Hubble Sees Spiral in Andromeda- NASA
“Just going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.” G.K. Chesterton
Russell Meek was recently contacted by lawyers for Louisiana College who claim that he is *slandering* Louisiana College and must stop it. But this contact by said lawyers added a zinger which I have never seen before.
Russell Meek and Louisiana College
Let’s review Russell Meek’s story.
Wade Burleson posted Louisiana College and Ladies Mowing Their Lawns
Meek, a professor at Louisiana College (LC), spoke out on a sermon given in chapel. Here is the quote from Wade’s website.
“On Thursday morning, still reeling from the sexual abuse uncovered by the Houston Chronicle and reported on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, I came to chapel at Louisiana College looking for a reprieve from the darkness swirling around the SBC. Instead, I was confronted head-on with the culture that makes such abuse possible.
Joshua Joy Dara, the dean of LC’s school of human behavior, delivered a message on relationships-fitting for Valentine’s Day. He offered sound advice to women about finding a godly spouse. Toward the end of his sermon, his language took an offensive and unbiblical turn. He addressed specifically the women in the chapel service, telling them to think of their bodies as houses. He then told them to “mow your lawn” and advised that if they were not getting attention from men, it was because they were “not taking care of your house.” He continued in this vein, at one point stating that women who have “let too many men” into their house are a crackhouse. Let that sink in – crackhouse.
In those final minutes of his sermon, Dara reduced women to physical objects who existed for a man’s pleasure. He then told them that if they had sex with too many men, they were not only valueless but indeed repulsive. A crackhouse.
This sermon has not been posted on LC’s YouTube channel, which houses dozens of other chapel messages, and those who have asked for a copy of the sermon, including the school’s Title IX coordinator, have been denied access to it. I -along with others at LC – expressed my concerns and the concerns of several of my students to the vice president for the integration of faith and learning. I was shocked that a dean at LC had presented such an unbiblical, false picture of women.
Let me say this clearly: no woman is a crackhouse. No woman exists for the pleasure of a man. No woman’s value is in her physical appearance. The Bible is very clear about this. In the poem of the valiant woman in Proverbs 31, the only thing said about beauty is that it is fleeting. Peter calls women to be beautiful on the inside rather than focusing on their outward appearance (1 Peter 1:3- 4). The Lord said to Samuel when he was seeking to anoint the next of Israel, “Do not look on his [Eliab’s] appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7). Think even of our Lord Jesus Christ, who “had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him” (Isa 53: 2). When Jesus encountered the woman at the well, did he call her a crackhouse? No, he gave her living water.
Dara wrote an apology that was emailed to the faculty, staff, and student body. In it, he apologized for “the tone” of his sermon, expressed gratitude that it was brought to his attention, and ended by saying, “I’ll be sure to weigh my warped sense of humor against my sense of propriety and choose something that isn’t controversial. ” I am thankful for Dara’s apology, but it still troubled me that he did not address the misogynistic view of women in his sermon.
The administration seemed more concerned about the image of the college than they did about the feelings of students, especially women, who heard this chapel presentation.
Meek was so concerned about what was said in chapel that he wrote President Brewer to express his concerns. This resulted in a meeting involving”
1). Dr. Rick Brewer, President of Louisiana College, 2). Dr. Cheryl Clark, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, 3). Dr. Philip Caples, Vice-President for the Integraton of Faith and Learning, and 4). Dr. Russell Meek.
Those of you who have watched similar scenarios play out in various churches will not be surprised at what happened next.
*You are hurting the institution.*
This is typical, ho hum baloney. Jesus didn’t emphasize defending institutions. In fact, He got downright ornery with certain institutions like the Pharisees whom he called *snakes.* He cared about individuals. Meek, a professor, emulated Jesus by expressing his concerns for the feelings of the students.
Why do you want to do that at all (make public what happened at the chapel)? Why do it? If every action that we take at this institution is either for the good of the institution or it harms the institution? Which do you think that’s going to do? How is that going to help the institution?
LC attorney apparently stated Meeks perspective was slander/libel.
As astute readers of this blog know, libel/slander involves an individual knowingly telling a lie. It is obvious to me that Meek was simply expressing his own views of what he believed was said. I can assure you that the college’s attorney, who must be a smart man, knows this. So, I believe this is being said to attempt to scare Meek into submission.
“This (Russ’s email above) has already been reviewed by our attorney. He says it’s actionable. It’s libelous. It’s slanderous. It’s defamatory, and it’s inflammatory. And by the way, you’re taking on one of the most powerful, if not one of the Top Five most powerful people, in Central Louisiana. Not me, Joshua Dara. He’s an attorney as well, Russ. He’s got a strong legal mind.”
Meek bravely reiterates his concerns and beliefs about what was said, showing he cares for the little guy more than for himself.
“I’m concerned for the women who think that what Dr. Dara said is true. Their identity is not found in how many sexual partners they’ve had. My concern is for the women who think, ‘I’ve had sex with a lot of guys.’ Is she a crackhouse? I have a family member who was molested as a child by multiple people in her family. Is she a crackhouse? Is her identity bound up in how many sexual partners she’s had? If men don’t pursue a woman is it because the woman is ugly? He said if your phones aren’t ringing It’s because you’re not getting taking care of your house. Dr. Brewer, women are made in God’s image. This is a fundamental gospel issue. Who humans are. I’m not mad; I’m grieved. If I had a daughter I would be horrified to know that she was being told these things about herself.”
The college played hardball.
Louisiana College administrators canceled the scheduled April 2019 conference entitled “What is a Woman Worth?” – a conference that was to be led by Dr. Meek – and refused to reschedule it for later in the semester.
Russell Meek, reading the writing on the wall, resigned… SMH, LC.
Meek is a prolific writer and has found a number of employment opportunities. He even published a book.
A Book-by-Book Guide to Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary
He owns an editing service.

He has written for Religion News Services.
He’s a really good writer, b y the way!
The SBC’s same-sex abuse problem
Earlier this month, Robert Oscar Lopez, a professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, released a statement announcing his own firing, which he attributed to the SWBTS administration’s dissatisfaction with his vocal opposition to sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention, specifically abuse of men by male pastors and other church officials.
Lopez’s allegation is unlikely, and only gets more unlikely as you listen to his theories about the SBC’s supposed capitulation to the idea that same-sex attraction is innate, or that he was done in by a conspiracy between the LGBTQ community and the SBC. In his mind, it was his own hard line on homosexuality — which he believes is caused by trauma or indoctrination — that provided further grounds for dismissal.
He is a lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew at Ohio Theological Institute.
Ohio Theological Institute aims to transform Northeast Ohio through theological training for vocational and lay ministers and church leaders that is local, affordable, and flexible. The planned pilot launch is scheduled for August 2019 with a certificate program that will allow matriculation into extended accredited degree programs. Ohio Theological Institute exists to cultivate humble orthodoxy through theological education in life together for Christ, His Church, and His mission in the ecclesial community of Northeast Ohio.
He wrote an important article at Red Letter Christians on Matthew 18.
How the Misuse of Matthew 18 Bullies Abuse Survivors Into Silence
Matthew 18 does not apply in every single case of sexual abuse I’ve ever heard of. While sexual abuse is typically a private, personal sin committed by one person against another, it is also an intentional, criminal act. Further, innocence and not guilt is the typical presumption, and churches rarely carry the process through to excommunication. Instead, the abuse survivor is typically not believed, told to remain silent, and/or gaslighted. Rather than confront the accused, folks tend to defend the accused: “Pastor Doe couldn’t have done that!”
Since resigning from the Baptist college where I heard women compared to crack houses, I’ve waded into the world of advocacy for sexual abuse survivors. And I’ve found, to my shame and chagrin, that the school’s misuse of Matthew 18 is far from unusual.
Matthew 18:15-17 contains the words of Christ to his church, instructing us on how to deal with internal conflict with a brother or sister who sins against us and doesn’t know it. It’s appropriate to follow that model in that situation, but it’s inadequate — and becomes itself a tool for abuse — when it is used to bully abuse survivors into silence.
Meeks has been asked to write articles for other websites like SBC Voices. In other words, he is getting around and the sad, sad story of his encounter with the powers that be at Louisiana College has become known. People are asking why this decent man was treated so poorly that he resigned.
Russell Meek is busier than ever and this apparently irritates Louisiana College which has hired some lawyer to threaten Meek with a zinger!
He apparently got a lawyer’s letter instructing him to cease and desist along with a zinger. Your humble blog queen has had a few of those in her history. But, I always tell what I believe to be true and link liberally to explain why I’ve drawn such conclusions. Always telling what one believes to be true is a defense against accusations of libel, defamation, etc. That is the law in the United States
I told my husband that I wanted him to put this on my tombstone. “She had some really good links.”
Most bloggers that I know are petrified of lawsuits and do their darnedest to tell the truth as they believe it to be. In my conversations with Russ, I am convinced that he is a truth teller and I respect his honesty.
So, what is being alleged? At this time, it would not be wise to post the letter. Russ is taking this under advisement, if you get my drift. Here are the two major points. The second point is the zinger.
They appear to be unhappy that he occasionally speaks about what happened at LC.
They appear to claim that his writing is slander, libel, etc. This is just the typical boilerplate lawyer baloney. I stand behind Russ, believing that he is honest. I do not believe that they will ever get this poppycock to stick. There s a reason that defamation lawsuits usually lose. Google it.
Misogyny in Baptist Higher Education (by Russell L. Meek)
2. Here is the zinger. The lawyer is threatening to call Meeks’ employers and title tattle on him…Ummm, this could be problematic for LC and the boys.
Final thoughts
- I believe that LC and the administration is making a serious mistake. I believe Meeks’ recounting of the chapel service and believe that many others do as well. LC should have simply apologized and let the whole thing go. I don’t get their carrying this situation to this extreme. Their response worries me. It leads me to think that the administration is willing to go to war to protect something…whatever that is. Their honor? Their concept of their institution? As of this point, if asked, I would not advise someone to send their students to this institution.
- The libel things is downright silly. I’m sure the attorney knows this. I wonder if they are using LC money to battle this to the death? Could it be they would use their monetary resources to try to force Meeks to stop engaging in his freedom to express his conscience? If so, that is simply playing “We’ve got the money to intimidate you” game.
- I believe that threatening the employment of an individual could be a serious mistake. Most people I know do not stray into that area. I look forward to seeing if an attorney will respond to this tactic. I think there could be some ramifications for LC but I’ll leave that up to the attorneys.
- I stand with Russell Meek. He has made many friends and I believe that LC may experience well deserved blowback from these actions. LC should bow out of this nonsense immediately, apologize and try to pick up the pieces. These actions are unbecoming of a Christian institution.
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This a stereotypically awful story about some people who think they are really big fish in this backwater “college”. They should just shut up and pray Dr. Meek doesn’t sue them.
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Seems to me that Meeks has a case against Louisiana College and the lawyers for threatening Mr. Weeks livelihood.
Louisiana College administration seems to think they are really big tough guys who can threaten people. What a horrible testimony for a Christian College (along with how they speak about women). It’s actually quite disgusting. No one is safe at this school.
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Libel?… Slander?…..
How hard would it be for those Oh So Godly Boyz to produce a copy of the sermon and prove libel/slander???? Isn’t the fact that they refuse to give out copies of the sermon a “tell”??????
PS: Every time I type “Nancy2” into the box, I think of Nancy/Okrapod……… Good thoughts……… I miss her.
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Russ has been a most positive presence and awesome advocate for survivors on social media this past year.
I’m reminded of the defamation lawsuit filed against Julie Anne Smith 8 years ago (February 2012) by her former pastor and church jointly. That ended badly for the plaintiffs. They lost in an Anti-SLAPP action and ended up having to pay all court and legal fees. These things don’t end well … and can bring some really adverse publicity to the institutions involved.
This already makes the college look even worse than they did before, in my opinion.
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One of the advantages of walking away is that one does not subject oneself to the temptation to sign a NDA in exchange for severance $.
Dr. Meek is on my prayer agenda. May God who sees what is in Dr. Meek’s heart (and what is in the hearts of the principals of LC) strongly uphold him.
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so using legal threats is option 2 if the powers that be can’t silence someone with an NDA type option.
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Dee – did you see this yet? I’m so upset to hear this.
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I think it’s a bluff. Not just a bluff, but a stupid bluff. I don’t think that kind of threat is legal.
In similar news, apparently James Macdonald’s lawyers claim they can’t find Mancow Miller to serve him JMac’s lawsuit, even though Mancow still goes to work at the radio station every morning and lives in the same place.
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If LC follows through on their threat to contact Russ Meek’s employers, they could be under fire for tortious interference far more than Russ could ever be guilty of libel / slander for simply talking about what actually occurred in LC’s chapel service. Dee – you hit the nail on the head (as usual) when you said that telling the truth isn’t slander.
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I have never contributed to a go fund me before but i would for an attorney for mr. meeks.
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These “keep your mouth shut” tactics in the Body of Christ are getting old. The only way believers are going to turn this mess around is to see something, say something, do something. Just because “Christian” university leaders challenge an employee’s actions, doesn’t mean they are right. Good Lord! How many times have we seen authoritarian leaders in churches and religious institutions on the wrong side of God?! Dr. Meeks was right to call out the potty-mouth chapel speaker … university officials were wrong for correcting Meeks and not the bad-boy.
Christian bloggers are right to “gossip” about this! How else will change come? Believers can’t depend on business-as-usual folks who are in charge to correct anything. We’ve talked a lot about the young, restless and reformed wreaking havoc in the SBC. This example is the flip-side of what’s wrong in the denomination … an ole boy network that needs to go.
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I do too, Nancy2 … a fine lady who knew what was going on. Glad to see your name back in the comment stream.
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A sad method by those who control others through manipulation, intimidation, and domination. Doesn’t hold any water in the legal bucket. Telling the truth is not slandering. If his comments damaged the reputation of Louisiana College, their character in this regard needed to be called into account.
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I’m no lawyer, but if Loser-iana College attempts to take legal action against Russell Meek he may wish to file an Anti-SLAPP motion.
Just saying.
I echo what Brad/Futurist guy said above. Meek has written some excellent posts.
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Cheryl Summers,
Yes! I wonder if their lawyer mentioned that little hiccup in LC’s strategy. Now, maybe he did and they insisted because they are viewing this like some sort of church discipline. Sometimes, I just have to shale my head. They real world is not a podium with a microphone only they control and a discipline process that only they impose. The real world is full of laws. I will be fascinated to see what happens if they choose to go down this road. I know that Russ is receiving excellent advice.
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Love the Loser-iana! I agree. I don’t know what the antiSlapp laws are in their state but many states now have some iteration of them. Add that to their threat to interfere in his ability to earn a living and I bet there are some interesting things for Meek’s counsel to look at. 🙂
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I agree with that as well. Look at the Matthew 18 post he wrote and linked in this post.
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That is kind of you.
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Intimidation, pure and simple … would never stand the heat of a courtroom challenge. The wicked cry “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!”
LC officials should have said “Thank you Dr. Meek for pointing that out. We are sorry we had that chapel speaker. We, too, condemn what he said. Rest assured that we’ll take care of it and issue an apology to faculty and students. Go back to work.”
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“[Dr. Dara] addressed specifically the women…telling them to think of their bodies as houses. He then told them to “mow your lawn” and advised that if they were not getting attention from men, it was because they were “not taking care of your house.”
Sounds like Dr. Dara is living in the “same neighborhood” with Mark Driscoll (author of “penis homes”.
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Uh-oh. Another domestic terrorist blogger in the wood pile. Where’s Bob Malm when we need him? ;-/
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Hopefully, Louisiana College will experience the Streisand Effect:
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That is what I was thinking. TWW will definitely helps encourage the Streisand effect!
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In some other news, Mark Macarthur, son of John Macarthur, is being sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission for a real estate fraud scheme. I’m sure the Macarthurs will claim persecution again.
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I read the chargers…. pretty serious….it will be fascinating to watch this play put…
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Jeffrey Chalmers,
“Out”, not “put”
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Unbelievable that people who call themselves Christians, and act so self righteously smug, are defrauding clients who I imagine are also naive church associates.
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There’s already been several incidents like this. WACS has TMU on probation because of the conflicts of financial interests in the family. Macarthur claimed “persecution” over that and even many of his followers didn’t really buy it, because it caused a whole dust up between Phil Johnson and TMU students and parents on social media. I suspect some got threatened with church discipline over it, because that’s how Grace handles dissension within the membership.
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In even more news, the SBC’s fractures between the leaders are starting to show. We knew it would come.
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“If you bite and devour one another in bickering and strife, watch out that you along with your entire fellowship are not consumed by one another” (Galatians 5:15 AMP).
The SBC has a spiritual leadership crisis.
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The whole of the Western Church has a spiritual leadership crisis.
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““The appointment of this task force can be taken in no other sense than a vote of no confidence in the ERLC Board of Trustees”
Ah. How interesting.
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Ministry Watch just put out an assessment of Willow Creek, it became an youth group for adults.
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Scariest thing I’ve read in awhile. Youth ministry is designed to appeal to the emotions because kids are emotional. Lousy reasoning, but that’s how it is. The theology is often terrible, manipulative, and rigid—and emotional. Adults behind the scenes push the youth ministers to warn kids about the latest scary thing (witches! leggings! social media!).
And overall, everybody is just plain scared of the teenagers in the church. So they approach ministry with a whip and a chair instead of with love. And it never occurs to them to meet each kid where he or she is as an individual, the way Jesus did.
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“Punch ’em in the nose and throw ’em under the bus!”
But what CHRISTIAN(TM) is increasingly coming to mean outside the Bubble.
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“Give me your children for five years and I will make them Mine. You will pass away, but they will remain Mine.”
— Adolf Hitler, Cult Leader
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And everyone watching from the outside says “If that’s what Christians are like, I WANT NO PART OF THEIR GOD.”
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Again, this is what CHRISTIAN(TM) has come to mean to those outside the Bubble.
Rich Buhler used to say about Christ’s ministry, “People who wanted to please God and live Godly lives would first go to those who had the reputation for knowing God — the Pharisees. And after seeing them, those seekers would walk away with ‘If that’s what God is like, I want nothing to do with Him.’. Then Jesus would scoop up these people walking away and show them what God is REALLY like.”
Another Buhlerism (against being over-spiritual) was “God Lives in the Real World.”
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Dee, remember that poison pen letter about you that got sent around years ago? To your church and your husband’s workplace?
I can see that in a five-year-old; but an alleged Adult?
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Can any of the legal types who comment here weigh in?
An Attorney?
Judge Tim?
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On a different subject:
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
HUG, Steve has my prayers and solidarity.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
I just prayed for Steve.
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HUG, praying for Steve!
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A tweet by Russell Meek showed up on my timeline today.
Meek provided screen shots of an e-mail he got from someone calling himself “Brock Strongballs,” who advised Meek to “man up” in very strong terms.
I couldn’t tell if this Brock person is for real or trolling.
You can read it here on Twitter:
I think others were saying they had received identical or similar correspondence.
Sorry to hear about your friend, HUG.
I hope he recovers.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
Thinking about you both, and praying too. That’s such a long time to know someone. I hope you are able to give Steve support and also to care for yourself at such a distressing time. It’s good that you have some perspective from others with medical knowledge.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
Praying for Steve’s health and your peace and comfort.
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Reminder, this is the school that was trying to open a ‘Judge Paul Pressler School of Law’:
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Whew! You don’t get any more “ole boy” than that!!
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
I don’t know if your friend is a person of faith, but thought I’d send a prayer that has brought me comfort on many occasions:
This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
i’ll say a prayer for steve. all my best hope to you.
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Oh the irony of this quote taken out of context. That doesn’t quite match the definition of “grace” found in most dictionaries, does it?
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
Praying for Steve and HUG.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
Praying for you both.
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“Brock Strongballs”? REALLY?
(Incidentally, “Brock” means “Badger”, a wide-body mustelid with a reputation for being Bad News.)
If that doesn’t say Hypermasculine, I don’t know what does.
Neither can I.
As crazy as you can get while trolling, there will be True Believers out there twice as crazy and DEAD SERIOUS.
Note Brock Strongballs’ use of the word “Cuck”. The history of this word was highly racist; its original meaning was “a White Man who pimps his wife out to Blacks as long as he gets to watch.”
Then Strongballs accuses him of spiritual oral sex with blacks and browns.
Again, I can’t tell whether this is a net-drunk troll or a True Believer.
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Russell Meek is not “hurting the institution.” They are doing it themselves and doing a very thorough job of it, too. It would appear to me there must be some reason they are unable to state the obvious truth about Dara’s words and put the censure where it belongs, so they are lashing out at the truth teller. I would certainly not want to attend an institution that treats the truth that way. They ought to have been the first to say what Meek said.
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Makes too much sense doesn’t it?! But, these ole boys don’t think like regular folks – they’ll stick together until the bitter end to defend one of their own. As I’ve said before, there was a lot wrong with SBC long before the New Calvinists showed up. The ole boy network is alive and well in SBC; a crass, carnal bunch who don’t respect female believers as they ought.
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In this era of #MeToo scrutiny, if I were an employer, I’d legitimately want someone like Russ Meek who demonstrates forthrightness and integrity.
Institutions that fail in those departments should not expect to earn the public’s trust.
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Southern Baptists who have been abused (in various ways) by authoritarian SBC leaders = #SBCToo
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“The ole boy network is alive and well in SBC; a crass, carnal bunch who don’t respect female believers as they ought.”
i’m guessing they don’t know any female ‘unbelievers’, whom i’m sure they would also treat with the same disrespect.
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Oh yeah, they go after those at work Monday-Friday! One of my not-so-fondest memories was a church deacon telling off-color jokes in the church parking lot between Sunday School and church services. Another one (a building contractor) would cuss out his subcontractors (including my daughter!) through the week and pray beautiful offertory prayers at church the next Sunday. Communities across America are full of Southern Baptist men who barely talk the talk and seldom walk the walk. Such things are common knowledge in SBC life, particularly in rural churches. Churchgoers of this sort just don’t get it. There’s more to being a man than holy or unholy testosterone.
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The SBC has nothing to do with actual Christianity — if Christ showed up one Sunday morning, they wouldn’t allow him in the door. Too Muslim looking, no suit and tie, not one of us. They were founded on a bleak defense of slavery, and remain that bleak structure today, devoid of compassion and love.
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The Iron Throne has room for only One, and the Universe Cannot Have Two Centers.
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Final followup:
He was discharged from the hospital last Thursday, after two weeks in stir and craving pizza. Spent most of Thursday night getting his prescriptions filled at a 24-hour CVS in the area. One overworked pharmacist that late, and the screaming crackhead demanding insulin NOW! didn’t help. (Wish I had a cameraphone and a YouTube account — there’s actually a viral-video market for Pharmacy Fight (“Phight”) videos.
He’s been recovering at home on a high-protein diet, as he lost a lot of weight during his illness. Still has a residual bronchitis cough, and his blood sugar is under control with supplemental insulin for the next two weeks. Thinks he’ll be able to get out of the house by next weekend or so; in the meantime, I’m the wheelman who does all the public running around. And the Coronavirus scare doesn’t help; he’s high-risk from diabetes and I’m moderate-to-high-risk from my age.