View of Philippines from space:NASA
“Abuse manipulates and twists a child’s natural sense of trust and love. Her innocent feelings are belittled or mocked and she learns to ignore her feelings. She can’t afford to feel the full range of feelings in her body while she’s being abused—pain, outrage, hate, vengeance, confusion, arousal. So she short-circuits them and goes numb. For many children, any expression of feelings, even a single tear, is cause for more severe abuse. Again, the only recourse is to shut down. Feelings go underground.” ― Laura Davis, Allies in Healing: When the Person You Love Is a Survivor of Child Sexual Abuse
In conversations with fellow online advocates, I have been startled that so many of them know about the story of Sankey Home Until I began writing about this situation, I knew very little. The more I learned, the more concerned I became. I lay blame for the confusion at the feet of the pastors and leaders at Christ Community Chapel as well as those who worked at the childrens’ home.
It is so easy to overlook the pain and suffering of children in a foreign country. One might reasonably suspect that destitute children of a different ethnicity or color might be placed low on the totem pole of concern for those in far off Hudson, Ohio. Hudson has been described as a community which is wealthy and insular. I wonder what would have happened if similar charges had been made about a local prep school filled with children of well heeled parents like Western Reserve Academy?
I have created this post to become a stand alone page at TWW so that those who want to understand what is alleged may be able to quickly find relevant material. As such, this page will be open to the addition of documents, news items and videos as they become available.
Sankey/Christ Community Chapel posts at TWW.
- Updated: The Sankey Saga Begins: Did Sex Trafficking/SexAbuse Happen at a Phillipines Orphanage/School and Who Are Tom Randall, Joe Coffey, Et Al.?
- Why Is There an Appearance of a Coverup at Christ Community Chapel?
- Unless Christ Community Chapel Hires an Independent, Third Party Investigator, the Questions About Sankey Will Not Go Away.
An introduction to this page by Sankey Advocates
For the past five years, Christ Community Chapel has neglected to share significant information about sexual abuse at Sankey Samaritan children’s home in the Philippines. The following documents show clearly that the church was given victim testimonies. Yet they chose to protect their pastor, Tom Randall, and presented a narrative blaming a “rival missionary”. Our desire is for the victims to finally have a voice. Even today, victims are still willing to speak — the final document in this set is a victim’s story of abuse shared just last year. These young people deserve better, and it is time they are heard.
The following are the documents that are included in this post/permanent page:
- Email from Joe Mauk to Tom Randall informing him of the first two victims (November 5, 2013)
- Letter from Victim 1 sent by Joe Mauk to Tom Randall (sent November 5, 2013)
- Victim 1 charge filed against Toto Luchavez (January 30, 2014)
- Victim 2 charge filed against Toto Luchavez (January 30, 2014)
- Victim 3 charge filed against Jake Luchavez (January 30, 2014)
- Victim 4 charge filed against Jake Luchavez (January 30, 2014)
- Email from Joe Mauk to Joe Coffey requesting a meeting (June 2, 2014)
- Email from Joe Coffey to Joe Mauk declining a meeting (June 5, 2014)
- Email from Victim 3 to a local advocate (August 18, 2018)
Joe Coffey is senior pastor at Christ Community Chapel and a close friend of Tom Randall. It’s instructive to compare Coffey’s statements against the record:
- On November 5, 2013, Joe Mauk sent Tom Randall written testimonies from two victims, neither of whom were fifteen years old. But here’s how Joe Coffey described it — and he clearly states he’s relaying what he heard from Tom:
Joe Coffey, sermon on Jan 19, 2014
Before he [Tom] went, he got a communication from somebody in the Philippines who was very concerned about some rumors that were coming out of the orphanage. And they were rumors about misconduct. And the rumor itself that got to Tom — because he and I sat and talked about it — was that the worker who is in charge of the orphanage, a man named Toto Luchavez, had kissed one of the fifteen-year-old girls.
- On January 30, 2014, Toto and Jake Luchavez were charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse. All of the victims gave sworn statements to the NBI, which would have been available to Tom Randall and his church. But Joe Coffey told his congregation that the charges against Toto and Jake had been “downgraded”, to applause:
Joe Coffey with Tom Randall, sermon on Feb 9, 2014
Time and truth go hand in hand. And the first part of time and truth going hand in hand is after twenty-two days, all the charges were dropped against Tom and he was set free. The second part of the truth that’s coming out is that the charges against Jake and Toto have been downgraded and they’re out on bail now.(applause)
- In early June, 2014, Joe Mauk tried to meet with Joe Coffey, and Coffey refused. Mauk clearly expressed a desire to help Tom, not to bring him down. Yet when asked questions by a church member, Coffey claimed Mauk was trying to smear Tom and blamed advocates for refusing to meet:
Joe Coffey, email on Nov 13, 2018
Joe Mauk seems like he is increasing his efforts to smear Tom and CCC. Joe Mauk, who triggered the raid, has lost all credibility in the Philippines and is desperate to try to exonerate his actions. Thanks for trusting us. One of the interesting things about anyone who gets infected by Joe is that they all refuse to even meet with Tom and Karen and hear their story.
The documents
1. Email from Joe Mauk to Tom Randall informing him of the first two victims (November 5, 2013)
1. Email from Joe Mauk to Tom Randall, Nov 5, 2013 (Redacted)
2. Letter from Victim 1 sent by Joe Mauk to Tom Randall (sent November 5, 2014)
2A. Letter from Victim 1 sent to Tom Randall (Redacted)
2B. Letter from Victim 1 – Translated (Redacted)
3. Victim 1 charge filed against Toto Luchavez (January 30, 2014)
3. Victim 1 charge filed against TL
4. Victim 2 charge filed against Toto Luchavez (January 30, 2014)
5. Victim 3 charge filed against Jake Luchavez (January 30, 2014)
6. Victim 4 charge filed against Jake Luchavez (January 30, 2014)
7. Email from Joe Mauk to Joe Coffey requesting a meeting (June 2, 2014)
7. Email from Joe Mauk to Joe Coffey, Jun 2, 2014 (Redacted)
8. Email from Joe Coffey to Joe Mauk declining a meeting (June 5, 2014)
8. Email from Joe Coffey to Joe Mauk, Jun 5, 2014 (Redacted)
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Numero uno?
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2 {:
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Thank you for sharing this, Dee. No one could hear this story and not smell a rat. I have no idea who this Tom is, or the CCC or the senator that was pulled in, but obviously people with money and connections are involved. And anyone who has followed any of the rabbit trails on institutional abuse and trafficking knows that that is par for the course. These crimes reach to the highest and most influential places, and we are only beginning to scratch the surface. Sadly, churches and missions are often involved as well, perhaps sometimes being used without knowing what is going on.
I don’t know what the solution is, but we must at least attempt to stand for the helpless and the victimized, whatever the cost. Thank you for waving the flag and demanding people take notice.
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So, a victim’s personal testimony in a letter is deemed a “rumor”?
It’s true that one of the victims was kissed against her will but there was also a progression of being kissed and handled against her will in more and more egregious ways and there were worse assaults in those police reports that Coffee left out. Why did he choose to minimize and misrepresent what happened?
Looking at the reports and then at his statements I am left with the impression that he is a man who is skillful at misrepresenting things. What a strange skill for a pastor to be so proficient at.
It seems that it’s all about “meeting with Tom and Karen and hearing their story.” What about the victim’s stories? Who is hearing those?
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*Coffey, sorry. Autocorrect must have him being coffee pretty often.
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After watching the Mauk videos, and especially the last one, how can one not smell a rat?
THIS is part of the solution, blowing the whistle, and following Bonhoeffer’s lead.
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It is so easy to overlook the pain and suffering of children in a foreign country. One might reasonably suspect that destitute children of a different ethnicity or color might be placed low on the totem pole of concern for those in far off Hudson, Ohio. Hudson has been described as a community which is wealthy and insular. I wonder what would have happened if similar charges had been made about a local prep school filled with children of well heeled parents […]
Private schools and overseas orphanages might have something in common that makes their children vulnerable: prestigious leaders with highly polished reputations. I suspect I’m not the only person who needs to make an effort to “humanize” both the foreign orphan and the golden child of the gated community. But God loves them, just as he loves the kids in my own neighborhood.
(This is a general statement; I’m not implying that the school mentioned in the OP has a problem.)
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First time poster and a long time fan of this site. As a longtime Hudson, Ohio resident and one who has been a very concerned about the spiritual welfare of this community, I am deeply moved by these videos (Thankyou Dee and all who made the effort to put this together). It’s shameful and disgusting that a few powerful men in leadership position can ruin what has the potential to be a guiding light and strong spiritual presence in this community.
I have met Joe Mauk, and I can personally attest that what I saw in Joe is the same man that you see in these videos; a humble, caring man who wants only to be a voice for those who have been abused. CCC leadership’s portrayal of Joe as a mean-spirited, vindictive, bitter man has absolutely no basis in fact, but is simply a convenient excuse to help cover up their gross mishandling of the abuse of the Sankey orphans.
Some on our community might say “Yes, but look at all of the wonderful things that CCC does for our city and surrounding communities.”
Do we honestly think that God is going to bless a church for having such great programs, while at the same time covering up unconscionable acts of sexual violence upon innocent children?
In Revelation 2,3 our Lord addresses several churches, some of which He commended for doing some praiseworthy things. But He also sternly warned them that were also some evil things going on within those churches that needed to be repented of- and if there was no repentance there would be some awful consequences.
These videos are a wake up call to leadership of CCC and it’s members to repent before it’s too late! (If it isn’t already).
My wife and I have been praying for months that more brave men and women who attend CCC would stand up for justice, truth, and compassion.
The leadership of this church cannot keep covering all of this up if the people in the pews put pressure on them to have a fully independent third-party investigation.
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If these allegations turn out to have been true, probably the worst part of it all—at least from the standpoint of CCC—is the passive standing by and the after-the-fact cover up.
The big problem with with Nixon and Watergate wasn’t the break in. That was a silly caper, a fraternity prank spun out of control. The big problem was that he covered it up. Had he gone public once he found out what had gone down at the Watergate Hotel, turned the perps over to the authorities, and called a press conference to apologize sincerely for creating a climate in which subordinates would think that was a good idea, he’d probably have served out his second term, Ford would’ve probably been president in ’76, the course of history would’ve been very different.
A culture of cover up, of protecting the institution and pastoral positions, of worrying about loss of attendance and revenues—that’s from hell itself.
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What, then, can any of us do to see that this is brought into the light and justice is served? We can comment on it all day, but what will actually be *DONE* to move the ball on this?
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Contact Dee direct – she can get you in touch with the right people if you want to be part of the solution
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According to Fr. Shay Cullen, a long-time advocate and investigator of sexual abuse and trafficking in the Philippines, stated in the Manilla Times (
“Samaritan was a fake orphanage, the DSWD discovered, and the testimonies of the victims to the NBI revealed that it was a house of sexual abuse. What is more shocking is the fact that the accused foreigner went off free and the alleged rapists got bail and can intimidate the victims.”
Why is this allegation not being addressed? This, btw, is the case with a great many so-called orphanages around the world. This information needs to be more widely understood.
This so-called ‘orphanage’ was shut down by Philippine authorities because it was proven to be a sham. According to this article, there were at least 31 victims of sexual abuse, of a far more serious nature than unwanted kissing. Why are the real details being suppressed? What are the chances that Tom Randall and his so-called ministry are ignorant of these things? And why did a U.S. Senator go to bat to save Randall’s hide?
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I would allege (by way of reasonable speculation) that beaucoup bucks changed hands from a first-world-gated-Elysium (Hudson), to a third world locale.
It’s amazing what Yanqui dollars can do in those places.
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1) put pressure on ccc to commission an outside investigation
2) know any investigative journalists?
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At base it is a lack of trust- apparently God can’t handle this kind of situation, so one has to turn to the devil’s strategies (bribes, lies, silencing, etc). Not a message usually preached from the pulpit! yet sadly is often practiced privately by church leadership.
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Here is another article that suggests that Randall and Coffey were not being honest about the facts of this situation with their church:
Just wondering, Joe Mauk, or others who might know, if the official sworn testimony of the alleged victims is available (in English) somewhere?
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Stay tune
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Especially a third world locale whose current El Presidente has a fanboy higher than a Senator in said first world locale with a solidly Christian fanatical base.
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My daughter, Miriam Bongolan, posted the link to this installment with the following introduction:
This is how my daughter, Miriam Bongolan, introduces her sharing of the latest Wartburg Watch article:
If you ever had a question about Sankey, here are your answers. Down to court documents, letters and statements from the victims. The time is right to act and stand for truth.
So, to Tom Randall, I haven’t forgotten every time you played with my hair during a movie (Soul Surfer, 2006), massaged my legs (Jurassic Park, 4th grade), handed me money , and forced me to hug and kiss you in order to get a gift (that Barbie Horse was five kisses and five hugs and you actually collected on them). I know that is grooming now, but back then you made it normal because you did that with all of your princesses. You were my second father. My inspiration. I believed Christians could do anything because of your amazing stories.
You could have done anything and I would have made it be okay. But I was spared anything more. I looked past it so much that I asked you to officiate my wedding. A friend tried to tell me about you, and I didn’t listen to her. Because I was enamored. It’s my greatest regret cuz now I can’t help her.
Even up until last year I was still hoping you were actually the amazing person I thought you were. You smeared my family and my father and you hurt us but I kept hoping it was just a mistake. Sankey opened my eyes to abuse, but your response to it opened my eyes to who you were, and I thank the Lord every day now that he opened my eyes to what you are before you could get to my daughters. Because if not for Sankey, I would have trusted you with them 100%.
You claimed me as your princess but when I learned about abuse, my father believed me even though it could cost him so much. You didn’t, you called me emotionally unstable and overreactive. You threatened to deport me and my family if I didn’t agree to let Sankey go, you tried to take me to court, and then you spent the next five years telling everyone my father was a vindictive man who betrayed you, stole money from you, owed you money, hit kids, and that my family had no credibility in the Philippines and were forcing victims to make up statements. If you really were my Uncle Tom and I really was your princess you would have believed me.
Why did you have to smear us? Discredit us? Was it just cuz you were hiding the abuse at Sankey, or were you afraid your princesses would wake up one day and realize that we were just pretty girls, ages 12-17, being groomed? Honestly, if you hadn’t covered up the abuse at Sankey, I might have still covered up for you. Again, I thank the Lord he opened my eyes before you could get near my daughters.
I always tell Heizel, that because of her my daughters will know how to protect themselves and have an example of bravery to follow if something happens to them. You have abandoned, discredited, and tried to break her. But she has never stopped telling the truth. You call her an emotionally unbalanced liar. I call her the woman who has taught my family and will teach my children that the truth is worth fighting for at any cost.
To anyone asking why my parents didn’t notice, Tom created a culture where he massaged everyone (“medical” massages) and gave money to every kid. He hid red flags that way because it was just who he was. And it was before we knew strangers weren’t the danger, back in the day when you thought you could trust your friends, uncles, pastors. Tom and Karen were my parents’ best friends. Losing them was a surreal experience for all of us. They (my parents) were also always with us, Tom wasn’t alone in the house with us when he groomed. He was just that good at hiding it.
For everyone who has had their eyes blinded by the charisma of a great Christian man, I understand. It’s heartbreaking to see the truth. But it’s also why I keep posting so fervently, we need to see the truth, because we are called to stand up for the truth.
For any parents who want to kick themselves for not recognizing grooming…don’t, just fix it now. One name for you: Larry Nasser. How many parents didn’t know? We are not alone. So many have been deceived by trusted people.
Don’t beat yourself up for what you didn’t see, take action on what you see now.
To everyone else, Stop treating abuse like an affair, like something that happened in the past and is between two people.
Abuse is not something that just “happened in the past” and it is not a private matter between the victim and abuser.
Hiding abusers enables them to hurt again, and again, and again. Abuse has shrapnel that embeds itself in every aspect of the victims life. It is not an affair. It is a deep, evil, atrocity committed against person’s body and soul.
Hide it.
And they will do it again.
Reveal it.
And save someone from being the next victim.
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I am so sorry. Let us know if there is something we can do to help.
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Thanks for posting the documents. I see the charges for Toto and Jake. Where are the charges for Tom? He was arrested and charged, wasn’t he?
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Randall stopped my kids (5 and 3 at the time) in the hallway at CCC between services to say hi, though he didn’t know us. He talked mainly up my kids, said many nice things to them, and gave them each a dollar. A dollar to kids that age is EXTREMELY significant. I felt slightly strange about the whole thing, but we went on our way…
But reading your post about his grooming behaviors turns my stomach.
I’ve asked this question here already, but I’ll ask you for ideas: what more can be done to bring these people to justice??
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If I may intrude, look at it this way:
Karma and her sister Comeuppance are already working on it.
Sometimes they go through the court system, sometimes they don’t
Either way, they won’t stop until Themis’ balances are reset.
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Muff Potter,
You’re saying what, exactly? Just let the world find balance on its own?
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This sounds like classic grooming behavior. Combined with his actions to cover up what happened at Sankey, it looks very bad. And what about Karen Randall? Is she part of this cover up? Is she aware of what is happening or another Dotty Sandusky?
You are all heroes to me for speaking the truth against so much opposition.
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Muff Potter,
Are you suggesting the universe will find a way to make it right?
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I have had comments that ‘we are trying to bring down the church’. Last night I took pause on that and deeply realized that what is happening at CCC with leadership shifting far and away from what the Lord refers to as ‘church’ in His word. The church is not a social system. The church is not darkness at its core. The church is a body of believers committed to the FULL GOSPEL – filled with grace but also Truth. The church is not cover ups and hiddenness. So the collective we are not on a mission to bring down a church but pray for the destruction of darkness that has seeped in and reeking havoc. But why did it seep in? NO GATEKEEPERS guarding the doors. Money and seeker friendly sermons don’t define church. Integrity and truth and a consecrated stand define church. So if you are in the camp that the church is being destroyed- pause for a moment and decide if what gets destroyed might just need to for the sake of Gods reputation of what church truly is.
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You’ve heard the modern day folk expression “What goes around comes around” right?
I was pretty much saying the same thing by way of artsy-fartsy metaphor.
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In a metaphysical sense, Yes.
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Clevin, I don’t think Muff is suggesting (he can correct me if I’m wrong) that those who are in a position to do something to confront injustice or evil should not do so. Rather, that those of us who feel powerless against a world-engulfing evil and injustice should not give in to despair. When we find ourselves crying out, with David, ‘How long, Lord?’ we must wrestle through to the same peace which passeth understanding that he always ended up with.
God is good. He does not desire or ordain evil, and grieves over all who are suffering far more than we do. I do not understand it, and will not pretend that I do. I cry, nearly every day, ‘How long, Lord? When will you put an end to all of this?’
My only hope is that he promises that he will, in his own good time, and that we will then understand all that now is incomprehensible. How can God be good, and tolerate so much evil in his creation? I’ve heard a few theories, but I am looking forward to the genuine explanation of such things from the One who truly understands.
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Thanks for the clarity… But I am still wondering, then, what *IS* being done about all this?
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Me too. I don’t know who the commenter ‘Cari’ is, but she appears to be active in exposing this. I would be willing to volunteer time or research to increase exposure, if it would be helpful.
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Clevin- go to my book website and email me- you should be able to find as I don’t want to put my last name here or give me a way to reach you
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Hi Clevin, we are working on this in the local area–Feel free to contact us at and we can get you in touch with people
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To Miriam. Your heartfelt testimony of Tom Randall’s role in your childhood and your later realizations of his problematic and confusing behaviors in response to the situation at Sankey is unnerving to all especially those at CCC who have regarded him as a popular pastor. When your dad tried to email CCC about concerns in his change of behavior from a thirty year partnership and was rejected and given no chance to speak I am sure that was heartbreaking to your family. Joe Coffee has described Tom as having ptsd symptoms. Serious issues all around. It seems that Joe Coffee has been the person that everyone has been asking to solve this problem for five years. So far he has done a miserable job of taking a leadership role in this situation. If he doesn’t have the ability as lead pastor to figure out what to do then the elders and members need to relieve him of this responsibility and appoint someone with problem solving skills to step in. I think for some unknown reason he is frozen and cannot act. So sorry for all the misery you and the orphans have endured. There are many talented people in Hudson who could lend guidance to this situation so hoping the church will be able to figure out what to do.
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Thank you TS00, and perish the thought!, I am advocating NO SUCH THING.
I believe I expressed up-thread quite the opposite, that it is incumbent upon us as humans made a little lower than the angels, to rectify as much as we can in this world.
Earthquakes, tsunamis, comet strikes, and just plain old aging, decrepitude and death are beyond our pay grades to fix, yes, I acknowledge this.
But the vast majority of human suffering and misery in this vale of tears is preventable and within our power as humans to do away with.
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Gatekeepers are not very welcome in churches. Nobody wants bad news. Nobody wants to have to make hard decisions. People come to church to feel good about themselves, they don’t want anyone to rock their boat. It’s wrong but that’s the way it is.
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These 2 articles from the local press explain more about the whole disgusting situatian:
A quote from above article:
I don’t know who I am more sickened by: corrupt, dishonest “pastors” or dimwitted, clueless “Christians” who cheer when the sex abuser on their team escapes justice.
God help us. The salt has lost its savor.
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The article states:
“Later accusations surfaced, however, that the orphanage had been operating as a front for sex trafficking, and that many of the children in residence had been suffering repeated sexual abuse for years.”
These are the accusations that Randall and Coffey are hiding from their congregation and supporters. They paint a picture of wild gossip and slander from some renegade missionary about a recanted kiss, and never reveal that U.S. Homeland Security was provided enough evidence of sexual abuse/trafficking to encourage a raid by the Philippine authorities. This is the same trick used by Driscoll, Hybels and MacDonald to paint their accusers as disgruntled liars. And it works on people who idolize men with feet of clay.
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I will never forget the very first time I visited TWW. I was still in the midst of my own nightmare, feeling as if no one would ever believe me. Then I read a comment saying, essentially, ‘I honestly believe that this pastor had so much power over these elders that if he told them to murder the entire congregation, they would gladly do so’.
For the first time I felt as if I was not alone, that maybe this crazy situation I found myself in was not a product of my furtive imagination – as I was so often told. These tactics of creating a false image of near godlike perfection, then using illegitimate authority and twisted scripture to control and manipulate people are used by deceptive men everywhere. But we are on to them, and are going to keep exposing them for what they are.
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They have sown the wind, and they’ll reap the whirlwind…
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I’m convinced that the devil has dispatched a band of evil spirits to inhabit certain church leaders and volunteers, with a mission from hell to target, groom, and abuse children. Such wickedness is manifested in the flesh, but it is driven by a demonic spirit of lust and deception, IMO.
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Stay tune
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I thought this page was going to continue to be updated with documents and evidence. Where are the charges against Tom Randall? Where are other documents regarding these allegations. I am only seeing a lot of talk and speculation. This is not helpful without the evidence.
Dee, you said there is much more. Where is it so we can take the appropriate action?
There seems to be others commenting here who seem to have more information, namely JMauk, Cari, Amanda. Continuing to say “wait for it” only kicks the can down the road. Let’s get it out there so this is fully exposed.
LawProf, surely you support the presentation of evidence given all the allegations. That’s what our society and our faith is all about.
A lot of claims are made in the Bible, but they are then backed up with proof. Let’s get the truth out there and let the chips fall where they may. At least we can focus our prayers and efforts accordingly.
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PJ, Tom Randall was not officially charged. How much of that is due to Portman’s influence is unknown. What would you do if you had more evidence? If you want to help more, reach out to Joe Mauk on Facebook.
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Be careful not to over-spiritualize, Max.
Human Evil can do a lot just by itself.
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“Ignorance is Bliss and I WANT EUPHORIA!”
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How was he arrested without being charged? On Facebook and other media it stated he was charged with obstruction. Those are two opposing assertions.
Going back to the intent of this thread stated in paragraph 3, it is to post documents and evidence as they become available. I’m sure there is more information available after so many years.
I’m happy to join in the cause, but not blindly based off allegations and speculation without some supporting information.
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It’s the difference between sitting serenely with hands folded mouthing pious platitudes about Judgment Day and getting our hands dirty with Tikkun Olam.
At the end of Revelation we don’t float Up into Heaven, Heaven comes down to Earth (symbolized by the New Jerusalem).
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Hm, good question. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say the charges were dropped? Know anyone in the Philippines who could file a FOIA over there?
I assume Dee is busy and will update soon… There are a number of church abuse scandals blowing up right now.
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I believe in one of the videos JMauk referenced someone gathering documents. It would seem a good idea to contact Fr. Shay, the Catholic priest who has been fighting sexual abuse and trafficking in the Philippines for years – he wrote at least one article on this when it first happened. I also hate to see this stall out, because it is likely much abuse continues.
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I did contact him. His organization was one some of the boys were sent to after the rescue. He said the children were given gifts not to testify, and that they were afraid something bad would happen to them or their parents. I don’t know his exact sources. He didn’t have anything in writing he could give me. His staff would not be able to disclose anything the children told them during private counseling sessions for obvious reasons.
I don’t think this is going to stall out, but we’ll see.
You have to be a citizen to file a FOIA in the Philippines:
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Carrot and Stick.
Just like how Michael Jackson silenced his accusers. There the Carrot was $1 million in hush money and the Stick was the threat of rabid Jackson fans taking revenge for “My Michael!”. (Including what’s now called “doxxing” to point the Jacko fans to the right home phone numbers.)
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There seems to be one line of argument that goes; “There are no charges against Tom, why make it an issue?”
Well, there are some serious issues with the operation of the Sankey Samaritan Children’s Home in the Philippines and they are well documented and supported by first-person victim testimony. Although I have lost hope that, at this point, much can be done for the victims, the information should still be made available.
On the other hand a big concern for many advocates, especially CCC members, is that Tom and his pastor have repeatedly lied to the congregation about the situation. I don’t think it’s a crime for a pastor to lie to his congregation but it should cause great concern among the membership. I believe one main reason CCC will not endorse an independent third-party investigation is that it will definitively prove these past lies to the congregation, lies done so repeatedly that it is hard to believe that it was not a very intentional strategy to keep the membership ignorant.
Please support the call for an independent investigation.
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PJ: You sound an awful like “George” in a previous post. Have you watched all of the videos? Have you read the affidavits? You said that there is “a lot of talk and speculation……without evidence.” Let’s look at the affidavits and read them carefully. We have 4 children stating under oath that they have been sexually abused. This not speculation PJ, this is actual evidence. Records show that children almost never lie about sexual abuse.
And what about Miriam’s testimony of Tom Randall grooming her- are we to discount her testimony as well? How much evidence do we need?
And surely we would not follow the line of
No conviction=Innocence.
Rape/Abuse cases rarely result in a felony conviction; less than 1%
I might further add this point PJ- we as Christians are under a higher moral law than our government law- and our spiritual leaders are to be held to an even higher standard.
Are we really okay with a pastor that grooms kids even though he was never convicted of a crime?
If you are a member of CCC, the best thing that you can do is withhold your money until your demands of a third-party independent investigation are met. When the money stops flowing in they just might listen to you.
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If it’s believed a crime has been committed, why aren’t authorities brought in?
I’m getting the feeling this while thing is never going beyond a discussion topic of a couple dozen people on and internet message board.
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I’m sad of what you’ve made my sister. There’s a lot of thing you didn’t know about her while she’s in your care. I’ve been silent for all these years. I’d never seen you shared more about Jesus but drag another man’s name with false accusation.
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First, thanks for the most recent post. Now we are getting somewhere. Now there are allegations directly at Tom Randall, although there is still nothing provided from the charges and allegations from years past. Whoever provided the original court documents, emails, letter, etc, should have more. I welcome it to bring it all to light.
Craig, I am not sure who this George is. You sound a little hostile. I welcome the evidence. To answer your question, no, I have not read all the affidavits. Why? Because no one is providing them! If you have them, please share. That’s what I am asking.
Further, I agree, and am all too familiar, with the fact that children rarely lie about such allegations. However, that means you treat the allegations seriously and corroborate the information.
Forgive my assumption, but I suspect you do not fully realize our legal system. If a person goes to trial here and is acquitted, they are found “not guilty”, not “innocent”. I am fully aware that because there is no conviction does not mean there was no crime; however, we do not attempt a prosecution without evidence which is not being shared here.
If all theses allegations are true and there is evidence, then sharing it will strengthen the case the same as those claiming that an investigation into Sankey will vindicate the accused of nothing is found. Except it is hard to prove a negative just as you, Craig, pointed out that no conviction does not mean innocence.
Craig, here is a case in point – if I claim you murdered somebody this week and disposed of the body should you be forced to prove that negative and thereby prove your innocence? No, I should provide evidence, because you cannot prove your innocence if you have spent any time alone during the week.
You are absolutely right to claim we are Christians under a higher moral law. That is clear from scripture. It is also clear from the Gospel that many who considered themselves pious followers of God ultimately charged, convicted, and executed an innocent man – mostly because of mob mentality.
Do not misunderstand me, I am not saying this is an unjust pursuit of justice. My assertion is that same higher moral standard requires us to seek justice the proper way and with the proper evidence. To do less is contrary to the Word and contrary to the truth.
What has happened has happened. There is evidence or there is not. If there is evidence regarding these allegations that supports this frenzy then let’s get it out there and this will not fizzle out. If there is no evidence, or if there is and it is being withheld by the few with it, then the blame squarely rests with those withholding it or making claims without any basis.
Now, Craig, for specifics, my issue comes with comments such as those believing things have been swept under the rug because people have been paid off. Is that a possibility? Yes. Does it do any good without some kind of evidence? No.
Since you mentioned multiple affidavits (4, I believe it is) but none have been provided here, I assume you have access to them. Please provide them and I am happy to read them.
Again, I welcome the latest post and do not discount the testimony of Miriam, and now Priscilla. It saddens me and brakes my heart, but now allows me to further analyze and contemplate the situation. Criag, to suggest that I discount anyone’s testimony is a majorly flawed assumption on your part. I do not assume you have some vendetta against Tom Randall or any of the others involved nor would I make such a claim unless I have proof to that effect.
Finally, I agree with Clevin’s last comment. I can assure you authorities will require more information and proof, not comments from a blog mostly from people who have no direct involvement with the situation.
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Thank you PJ. I agree that more proof is needed. Obviously the police don’t have the resources to take up a case just because a number of things are “fishy”. I am not sure how much the original document providers would have of Tom’s charges. They appear to be coming from the victims’ side, and Tom Randall was not one of the defendants in their complaint.
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PJ, thanks for writing I understand the need for more information, I felt the same way. That’s why I looked into it for a year. Affidavits do exist I have viewed them. I have also sifted through other information. But, whether they can be put up publicly is a question. From what we hear they are public documents. Still, they are sensitive. I believe the church should have them so if you go there you could ask. Also more evidence could be forthcoming. Additionally, we do have reports of a number of people being afraid for their lives. So every step we take has to be measured to think about safety, etc.
To clarify about charges, Tom was arrested as you know. The NBI-AHTRAD filed a report. The report resolved the complaint filed and presented for inquest by the NBI-AHTRAD against respondent Thomas A. Randall for violation of sections 4(c)(b), 6(d) and 6(h) of RA 9208, as amended by RA 10364 and section 1 of PD 1929. After a lengthy discussion it recommended that the charges against Tom be dismissed due to lack of probable cause. If you would like to discuss further you can email
Additionally I would like to say that I don’t believe all information sources necessarily need to be thrown around publicly, but rather handed over to an independent investigator or law enforcement should that be necessary. Unfortunately, the church will not agree to one. And we need more investigation to better understand the whole situation. In our minds, we just want to show enough information to indicate that yes, it looks like there’s a problem, enough so to spur a proper and thorough investigation. So, we will release more possibly, but always with the goal of having an independent investigator look at it. I personally was very surprised that the church would say one girl said she was kissed but recanted and that there was a rival missionary with a vendetta. When I found ample evidence that neither of those statements closely represented the truth of the situation (in my view), and that was basically the church’s position even in 2018 when I asked, that was very concerning to me to say the least. I am wondering your take on what has been presented so far. Do you feel affidavits or other documents need to be posted publicly? I guess for me, what has been presented publicly so far is quite compelling enough to at least ask for further investigation. In my mind, the church already has the affidavits most likely as well as government reports. These should, in my opinion, compel them to act and bring in a third-party investigation. The affidavits of the young people don’t match the church’s original story at all. And they got that story from Tom, I believe. To me one of the biggest moral issues is –why did my church say that stuff? Why did they think Joe Mauk was a rival missionary? I mean have you ever even heard of such a thing? And why did they think it was one girl when at least six young people gave sworn affidavits about abuse? Why did they tell everyone the charges were dropped against the staff but it was just starting? Why did everyone seem to believe no abuse happened at all at Sankey, when government agent reports clearly stated they believed otherwise. To me, the moral issue is deception– by one or more people. I don’t think this is just one big misunderstanding. And, we need an investigation to get to the bottom of it. Otherwise, how could we ever trust these men to teach us about God? If there have been lies, they may not be prosecutable in court, but I sure would like to know.
As far as seeking moral resolution/justice, I would comment that authorities may not investigate if a pastor has an affair or decides to participate in another religion, but we would still have an obligation as a church to look into it and act accordingly. How much more the abuse of children. Of course, going to authorities and presenting evidence was the first step in this process. But, the case was dismissed when the victims decided to stop going when they learned it would be up to a 10-year process (the substantive claims were not ruled on). I think the church has a moral obligation now to find out more information, and what can be done to remedy what has happened. Things like long court processes, fear of defendants, possible bribes or financial dependence, and political intervention have been mentioned as problems. Some of these may be provable, some not. But if even one of these concerns affected things, and the young people didn’t have a great shot at getting justice through the courts, I would want to know. You mentioned seeking justice the proper way. It is my great concern that justice was thwarted, and now what shall we do? If there are more young people who were abused who would eventually like to take their cases to court or at least speak freely, I would like to be sure that none of the above factors come into play and that CCC/WHM/Sankey would no longer pay for these guys’ legal fees, and that no one would be silenced because of money, fear or loyalty if they should at some point want to tell their own stories.
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Great comment. And it is not merely third world countries in which having money and connections can be very helpful in putting a blindfold on lady justice.
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Makes total sense. I can only imagine the cries of injustice. I would like to hear your story some time–I’ve really appreciated your comments here