Only Two Posts Today

One of the posts took me a long time to think about so I can only handle those two posts today. I said there would be three.


Only Two Posts Today — 22 Comments

  1. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    I’m cool with that. You need to take care of yourself, too!

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    Second. And I agree with Nancy.

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    We still love you. I promised my blog readers two and the one on the Benedict Option is taking so long to explain I’ll be lucky to publish it by 10pm this evening.

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    Thank you all. I am having a good rest on my vacation to Sanibel. I have slept through most of it.

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    Dee, it is more than enough. I’m glad you are reading on your vacation. πŸ™‚

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    @ Ken F:

    Thanks for this link!

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    @ dee:

    Glad you're getting some well-deserved rest!

  8. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Don’t sweat it, Dee. Relax and enjoy your vacation. At some point when you are refreshed and have renewed energy, I’d encourage you to take a look at Owen Strachan’s recent article, The Alt-Right Is What Happens When Society Marginalizes Men. What a hoot!

  9. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    If you want a suggestion I have offered before and you said you were interested but I dropped the ball on following through. I would not mind doing a post on my view of faith and how it has been shaped by the type of work I do. I am thinking of trying out blogging but I am very thinned skinned on some subjects, others not so much. But what you do is very helpful and insightful. It is all very thorough from what I have read.

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    @ Deb:
    The new 9Marx journal is all about pastoring singles. All their recent posts could be a rich source of info. But that could be overwhelming.

  11. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Have a relaxing and well-deserved vacation Dee.

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    dee wrote:

    I am having a good rest on my vacation to Sanibel.

    Oh fun!

    I’m reading about the Princeton ‘snub’ of tim keller (which is kind of a stupid way to put it). Twitter people seem to be focused on lgbt rather than women. I want to know if the people who are mad about this have ever seen an award given to the liberal side by the conservatives? Or to women? I honestly don’t know but I might ask my pastor about this whole deal when I see him.

    Ken F wrote:

    The new 9Marx journal is all about pastoring singles.

    Well, I’m sure that is going to be not at all disturbing!

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    Lea wrote:

    I want to know if the people who are mad about this have ever seen an award given to the liberal side by the conservatives?

    I think I will tweet this out.

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    @ dee:

    Feel free! I’m not on twitter I just pop over and read things πŸ™‚

  15. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Ken F wrote:

    The new 9Marx journal is all about pastoring singles. All their recent posts could be a rich source of info. But that could be overwhelming.

    Ken I’m working my way through a few and one was on single pastors.

    β€’Do not meet privately with another woman for counseling, not for a meal and not in your office. If you do meet for a meal, have someone go along with you.

    Could someone please explain to me why eating lunch with someone in public is considered bad form? I may quibble about the others, but I have never understood why this would be on the list! Is it fear that it might be a date???

  16. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    @ Ken F:

    One of these is from our good friend Owen S. whose helpful first bit of ‘advice’ is to “engage singleness by challenging the sexes to wisely pursue marriage”.

    Thanks Owen!

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    @ Lea:

    He also says “The single man or woman who loves Christ cannot obey the Father perfectly, but he or she can accomplish much good by the power of gospel grace.”

    Are you kidding me?????

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    Lea wrote:

    He also says β€œThe single man or woman who loves Christ cannot obey the Father perfectly, but he or she can accomplish much good by the power of gospel grace.”

    If you liked that then you will love this piece by Mohler that was recently posted on RC Sproul’s site: It’s very disturbing and contradictory: get married young but don’t do it wrong. No one can live up the the standards of these new-Calvinist leaders.

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    @ Ken F:

    Oy. I wish my bills were aware I had ‘delayed adulthood’.

    From the article:

    For all these reasons and more, Christians must understand that, unless given the calling of celibacy, Christians should honor marriage and seek to marry and to move into parenting and the full responsibilities of adulthood earlier rather than later in life.</blockquote.

    Places where the bible tells you what age you should marry and have kids? Anybody??

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    @ Lea:
    The OT has many examples of men fathering their first child around 40. But those verses don’t apply (apparently) because they don’t fit Mohler’s paradigm.