Peter Newman Mug Shor
We’re not in an information age anymore. We’re in the information management age. –Chris Hardwick
I need to speak to anyone who has information regarding the above. It is really important. Our conversation will be confidential. dee@thewartburgwatch.com
For our readers, you will see why this is important in the near future.
For those of you who are wondering about this, please refer to these posts.
- Fellowship Memphis Should Contact Families With Children Who Attended During Peter Newman’s Alleged Tenure
- Peter Newman, Serving 35 Years for Molestations at Kamp Kanakuk, Was Allegedly Hired by Fellowship Memphis While Awaiting Trial
Thank you all!!!
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From the OP: “We’re not in an information age anymore. We’re in the information management age.”
I would agree with that….
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Are Baptist connections involved here? I’m not very familiar with these institutions mentioned. If so, please enter them in Baptist Accountability database of abusers and enablers. baptistaccountability.org Spreading the word can help us find valuable information to help protect children.