“I wouldn’t say I invented tacky, but I definitely brought it to its present high popularity.” Bette Midler
Hi Folks
I’m down at Wrightsville Beach for a short holiday. I will be home tomorrow evening. In the meantime, remember when Pete claimed he was soooooo tired that he needed a break and immediately joined the rather interesting A Group along with his BFF, Jordyn? Remember when he divorced Brandi Wilson, his loyal wife of many years? Remember when Cross Pointe Church elders thought that I wasn’t telling the truth about Pete’s resignation? And this is the guy who is the long-distance pastor Northridge Church? Good choice, church…. (Remember, their names are both Wilson, both before and after their marriage.)
Well, bless their dear hearts. After breaking up Pete’s family, Jordyn and he broke the hearts of the Wilson children and got married. You, too, can contribute to their registry. They desperately need champagne glasses.
This couple has been married before. I presume they both had registries and both received all sorts of gifts. Now, after breaking up their families, they want you all to buy them stuff again. Totally tacky!!!!
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What’s the problem?! Don’t you know that deception is status quo in this corner of Christendom?! It didn’t take a prophet to see through this scheme. God help the children.
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If I thought it wasn’t too classy for them I’d just tell ‘em to drink moonshine out of a mason jar.
If they really need champagne glasses, they can go get plastic ones for themselves cheap at The Dollar Store.
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In England I see quite a lot of church officers in small and medium size churches spend energy promoting brand names, associations or “streams” (and back slapping) and not Jesus in our lives.
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We prefer sweet tea here, mason jar works great (recycled from store bought spaghetti sauce), with ice. Lots of ice. Slice of lemon.
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Michael in UK,
Really? Can you give me an example or two? The Anglican church I go to in Hampshire is clearly missing this trend.
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I’ve been using cheap wine glasses from the local Salvation Army thrift store for rooting small cuttings in water. I imagine that champagne glasses would work fine, as long as one didn’t try to use champagne instead of water.
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This is becoming far too common-place and no longer raises the eyebrows that it once did (and should continue to do)
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Don’t forget they need linen napkins and a towel rack too.
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Second thought – a wedding registry for the re-married couple should be no surprise. Pete has long ago demonstrated that he has no sense of shame.
I bet their vows included the words “‘…For as long as we both shall live” and no one thought twice about it.
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So sad if people can’t see through his lies. Jordyn was his assistant at Cross Point. She gets a divorce while working for Pete and then follows him to A Group. Who are they trying to fool with this attempt to make it all seem so right? Not the kind of man I would want to be the leader in my church. Not the kind of woman I would want to be around either. So many lives damaged because of their selfishness.
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Oh, there’s a pandemic of that in the U.S.!! A big-time outbreak of brands and back slapping here, too! The authority and influence of Christ is waning in the American church.
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I was just gonna’ say, some folks got no shame whatsoever.
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Tacky is the nice word. Chutzpah is another word that I think is appropriate when a “pastor” and his cutie pie want other Christians to buy them gifts to celebrate breaking vows and hearts. Emily Post’s book might be an appropriate gift, since Jordyn apparently did not receive one as a teen. Once upon a time when young people had raisin’s, it was not uncommon for young women to receive a copy, desired or not.
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“… remember when Pete claimed he was soooooo tired that he needed a break …”
As I recall, he told Cross Point that he was tired, broken and in need of rest when he resigned. However, the tired broken ex-preacher found a new job and a new gal quickly! The Christian Industrial Complex is overpopulated with such fakes … but we have them because too many in the pew love pastors who live no better than they do.
“The prophets prophesy falsely,
And the priests rule on their own authority;
And My people love to have it so!
But what will you do when the end comes?”
(Jeremiah 5:31)
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Neither did Hybels, Driscoll, MacDonald, etc. etc. Some corners of the American church is a mess! Actors would have no stage if they didn’t have an audience willing to buy tickets to the show.
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Part of the Anglican church (not in Hampshire that I know of) and some congregations from “church associations”.
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Yep. Both times.
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Oak Ridge Boys – Tryin’ to Loce Two Women might have suited poor Pete.
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Oops, Love…. not Loce!
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Look what they are got from the list. Next tab. Way too many wine glasses
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It’s a good bet that Kentuckians brought the art of moonshinin’ to Wisconsin:
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I’m so sick of “preachers” who can’t keep their pants on! If they loved the Body of Christ more than they loved themselves, this would happen.
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So, looking at the pictures of the couple, it looks like Pete left his wife for a younger woman. How original.
And if you are going to break up your family and then have the chutzpah to start a bridal registry, you could at least do it at a place where the gifts are less expensive. What’s wrong with Target or Wal-Mart?
Joking aside, these people have no shame. The only way stuff like this stops is for people to stop following them. But somehow, these folks and others, such as Tullian and Driscoll, are for some reason always able to get a new audience.
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With a touch of charisma, a gift of gab, and a gimmick, you, too, could be a celebrity mega-pastor! Although, you might have to invest in some skinny pants and gold choker chain and spend a great deal of time at the beach to tan your body – you might even find a better young chick there!
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Romans 12:19 NIV
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay ,” says the Lord.
As much as I would like to see false christians or prophets punished, we have to remember that is not our place. While Pete was still at Crosspoint, we drank the “Pete” KoolAid, with his classes and bible studies availae online. It is very disheartening to see the Path he chose, which really dismisses his teachings in the past, which we based some of our bible study teaching.
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Why are you introducing the idea of punishment and vengence?
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You got it Max, “Money for nothin’ and your chicks for free…”