The Hubble Grabs a Stellar Latte.
“By directing without assumption and validating with fact…
By avoiding the hype and digging into the proof of concept…
and by vetting and double checking for the facts and fiction…
You can move past the false messaging to find the authentic routes for your vision.”
― Create Wealth Communities
I think it is time for a little catchup on the news floating around out there.
Bryan Loritts to join JD Greear’s leadership team but there is a troubling incident that raises questions.
Bryan Loritts to join The Summit’s leadership team
As you may know, The Summit is JD Greear’s church. Greear appears to liken himself to being an abuse advocate since he started the whole Caring Well thing which is supposedly teaching the SBC how to prevent abuse and care for victims of abuse.
This appointment didn’t go over well due to Loritts history with his voyeur brother in law. Here is there incident according to the Biblical Recorder. Did he or didn’t he report? Greear reassured his congregation that all was well but questions still remain.
n 2016, at least four alleged victims told the Memphis Commercial Appeal about a 2010 incident where Trotter placed a hidden camera in a restroom at Fellowship Memphis. A female church staff member discovered the device and reported it to church leaders.
Loritts told The Summit during the interview process that he immediately informed church elders and fired Trotter when he found out about Trotter’s misconduct, according to Greear’s email. Greear also said victims were notified and Loritts “instructed his team to contact the authorities.”
It is unclear how Fellowship Memphis leaders identified victims of Trotter’s voyeurism.
The alleged victims who spoke to the Commercial Appeal said church co-founder John Bryson discouraged them from going to the police. Two of them said they were minors at the time of the incident.
An officer with the Memphis Police Department told the Commercial Appeal in 2016 that no one filed a police report about Trotter’s voyeurism in 2010.
Religion News Serviced picked up on the story and questioned the Summit’s childcare policies.
Southern Baptist Convention president’s church policies questioned.
Please note that it appears that parents and church members are not told of the presence of a sex offender in their midst. Given the business of the church on a given non-coved Sunday and Saturday, trusting that supervision will catch any problem is naive, in my opinion. The ones who have a vested interest in the welfare of the children are their parents. I believe that the church should alert the church members and post the pictures of the registered Sex Offenders around the church.
Brad Hambrick, Summit Church’s pastor of counseling, confirmed that Summit has a policy for registered sex offenders.
“Yes, our policy is still to require perpetual supervision and full awareness by the campus security team, elders, and children/student ministry leaders for an individual under RSO status to attend a weekend service,” he said. “All involvement or attendance in children or student ministry is prohibited, even if the RSO’s children are involved. Any involvement in an adult discipleship setting (i.e., a small group) requires the full awareness of their offense and consent of the adults in that setting.”
But the church apparently wants the sex offender to feel no shame at the church. In my opinion, said offender should feel the pain of his heinous actions against children. What did Jesus say? Matthew 18:6 NIV:
If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
I knew The Summit was planning to allow Sex Offenders to attend church without notifying church members and I wrote a post in December 2019: Another TWW Tutorial: What’s Missing? Caring Well/Summit Church Curriculum Appears to Want Registered Sex Offenders to Feel No Shame in Church
Pay attention. The Summit and other churches which enact this curriculum feel really bad for those wrestling with the consequences of their actions against children. Really, really bad. Think about it.
he church leaders want believe that the RSO is actually experiencing emotional difficulties due to their heartsick realization that their past actions have ruined another person’s life. But, what if the RSO is doing what predators do best-playing games in order to manipulate church leaders and gain access to the children?The recidivism rate is something that must be considered.It is not inconsequential.
We recognize that wrestling with the consequences of past actions can be emotionally difficult. We want to reiterate throughout this process that you are offered full forgiveness because of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.
Dear RSO, don’t live with a sense of shame. What?
I think it is emotionally and spiritually valid to live with a sense of shame over heinous actions. Shouldn’t a man who has molested all of his foster children, as well neighborhood kids, be ashamed and even wrestle with it for the rest of his life? Good night! One might think they are discussing how not to feel shame for exceeding the speed limit.There is also an assumption that the RSO’s expression of shame is real as opposed to a game they play in order to manipulate adults in order to gain access to the children. (Another hint.)
–We recognize that wrestling with the consequences of past actions can be emotionally difficult. We want to reiterate throughout this process that you are offered full forgiveness because of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. We do not want you to live with a sense of shame.
Most of the members of the church will not be told about the presence of an RSO and that is dangerous.
Bryan Loritts appears to have updated his bio information.
A friend and I were discussing his bio last week, especially his use of the word *Dr.*in front of his name along with some information that he had attended Oxford. (What is it about Oxford that draws so many people to claim their affiliation?) Thankfully, Julie Roys came to the rescue in “Dr. Bryan Loritts” Touts Questionable Doctorate from School with “F” Rating was written by Julie Roys.
Yet in neither his Instagram posts, nor on his website, did Loritts mention where he had received his doctorate. He also did not disclose that his doctorate was honorary.
At LinkedIn and also in a 2010 article, it states that Loritts is a candidate for the doctor of philosophy at Oxford Graduate School, now Omega Graduate School. I reached out to Omega Graduate School about two weeks ago and was told that Loritts had been a student in the doctoral program “some years back,” but had withdrawn before finishing.
It appears that The Summit was forthcoming when Roys questioned them.
However, after it was announced this past weekend that Loritts was hired by Summit Church, I contacted Summit about Loritts’ alleged doctorate. Yesterday, Summit replied that Loritts had gotten an honorary doctorate from St. Thomas Christian University.
To make matters worse, Roys discovered that St Thomas Christian University is a scam operation!
I reached out once again to Loritts, asking if he was aware of the issues with St. Thomas Christian University and whether he had paid any money to receive his honorary doctorate, but Loritts did not respond.
I highly recommend that you read this entire article. You, too can pay money and go to your graduation at the *university.* It appears that Loritts posed with his wife in a picture on Roys site.
It now appears that Loritts has removed the information from his bio. Looks like truth telling is up to the bloggers Loritts despises so much. Maybe this is the reason why?
The problem with *vetting * in the SBC: Trust and ignore?
Was many of you know, one of the *star speakers* of the Caring Well conference reported me (as well as another) to the police for the crime of blackmail. Obviously, that is downright ridiculous. Russell Moore of the ERLC vetted this individual, writing a forward to her book. So did other leaders that you might recognize. The ERLC still has 100 entries fo/byr this individual.
I have a question. How hard is it to check certain elements of a biography? How difficult it is to raise questions about discrepancies? Surely it’s easy to check the supposed *doctorate* of a person who is being hired.
Jesus claimed He is the truth. Truth is something we should value. Yet it seems everyone is so busy finding a good story or a good leader or a good face that they forget to do the most basic research of all.
How much longer will bloggers need to check the evangelical world’s basic stories of the latest face? Jesus demands something better from us.
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In 2001 my husband & I began hosting a bible study in our home w/the pastor leading. We were new to the church & the pastor invited ppl to attend. A few weeks in we found out (not from the pastor) that one of the men attending was out on bail for sexually assaulting his 14 yr old daughter. We had children present of all ages. At the time I was too naive to understand what a horrific lapse of judgment this was on the part of our pastor. Enough ppl expressed their discomfort with this man’s attendance, so he was asked to not return (he still went to church services). This same pastor ended up abusing me in 2010.
I’m not implying that all pastors who exercise bad judgment are abusers, but that there is something seriously wrong w/their thinking if they knowingly allow sexual offenders into their churches AND do not notify the congregation that they are doing so. The lack of wisdom & insight concerning the tactics of grooming and manipulation by sex offenders by church leadership is SHOCKING. Recidivism rates of sex offenders is high, and churches are a target because trust is so easily given.
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“The lack of wisdom & insight concerning the tactics of grooming and manipulation by sex offenders by church leadership is SHOCKING. Recidivism rates of sex offenders is high, and churches are a target because trust is so easily given.”
Sorry. Not buying the lack of wisdom & insight alibi of enablers who provide the predators their Hunting Ground in “churches”.
Snake-oily pedos and predos have been active, and analyzed by pros, for too long for there to be any excuses in giving them a pass and even putting out the Welcome mat. Too long to give the enablers a pass, also.
What’s in it for the enablers? $$$ and power. Everybody cashing in. Standing up to evil is costly. Big donors/predators pay their way to power. Power-brokers keep them in place for a big pay-off. Hand in hand.
“Legal Grounds” is a novel that maps this out. The triangulation of power, sex, and money, in “churches”. Evil.
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“Dr.” Still shows up on his twitter and Instagram.
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Great post Dee.
Keep fighting the good fight
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My gut reaction:
Of course it’s a Scam!
Even has CHRISTIAN(TM) in it’s name!
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I totally Agee with you.
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I just purchase your book on Amazon. Thank you.
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So I guess The Summit Church thinks this is a good thing?
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Thank you, Dee, for all you do/are. Also grateful for Wade B., Max who comments, Todd Thou Art the Man, et al. Community of integrity. God is infinitely good. Evil is a black hole.
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No it’s not.
It’s what’s become NORMAL.
“These sex offenders said one to another:
Sex offender unto sex offender o’er the world is Brother!”
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Abundant Live Christian Fellowship, which is in my area, had a well-known pastor who resigned due to “moral failure” in 2009. He was a big presence in the local speaking circuit and on radio. I am not sure when Bryan Loritts came on board, but they either didn’t research him well or didn’t worry about it (maybe even didn’t care?). That’s how bad churches are at doing their due diligence when it comes to hiring staff.
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I wonder why J.D. let’s this slide.
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Silence the truth tellers. That’s a bad “church” due diligence.
It’s that simple.
Circle the wagons.
Protect the pedo/predos big donors, money-makers, power base.
Power, sex, $$$.
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Nope. Feature, not bug.
As soon as you get enough dudebros together, their code of silence would put the Mafia to shame.
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By design.
Fully aware, fully culpable.
Pedo/Predos + Enablers.
Hand in hand, pocketbook propping up the power.
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There is a trust factor which comes into play when churches search for a new pastor/staff. The common thinking is that surely you can trust a “man of God” … that there is nothing in their background which would be of concern … that a Christian leader is beyond reproach. Well, folks, we need to get over that! There are wolves in sheep clothing … shepherds masquerading as angels of light … devils who creep in unawares.
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High fives and “HE SCOOOOOOORED!!!!!”
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Every time I hear “unspecified moral failure” I wonder “Live boy or dead woman?”
i.e. a CELEBRITY. With the same rules in effect.
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Yes, get over that and be frosty, be flinty. Wise as serpents, innocent as doves.
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Unfortunately, it looks like the serpents are wiser than the doves in the 21st century church.
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I was on a search committee for my medium-sized church a few years go. We began with just a basic Google search, nothing we had to pay for. If that looked okay, then we want to all the things you pay for, as well as as recommendations, visiting the church they were currently at, etc. One basic search on Bryan would give enough to know that you didn’t want him on your staff.
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“What is it about Oxford that draws so many people to claim their affiliation?”
Sounds impressive to have been affiliated in some manner with such a prestigious school. Problem is folks put this on their resume “I was at Oxford” even if they just toured the campus and took a few selfies in front of an Oxford panorama. Bloody brilliant as the Brits would say … and very deceptive as TWW would say.
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I have a EARNED Ph.D. And I do not us any title on TWW. I do not think it is particularly relevant for me to use my “title”… Further, while students, particularly undergraduates, use my title “Professor”, even that title is not thrown around very much in my “world”…. manly because it is a “given” we all have a EARNED Ph.D.
When I see someone going around using the title “Dr”, I either think they are a medical doctor, OR they have a “insecurity”….
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It has also been my experience that many evangelicals are dismissive of graduate degrees, especially from “secular humanists” institutions”….. that is why I find it so ironic that the subject of this post, and good old Ravi Z try to claim some “ association” with Oxford…
So, us pew peons are not “ respected” for our earned Ph.D’s, yet the preacher boys try to used their “honorary” degrees as real Ph.D.’s to claim “respect”?
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Advanced degrees don’t equal a higher degree of spirituality. In the Kingdom of God, life is turned upside down from the way the kingdoms of men look at things. One of the best Bible teachers I ever sat under was a retired construction worker who had an 8th grade education. However, I have great respect for men of God (in both pulpit and pew) who have graduate degrees, who studied to show themselves approved … “men of God” being the key (irrespective of race, class or gender).
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Ava Aaronson,
You’ve squeezed me in with some great folks. I am truly humbled by your comment.
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Of all the knowledge on planet earth, none of us have more than a small degree of it. For the Christian, Paul put knowledge and “knowing” in perspective when he wrote:
“Every advantage that I had gained I considered lost for Christ’s sake. Yes, and I look upon everything as loss compared with the overwhelming gain of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord … How changed are my ambitions!” (Phillipians 3, Phillips)
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I completely agree, including “theology”… which can really get me worked up when a “preacher” or pew peon, thinks they have the “theology” all worked out in a neat little package…
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In regard to the continuing Calvinist vs. non-Calvinist theological debate … Scripture speaks much about the sovereignty of God. Scripture speaks much about the free will of man. It all works together in the salvation of souls in a way that is beyond human comprehension. To attempt to put the mind of God into a neat systematic theological box is to stand in arrogance before the Creator.
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Amen to that!
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Does anyone know what churches Bryan has been a pastor of since this happened? I thought I read somewhere he had been church to church to church but I can’t find dates or an exact timeline.