Coming Attractions but Not Tonight

Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. C. S. Lewis

Folks, we are experiencing an unprecedented number of calls and emails. Due to the nature of some of these stories, we need to get more research done. So, here is a list of what is upcoming. There will be no post tonight.

Thursday: I will post the first in what will be a series on Dr Donald Macleod, the sex abuse allegations, the *exoneration* and the split of the Free Church in Scotland. I believe the women were sadly mistreated by the process. I am starting a news hashtag which I will use throughout the series of articles. #FreeChurchtoo. Tomorrow will be just an overview of what happened.Then, I will try to post weekly until the series is completed.

Friday: This is a story that I will be co-writing with Amy Smith of Watch Keep with the help of Jules Woodson. We believe it will result in an explosion. It has to do with sex abuse of a young lady BELOW the age of consent, the ongoing ministry of the perp pastor and the complicity of a well known Christian organization. You will recognize names.

Monday: We will tell the Jimmy Cochran story. I believe Cochran and I will explain why. In the meantime, please read Amy’s account. Christian Author Robert D. Smith Seeks to Silence Alleged Child Sexual Abuse Survivor with Defamation Lawsuit There is a small tie in to the woman in Friday’s post which will demonstrate just how small Big Eva is.

The Willow Creek/Bill Hybels story is not over. There will be more revelations in the near future and we will make sure that TWW keeps you up to date.

And we thought no one would ever read this blog…


Coming Attractions but Not Tonight — 56 Comments

  1. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    And I thought I would never be… First!

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    And I hope that our hosts never feel guilty over modifying the schedule. No apologies needed, ever. And that in the midst of all of these revelations, and the important research that needs to be done, that you’re taking time to relax and recharge.

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    Does 3rd count?

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    Keep up the good work – really appreciate you giving a voice to the voiceless!

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    Hi Dee and Deb! I don’t usually comment but I read you a lot and live nearby (in Apex). In the midst of all this bad news, I just wanted to share good news (for a change) which you may have already read. A woman in Apex who, rather than saying “not my problem”, stopped a predator by calling police.

    I know nothing about this but what I read online, but every now and then it’s good to remember not everyone is turning a blind eye.

    Back to lurking now.

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    As has been said by many of us before, many of us experienced “things” in churches/parachurch/christian schools/etc that we thought were odd, or outright wrong, or immoral/depraved, but had no way to confront/expose it, or as becoming increasingly clear, knew that we would be shamed/persecuted for exposing it. But between social media, and brave bloggers, there is a place for this voice, and most importantly, moral support to let that voice be heard… heaven knows most of us had to listen to blow hard preachers condemn their pet “evil doers”, now we have a chance to express/call out those that we think are “evil doers”…and boy there sure are some evil doers exposed here at WW..

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    thank you

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    I was at Mars Hill. As with WTH and WT, WW played a critical and pivotal role in exposing the elusive and toxic nature of the organization. Enough said.

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    “Willow Creek Never Dies?” (1)


    Among a plethora of WC leaders and , members and former leaders and members’ controversial negative testimony and accusations presented in various media outlets, Bill Hybills became a brand distraction and as a result, stepped away from WC leadership platform six months ahead of his planned calendar scheduled departure.

    “Those who breach the trust and run away,
    Live to deceive and receive bank another day.” -Sòpwith

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false mouthpieces have gone out into the 501(c)3 Christian pulpit.

    Close your eyes folks, and they will take you for a ride every time…

    ♪♩♪♩ hum, hum, hum .. “I like to dream beyond the proverbial 501c3 pied piper pulpit machine…”






    – –

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    @ Sal:
    I had not heard this news, and I’m glad you have come out of lurking to let us know. 🙂

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    @ Guest:
    Wow! I humbled by your comment. Glad we played a part in getting the truth out about Mark Driscoll.

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    @ Steve240:
    Of course!

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    Thank you for sticking with this, Deebs. At times it must seem overwhelming but your work is very much appreciated.

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    What is amazing to me is the blind following so many people do. They choose to not pursue truths, and even if one smacks them in the face, they choose to ignore it.

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    Please keep up the brave and important work you are doing. Your emphasis on the truth is such a refreshing stance. I appreciate your unwillingness to advertise or be “beholden” to anyone in any way. That speaks volumes about your motivation and credibility. Bet there are several who would pay for y’all to just stay quiet these days! Thanks for not taking the easy way out of this mess.

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    That is one of my favorite C.S. Lewis quotes. I’ve got about a thousand favorite C.S. Lewis quotes, and that’s definitely one of them. Seriously. A thousand is an understatement.

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    Forrest wrote:

    Thank you for sticking with this, Deebs. At times it must seem overwhelming but your work is very much appreciated.


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    @Dee @Deb
    Thanking God for your work, and our TWW community.
    Looking forward.

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    Well, it’s a sunny morning in central Scotland, indeed I’m needing sunglasses on the train – on which the wifi is working too, so even though I’ve had nae kwafi yet, we’re rolling down the slight hill after Stirling at the line speed of 90 mph and things are not, in the short term, unhappy here. Indeed, we’ve just rolled straight through That Larbert Signal on green (though the line speed here is only 40 as it’s a tight bend and, besides, we’re stopping in Camelon just now).

    When I first stumbled across Wartburgh whilst looking for background on [rhymes with “fiscal”], I had little idea I’d become part of a community of friends. I didn’t know either, though it seems obvious now, that there are servants of God who go by the title of Adorable Blog Queen.

    I’m so looking forward to meeting you in June, Dee!

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    ION: Trains

    I’ve finally got to the bottom of where the Class 91-hauled service I keep seeing coming northbound into Endbruh soon after 9 am is coming from. Too early for King’s Cross, obviously; turns out it starts at Doncaster.

    More locally, we’ve left every intervening station up to and including Linlithgow on time this morning. Next up is Ednbruh Park, where we’ll most probably be 3 minutes late, followed by Haymarket (4 minutes late) and finally Waverley (5 minutes late). There’s a lot of congestion coming into Enbruh, which has knock-on effects back down the line. But you get used to it! Besides, the odd few minutes is no big deal in this context.

    Just gone through the 338-metre long Winchburgh Tunnel in 8.3 seconds (Wartburgers will be able to do the arithmetic, I’m sure), but we’ve hit the cautionary signals on the viaduct the noo. At least there’s a good view across the fields to the Pentland Hills and, looking the other way, to Enbruh Airport. We’re doing a steady 30 along the viaduct and there’s a pigeon flying alongside us.

    Incidentally, should any Wartburgers have the odd day to spare when visiting Enbruh, then the aforementioned Pentland Hills make a splendid afternoon’s excursion. You can get a bus to the dry ski-slope, then walk up beside it for superb views across the city, and over to Fife, for very little effort.


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    Something seems to be brewing at Covenant Life Church, the former headquarters of Sovereign Grace Ministries. There is an elders retreat this weekend that includes several “Apostolic Leaders” from New Frontiers, the group of churches founded by Terry Virgo. David Devenish, Virgo’s successor, spoke at CLC last Sunday.

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    Well, we were indeed 3 minutes late leaving Enbruh Park, but from there, we ran straight into Haymarket at line speed (up to 80) with no cautionary aspects. I’ve NEVER seen this happen before on a commuter train. Only 2 minutes late leaving Haymarket.

    It’s only just over a mile into Waverley, but very slow with a lot of signals as 4 lines diverge into a dozen platforms (and vice versa). Hard to say exactly when we’ll get in, but since we’re nearly there, I’d better sign off and go and fix a problem with IE10.

    I hope this has been helpful.

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    Nick Bulbeck wrote:



    Enjoying your train trek. Google maps puts us right there.

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    BoughtTheField wrote:

    Something seems to be brewing at Covenant Life Church, the former headquarters of Sovereign Grace Ministries. There is an elders retreat this weekend that includes several “Apostolic Leaders” from New Frontiers, the group of churches founded by Terry Virgo. David Devenish, Virgo’s successor, spoke at CLC last Sunday.

    Wasn’t there a rumor that CLC was going to join New Frontiers?

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    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for ALL that you do. I’m mostly a lurker, as I do not belong to any of the groups that are mostly spoken of here. My church was a small independent local church right up until it wasn’t. So many of the same things happened to us that is happening in these other places that nearly everything I have learned about the dark side of all this and how to navigate through it successfully I have learned from this site. You are a God send. My faith has never wavered. Blindly following someone because they say it is good for me? NEVER again!

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    This story is getting all too familiar. At some point, there has to be a wake up call.

    Random thinking…you know how people misapply, “Jesus standing at the door and politely knocking at the door of your heart?”

    Well, guess what? Wrong context…it’s follows the pronouncement of the condition of the churches in Revelation and he’s actually knocking at the door of the church…Helloooooooo? Remember Me?

    I think the church has forgotten who she is about…who the real Head is and always has been.

    Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20

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    Nick Bulbeck wrote:

    and finally Waverley (5 minutes late). There’s a lot of congestion coming into Enbruh

    I had an unpleasant experience at Waverly. We had been driving around Scotland and I thought it would be convenient to lose the car whilst in Enbruh. Drop wife and bags off at B£B (think T$G), drive to station, unhire car, walk to B£B. Piece of Cake. Haha! Hour to drive what would be a half hour walk back. Then I had failed to see instructions to park at car park(ing lot) around the back, so I turned down the ramp toward the little booth… But it was lined up with cabs, so another half hour to get down, discover my mistake, another half hour to get back up and around to the car park — all driving on the wrong side of the streets…. Should we return, it’ll be The Airport only for any car business.

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    Augustine wrote:

    This story is getting all too familiar. At some point, there has to be a wake up call.
    Random thinking…you know how people misapply, “Jesus standing at the door and politely knocking at the door of your heart?”
    Well, guess what? Wrong context…it’s follows the pronouncement of the condition of the churches in Revelation and he’s actually knocking at the door of the church…Helloooooooo? Remember Me?

    Another result of a Gospel of Personal Salvation and ONLY Personal Salvation.
    There is no “churches”; there is Only Jesus and MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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    @ Dave A A:

    You have my sympathies. There’s a reason why I don’t drive to work in Enbruh.

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    Dave A A wrote:

    I had an unpleasant experience at Waverly. We had been driving…

    … there’s the problem in a nutshell.

    I drove into Enbruh once too, but WordPress doesn’t support the appropriate emojis (nor netiquette the appropriate language).

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    Fantastic work the Deebs! Just keeping on trudging through it all!

    Did I gather from this thread you’ll be in the UK this summer? I’m only 50 miles from London.

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    @ Beakerj:

    I’m only 350 miles from London.

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    Nick Bulbeck wrote:

    miles from London.

    We are 4,008 miles from London, 8 hrs. 10 minutes by flight, or 6450 kilometres, same flight time.

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    Nick Bulbeck wrote:

    It’s only just over a mile into Waverley, but very slow with a lot of signals as 4 lines diverge into a dozen platforms (and vice versa)

    I love Waverley station. I often get myself a Cornish Pasty from that stand when I go through.

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    @ readingalong:
    As a Wheatie I am disgusted at that whole situation. So the others are pleading “not guilty.” For Christ and His kingdom! At this point I think Christ might want his kingdom back. We’ve messed it up big time or it is much tinier than we can imagine. This is all so disheartening…

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    @ done one:

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    Andrew Jones wrote:

    I love Waverley station. I often get myself a Cornish Pasty from that stand when I go through.

    I love Waverley as well, especially since they refurbished the roof. Though you’ve gone one better than me in actually buying a pasty there! I know the stand you mean, though; I walk past it every morning.


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    The glibness ie ‘coming attractions’ is a stain on your ministry— perhaps you were in a hurry I respectfully urge you to title with the gravity of the stories you will be reporting. Thanks

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    Nick Bulbeck wrote:

    Dave A A wrote:

    I had an unpleasant experience at Waverly. We had been driving…

    … there’s the problem in a nutshell.

    I drove into Enbruh once too, but WordPress doesn’t support the appropriate emojis (nor netiquette the appropriate language).

    I second that. Driving in the capital is not for the uninitiated

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    Nick Bulbeck wrote:

    @ Beakerj:

    I’m only 350 miles from London.

    We are 590 miles from London.

  42. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Nick Bulbeck wrote:

    I drove into Enbruh once too, but WordPress doesn’t support the appropriate emojis (nor netiquette the appropriate language).

    The absolute WORST traffic I’ve ever driven was on the Las Vegas Strip around five years ago.
    (I grew up driving Los Angeles traffic; after that I’m not driving Las Vegas again.)
    How does Enbruh traffic compare to Vegas traffic?

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    Friday: This is a story that I will be co-writing with Amy Smith of Watch Keep with the help of Jules Woodson. We believe it will result in an explosion. It has to do with sex abuse of a young lady BELOW the age of consent, the ongoing ministry of the perp pastor and the complicity of a well known Christian organization. You will recognize names.

    Pastoral sex abuse on underage victim?
    Perp Pastor Too Important because of MINISTRY?
    Coverup by “well known Christian organization”?
    Dee, that could describe half the (whistleblower) postings on this blog!

    “Oh, the more it changes
    The more it stays the same;
    And the Hand just rearranges
    The players in the Game…”
    — Al Stewart, “Nostradamus”, 1973

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    Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    How does Enbruh traffic compare to Vegas traffic?

    A lot probably depends on whether they’re building a tramway system in Vegas (or, for that matter, demolishing the St James’ Shopping Centre) at the time.

    Come to think of it, traffic were a bit grim in Sheffield ‘t other week, by ‘eck.

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    The glibness ie ‘coming attractions’ is a stain on your ministry— perhaps you were in a hurry I respectfully urge you to title with the gravity of the stories you will be reporting. Thanks

    You may not be aware that professionals (including Dee) in the area of sexual violence often use humor, both lighthearted and gallows, in an attempt to counteract the effects of the work on their well-being. Dark humor is a coping mechanism that is extremely effective at long-term stress reduction and is used extensively by journalists, emergency responders, medical professionals,and mental health professionals. Humor exerts a positive psychological effect by forcing a change of perspective.

    The valuable work performed by Dee (and others) is extremely stressful. She takes it very seriously. But I’m sure the stress is almost overwhelming at times. I hope and pray that she uses humor or whatever other coping mechanisms are needed so that she can continue this vital work for a long time to come.

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    Stewmour wrote:

    The glibness ie ‘coming attractions’ is a stain on your ministry— perhaps you were in a hurry I respectfully urge you to title with the gravity of the stories you will be reporting. Thanks

    I think my 9 year history speaks for itself.

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    @ Child Advocate:
    Thank you. I can never predict when something will hit the wrong note.

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    @ Stewmour:
    PS Do you realize how hard it is to keep up with everything?

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    I too lurk on the sidelines but have been helped by reading the posts & comments. I too have been in churches all my life & been uncomfortable, taken awhile to process things, spoken up, been spoken against as a result, dismissed…Thank you so much for your work & also thank you to those who regularly post comments.

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    Dee-I have retired from the field—the emotion of this subject leads to no positive interactions-I take responsibility for my part–lastly I am not the person that the lady claimed to have doxxed today-please convey to the debbs777 account –twitter and the web is a vastly different world than reality-Thanks-@ dee:

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    @ Stew Mour:
    I have no idea what you are talking about. However, I do know this. You were ineffective in generating discourse on the matter.

  52. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    @ Stew Mour:
    The debs777 account at Twitter is not active.

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    Brandybetts777- you are part of a twitter convo with her— again I am not the guy she doxxed. -? Why not have a Courageous Conf that would meet on same days ss GLS Thanks @ dee: