raggy” Ragsdale’s year-long sexual abuse of me when I was 10 years-old has been life-long and profound. He was our youth minister at Iuka United Methodist Church and was also entrusted to live in our home, even while he attended seminary, which makes the abuse especially egregious. I have spent a life time fighting for my well-being after what he did to me. I have pursued healthy ways to process the trauma and pain which has allowed me to thrive and be successful in spite of what he did to me.
I could write pages about the impact of the crimes he committed against me, about the night terrors and panic attacks, but instead, I would rather tell you why I am standing here today. I not only want to tell you what he did to me, so you can understand what he is capable of, I want to tell you about what has motivated me, after all these years, to pursue criminal charges against him. The public deserves to know the capabilities of this predator, taking advantage of his position of trust, the same type position of trust he has held as an ordained Methodist minister from community-to-community across Mississippi, until his retirement in 2013. My purpose is to stop him from hurting anyone else.
To begin with, he was bold enough to molest me under the quilt on the couch just a few feet away from my parents. While laying on the couch in our den watching TV, he would pull one leg up and use it as a barrier to hide what he was doing to me under the quilt at the other end of the couch. He would run his big toe in and out of my mouth and use his foot to fondle my breasts while he simultaneously carried on conversations with my parents. This abuse was an extension of the abuse that he carried out routinely in other locations, including his vehicle, but especially after my parents went to sleep at night. He would come to the back hallway couch where I slept, lay my head in his lap while he watched the TV that was a part of the sitting area. There he fondled my breasts, my genitalia, and then gradually progressed to routinely pushing his penis in and out of my mouth. This was his routine. A 26/27-year-old grown man, our youth minister, doing this to a 10-year-old, innocent little girl, me.
One late night, while he was doing these horrible things to me, he was almost caught by my father. He hurriedly packed up & left the next day. Within a week, he began making a series of harassing phone calls to me, knowing I was home alone while my parents were at work, as this was our family’s routine. He breathed heavily into the phone and made the same moaning sounds he made when he was molesting me. He whispered that if I told anyone, my family would be harmed. The fright that I felt as a 10-year-old little girl was unbearable. I felt like everyone in my family was going to die and it would be my fault. He guaranteed my silence as he frightened me into not telling my parents what he had done to me. More than wanting you to understand the impact these crimes had on me, I want you to understand the sadistic capabilities of this predator to prey on his victims. He was already a bold, insatiable, & skilled predator over 40 years ago preying on an innocent 10-year-old girl.
It was in November, 2015, that the full burden of the abuse resurfaced when I discovered disturbing videos Mr. Ragsdale was producing on YouTube. In these videos, he began each one with “Hello Kiddies,” and announced his “password” while referring to himself as “Uncle Raggy.” As I watched his network of followers grow from 10 to 25k, my nightmares from my childhood began all over again. I discovered his channel’s disturbingly sexualized kiddie themes and banter among him and his followers under the guise of being a ukulele tutorial channel. Since I made this discovery nearly 7 years ago, I have relentlessly pursued trying to stop this prolific predator from hurting any more children. Within a week after my discovery of his videos, I reported him to the MS Attorney General’s Internet Crimes Against Children division. Based on the thousands of YouTube video images and the highly suspicious commentary with his 25k followers, I believe his YouTube channel, that has since shut down, was serving as a store front for live streaming child sexual abuse on the dark web and it is my sincerest belief that he is an evolving, aggressive child predator and if not held accountable there is no limit to the harm he is capable of causing.
One particular video, uploaded just a few years ago, was of him grooming an innocent 11-year-old girl from Las Vegas. This video was created in his dark, soundproof recording studio, behind his home in Vicksburg, with a candlelit skull in the background. This is an image I will never get out of my head. This little girl was not only the same age as I was, she had the same physical characteristics, looking almost identical to me, at that age. The games he used in that video to manipulate her innocence, to encourage her to talk and sing to his audience, is the same type games he used to groom me. Further disturbing discoveries included him bragging online to his fellow “old geezer” club members about multiple code words embedded in the commentary, passwords for the day, whether or not “Louie the Frog” was in the studio, and times he would be live streaming. Keep in mind, he only uploaded recorded videos on YouTube. He did not livestream on YouTube. The Attorney General’s office confirmed to me that his activity was highly suspicious as a means for linking others to the dark web where pedophiles livestream abusive content. They advised me to pursue charges against him as a starting place to investigate his suspicious activity.
The topic of one of his disturbing videos was a young boy, who appeared to be no more than 6-7 years old, for which he described as already being a “professional” video maker, in his words “at a ripe young age.” He further bragged to his audience that this young boy took requests and he encouraged his followers to support the young boy’s YouTube channel. These are just a few examples of Mr. Ragsdale’s videos and online activity.
I suspect these videos are a part of the reason that, in 2013, a group of parishioners at Porter’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Vicksburg, along with the District Superintendent from Jackson, gave Reverend Ragsdale an ultimatum to give up his YouTube channel or retire and give up his church. The Reverend Ragsdale posted a YouTube video of himself preaching his last sermon in a YouTube T-shirt, as he arrogantly commented and grinned to his YouTube followers. He accepted the full benefits of retirement. It was then, unfettered from the pretense of being a full-time minister, that a historical review of his videos revealed him producing darker and darker images and speaking more freely in the comment section about code word meanings, arranging meetings, and updating followers on passwords to upcoming sessions. He even revealed his coding that indicated which followers were “one of them,” and “could be trusted.” Their coded sexual talk about “young talent” filled the comment sections with alarming descriptions of his wife’s piano students coming by, recent or upcoming live streaming events on what they referred to as “Old Geezer Tours” as he and one of his closest YouTubers travelled with “Louie the Frog” from Texas to Mississippi to Florida. He talked of arranging meetings with young musicians, and mailing mementos and polaroid pictures to each other from other countries. He had followers from around the world including the UK and Australia. One particular exchange was focused around Mr. Ragsdale meeting a self-described minor with a follower who was using an alias for a convicted pedophile from a nearby town in Louisiana.
The most alarming part of his commentary, for me, was when he described to his followers, scenarios that were very similar to what he did to me. He bragged that his wife was right beside him watching TV and that he had her approval as he performed these acts, for over 2 hours, with a female friend of the family, who was on the couch with him. This same young adult female appeared medically vulnerable with a flat affect in his videos. As a health-care provider, I was alerted to her potential status as a vulnerable adult. His comments to his buddies included, “eat your heart out,” and “don’t you wish you were me,” and “giggles and grins,” as he described having her head in his lap, the exact same way he used to put my head in his lap. I was able to reach out to this girl’s family and had my suspicions that she is a vulnerable adult confirmed. They had no idea he was making videos of her and uploading them online where she was being sexualized. Her family member had been routinely running criminal background checks on Mr. Ragsdale because of her bad feeling about him. Like his abuse of me, he first gained the trust of her parents. These video images and suspicious commentary, along with knowing what he is capable of, is what has fueled my motivation to do my part to stop him. My pursuit of his indictment for the crimes he committed against me has already helped protect a young innocent vulnerable girl from further exploitation by this predator.
Your Honor, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to tell what this predator did to me as a child, so that I can demonstrate, to this court and to the public, what Raggy Ragsdale is capable of doing. Also, my hope is that by me telling my story it will give other victims the courage to come forward if they so choose. I want to thank DA Weddle and his staff, and especially ADA Robbins, for your honorable service to our community in this matter.
Glenda LeAnne Kay
Final Thoughts
LeAnne persisted. Raggy had done what he did, but he couldn’t have imagined that LeAnne would pursue him through the decades to find justice. This little girl grew up and would not give up. She has thanked me for being willing to post the audio of her phone call to Raggy. I am grateful that she asked me to do so. It’s easy to get discouraged when I write about abuse. For many, justice isn’t obtained. Even in this instance, I wish Raggy had been sent to prison for the rest of his life. But his life has been ruined long after he thought he got away with it. His name is now in humanity’s gutter, along with the other people who molest children.
I plan to call the Methodist Church to inquire about his undeserved pension. I have not had success with my interactions with the denomination. I hope this time they might consider my thoughts.
My mother moved back to her Assisted Living facility today. In February, I had hoped to plan a trip to see LeAnne’s work as a midwife. So I hope to plan that trip again. She has no idea how much she has touched my life in the last few years. She has become a hero to me. I’m not sure I would have had the stamina to keep this up through so many long years. She has given me hope that some who pursue justice may find it. Sometimes, there is just enough light to carry on.
Thank you, LeAnne. My heart feels a bit lighter today. Maybe it’s finally time to reconsider the black rose bouquet. (This is my insider joke with LeAnne that makes me smile.)
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There can be justice… or at least some semblance of justice..
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I hope he does something trivially stupid and gets to spend the next 10 years behind bars.
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Was this in the post and I missed it?
This being, have other victims come forward?
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That is my big question. Just how many others has he done stuff like this to?
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Read the victim impact statement.
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So Uncle Raggy finally got his ass nailed.
Went back to this blog’s original coverage, and that guy was One WEIRD Dude.
“Just like Jimmy Saville, Except CHRISTIAN(TM)!”
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LeAnne, you are a woman of great courage.
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The strength and courage it took for you to face that monster..I have a new hero..
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I hope LeAnne’s courage is infectious. We need more of it to go around.
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There is so much of this pretend jokey, ambiguous talk, and has been throughout my life, on TV, in schools, churches, and videos.
There is real fun somewhere and that wasn’t it.
When I was 14 (53 years ago) teachers told us we should consider “having” sex outside marriage. This was authority, this was not our private light hearted playground tittle tattle.
Now look at all the girls and boys. And the heavy mechanical spirit of all authorities in all walks.
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Michael in UK,
I met a traumatised BBC (studio) cameraman.
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The call was heartbreaking to hear her. She’s a wonderful woman and very strong. Thank you Dee for posting her story. It is so encouraging.
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I’m so proud of you mama bear!
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The victim impact statement is jaw dropping with regard to the evil of this “pastor”. If this isn’t a monster wolf in sheep’s clothing, what is?
“Courage is found in unlikely places.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
Yes, indeed.
God bless you, Dee, for your work with LeAnne. God bless LeAnne. God help each of the survivors.
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HUG, have you watched the doc?
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“Uncle Raggy” still sounds like the name of a sleazy kid’s show host from a Saturday Night Live parody.
And don’t forget his soundproofed studio with blackout curtains on all the windows. (Not to mention the spooky decor.) To paraphrase Alien:
“In Unca Raggy’s Studio
no one can hear you Scream”.
P.S. Who the hell is “Louie the Frog”?
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I’m not sure I’m reading this right:
“I suspect these videos are a part of the reason that, in 2013, a group of parishioners at Porter’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Vicksburg, along with the District Superintendent from Jackson, gave Reverend Ragsdale an ultimatum to give up his YouTube channel or retire and give up his church.”
So he posted videos of himself sexually abusing vulnerable women and talking about molesting children, his church finally learned about this, and the church said in effect, “We want you to stop posting your videos or we will have to ask you to retire.” I know things are bad but has it come down to, “Just stop with the videos and you can continue to be pastor.”
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This is a beautiful story and it gives me hope, also. May Our Lord bless you, Dee, and LeAnne.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
I agree..
There were warning bells going off for how many “decades”???
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“… look at the man … He was a fake …”
When I was a kid, my father warned me about “preachers” who dyed their hair black (he called it preacher-hair), kept their shirts unbuttoned to their navels, and wore gold choker chains (in Raggy’s case, the biggest cross he could find). He said that such preachers were most likely fake. I know we are not supposed to judge folks by their outward appearance, but Raggy had the look.
I’m not sure what Dad would say about some of the impostors who are in the pulpit today – you probably wouldn’t want to hear it. He also told me when I struck out on my own that if I ever got on a bus and found out it was going the wrong way, to get off at the first stop. I’ve used that bit of wisdom over the years to bail out of various wrong trips in life, including some bad church experiences. Get off at the first stop!
It’s good to see that justice is being handed out to Mr. Ragsdale on earth before he is greeted in eternity with a millstone inscribed “Uncle Raggy”.
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“Mississippi does not have a statute of limitations regarding the molestation of young children”
No State should have a statute of limitations on child sexual abuse.
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Wolves in sheep’s clothing? Nah, the wolves have found it better to dress in shepherd’s clothing.
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I don’t know which is scarier … pulpits like this or pews that support them! Actors would have no stage if it weren’t for an audience willing to buy tickets to the show.
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Having watched the videos, I can say that they do not show people being molested. However, the innuendo was noticeable. The Methodist church has been rather unresponsive in some situations that I have been involved with.
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Jeffrey Chalmers,
The videos are so creepy. leAnne downloaded all of them before they removed after his “suicide” attempt.
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And not Wolves but feral junkyard dogs.
Wolves have more class than that.
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Plausible Deniability through Indirection:
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THAT is the uniform of an Eighties Disco Lounge Lizard!
Cruising the Discos for One-Night Stand after One-Night Stand!
Only difference is his chest hair would be dyed to match his hair and there’d be a cocaine spoon dangling from those gold chains!
Max, you really should have spent more time outside the Baptist Bubble.
If you were familiar with outside cultural history, you would have recognized the parallel at a glance:
“Just like a Cruisy Disco Lounge Lizard, Except CHRISTIAN(TM)!!!”
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Uncle Raggy is BEYOND Creepy.
To the point of Creepiness animating a body.
Even his handle “Unca Raggy” sounds like a parody of a creepy children’s show host.
Add clown makeup and you’ve got Pennywise and/or John Wayne Gacy.
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In case you have not seen it, bad news for the SBC again: https://julieroys.com/tx-youth-pastor-child-abuse-victims-come-forward/
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And some of what he indicated himself went on in some of the videos are described in the comment section of the original post. The fact that a great many of them apparently were actually recorded in the church office and were evidently available on his channel in 2019 was quite something. How many people are doing the most basic things as far as oversight, let alone the denominational / parachurch structures that should also be doing such sort of things like checking what has been posted by someone in his position?
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In the second photo, he looks less Lounge and more Lizard.
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Oh Lord … during my long journey through the American church, I’ve spent time not only in the Baptist Bubble, but the Calvinistic Bubble, the Charismatic Bubble, the Contemporary Bubble, and the Pentecostal Bubble. I could write a book! (and have given Wartburgers glimpses of what would be in it)
Come Lord Jesus … the thing we call “church” is a mess!
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… when women, children, and POC don’t have a voice while “theology” taught & marketed & believed & followed & “quoted from Scripture” backs this up.
Raggedy the Pervert Predatory Pedo “Pastor” is the outcome of this systematic selective silencing.
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I attended the iuka united methodist church in the nineteen seventies I saw an new ragging Ragsdale what a hippocrite I was a member of a sharing group I left iuka in 1979 an returned in 2021 all the members were divorced not that I not a against divorced but they were all hippocrites
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And total deniability via silencing of victims.
When persons (POC, or due to gender [women, girls] or age [children, minors, elderly]) are denied their voices, victims are created.
Predators see a hunting ground.
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I was thinking about the last post, and the “drive by” that some called “Dan” about how the post and comments did not even mention “Jesus”… do..,.
“I am the light of the world…..” John 8:12….
(Jesus’ words). The remainder/context of this well known verse is that Christ and his followers are to “live in the “light””
IMHO this is what TWW is about…. Shine light on the darkness of abuse, especially kiddie sexual abuse…
I thank “Dan” for motivating me to stare this!!!!
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It should be what all of Christendom is about when it comes to abuse, especially abuse by the pulpit! The abused must be prioritized … the abusers must be exposed. Victims must be ministered to … predators must be cast out.
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It’s how this started. I watched a church mishandle, in my opinion, the abuse of over 13 teen boys. It changed me forever.
Jesus said that those who hurt these little ones will be cast into the abyss. I always think about that.
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Those words should be on a large banner hanging in every church.
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From the OP:
“My mother moved back to her Assisted Living facility today. In February, I had hoped to plan a trip to see LeAnne’s work as a midwife. So I hope to plan that trip again. She has no idea how much she has touched my life in the last few years. She has become a hero to me. I’m not sure I would have had the stamina to keep this up through so many long years. She has given me hope that some who pursue justice may find it. Sometimes, there is just enough light to carry on.”
(Bold added by me.)
If — hopefully when — you go to visit LeAnne, safe journey, stay safe, and be well.
Thank you for the update on your mother – I hope her move back to her Assisted Living facility means things are going better for your mother. 🙂
And, Dee, the words you write about LeAnne — “She has no idea how much she has touched my life in the last few years.” — you and the TWW commenters have touched my life for at least the last few years. And you and the TWW commenters have often been the people who’ve given me just enough light to carry on.
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I’m wondering if child sex abuse is more prevalent in fundagelical culture than in other religious groups.
Has anybody done the numbers?
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He looks good in orange. Much more so in the 2nd picture than the 1st.
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I have a friend who grew up in a local Methodist-run children’s home after her parents abandoned her. At age 11 she was molested repeatedly by a Methodist minister associated with the home. She was not his only victim. Nothing ever happened to him, partly because his vulnerable, traumatized victims — who had already been rejected by parents and guardians — were terrified of authority figures and afraid to report the abuse.
The minister went on to prominence in the regional Methodist church.
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My message to Porter’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Vicksburg: What. The. Hell??!!! You knew 10 years ago that he had a YouTube channel boldly flying a million pedophile red flags and you quietly “retired” him without tipping off law enforcement??? What the hell is wrong with you??!
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“Do not hurry to lay hands on anyone [ordaining and approving someone for ministry or an office in the church, or in reinstating expelled offenders], and thereby share in the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.” (1 Timothy 5:22 AMP)
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Thank God. Praise Jesus.
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I thought I knew Raggy. I met him at Camp Lake Stephens when I was in high school. Then when I attended college, I discovered he was the preacher at a tiny little Methodist church. I began attending and met the beautiful and talented girl he would eventually marry. Since all this has come to light, all I want to do is reconnect with her and mourn the guy we thought we knew. Their poor children! Did he molest them? All the innocent people who thought he was a man of God and now we find that he was sick beyond belief. I am reeling…
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We really need each other to carry on, don’t we? I am so glad you are here with us and I pray that you will enjoy the Light of the World this weekend.
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So happy that LeAnne has achieved this. Thanks be to God for some semblance of justice, for her and for (perhaps) countless others.
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When we see that the icon projected on the big screen is in reality a diminutive perverted pedo-predator thug behind a curtain.
It’s why we need the HS gift of discernment recognized and in full engagement in church. Does the HS endow this gift? The Bible, Word of God, says so. Do those running the church acknowledge this? No.
Pastors and donors, the two prominent gifts in our churches that make the wheels go ’round, do not want this gift.
The head of our (former) church board had a mistress.
The current church social contract in place says we want to be told what to do (we can’t figure that out on our own with God, being the myth), and we want our pockets emptied ($$ put to “good use” being myth #2).
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
As a youngish child I would burst into tears on seeing clown makeup. Then I got “socialised” into accepting real anomalies.
I thought I had to tolerate and humour authority when they imposed this warped ideology on us 14 year olds (at secular school).