The Internet has become a remarkable fount of economic and social innovation largely because it's been an archetypal level playing field, on which even sites with little or no money behind them – blogs, say, or Wikipedia – can become influential.-James Surowiecki link
Due to an issue that arose in my family today, along with the plan to see the movie "Spotlight" with Deb, I will not post until tomorrow. I plan to write about the movie.
Contacts, Emails, Phone
As you all know, we are being inundated with phone calls and emails. We hate missing your contacts with us. The following is some suggestions on helping us to respond to you in timely manner.
We are the only ones who can access these messages so your message will be private. You will be ask by the robovoice for your name. You do not have to leave your real name but you must leave some sort of name so we will get a message that you called.
This is a Google phone number. It usually lets us know if there is a message waiting. But sometimes it does not and the voice mail message gets buried in subsequent phone calls. If we do not respond after 2 days, try again and maybe follow-up with an email. I know for a fact that we have lost a couple of voice mails due to a stupid retrieval system. If that was you, call back
Things to which we will not respond. (These have actually happened.)
1. Drunk messages.
2. Conspiracy theories including alien babies being born into our churches, fathered by demons.
3. A tirade about any of our posts as opposed to wishing to discuss them with us.
4. Threats-which will be reported to the police.
1. Please use the subject line.
If it is urgent (we will trust you on this matter) put URGENT in the subject line.
If you have a story idea, please state that in the subject line.
If it is time sensitive, mention that as well in the subject line.
The same goes if you are sharing your story with us but you are not interested in the story being posted at this time or ever!
2. If we are delinquent in our response, here is how to help us.
If it is urgent and we do not respond within 2 days, contact us again via our phone, email or even mention it in a comment thread.
If we haven't responded to your email within 2 weeks, please send it again or contact us by phone or comment thread.
Anything that you communicate to us is held in confidence. However, if we can communicate the idea with using names or any identifiers, we might do so. But,we will not do this if you expressly forbid us. Remember that your circumstance is often shared by other folks. So, do not think we are spilling the beans about your particular situation if we discuss church discipline in a general way and you have recently been the object of discipline.
Emails regarding moderation
If we are not going to approve a comment, we will state so in the comment thread. If we haven't said we are not allowing a comment, then you are simply stuck in moderation. We are sometimes tied up in our private lives and this can happen for a couple of hours. Writing an email about it will not get it out of moderation any faster.
We use a spam filter that other blogs use. If you get stuck in moderation, it is because you typed something that in the abstract is taken to be offensive or possible SPAM. What you typed could be totally innocuous in our context but the filters aren't very good at context. So you get moderated. However, in the middle of the night, trolls come out and say things in a way that is concerning. Therefore, we will not discuss what these filtering rules are. You need to accept it. By the way, Dee has been caught in moderation without realizing it.
If someone is thrown off the blog, they will be told so. So, if you are going into moderation, it does NOT mean you are being thrown off the blog. In most circumstances we will let you know that you are being put into moderation. However, there are been a few circumstances when we think things are getting so out of hand that we quickly throw someone into moderation without telling them. This helps us to remember to make sure that things are simmering down. We will not discuss this situation except to assure you that it is rare. Usually we take the person out of moderation when we feel comfortable again.
Also, anyone using a proxy server will have all comments moderated. If you don't know what that is, you are not using one.
We are so glad that you choose to communicate with us. You are not disturbing us.
It makes the both of us sad when people apologize for writing us a note or calling us. Yes, we are busy. But we are busy because of the joy that we experience as we get to know our readers.
I met with a reader recently. He mentioned how busy our blog is and was surprised that I took the time to visit with him. I told him if the day ever comes that I am too busy to deal with the real reason for this blog, which is you all, then this blog stops. Neither of us are talking heads. We use our thoughts to stimulate discussion and help those who are struggling to know they are not alone.
Contact us all you want. We are the ones who derive great blessings from sharing in your lives. Just please help us when we are overwhelmed by giving us a gentle nudge.
GBTC made a few technical corrections to the moderation notes.
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BTW, I’m sorry for being so apologetic.
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For those, try “Coast to Coast” around midnight or KFI AM-640’s Friday drive-time “Voice Line”.
The former for all your Conspiracy Theories and tirades (“West of the Rockies, you’re on the air!”) and the latter for drunk messages and tirades (“AL-CO-HOL”).
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It takes some effort to get thrown off Wartburg Watch, but there are a couple trolls who succeeded.
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Yeah, this is clearly wrong. It’s actually the Illuminati and the Freemasons fathering all the babies.
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Hey HUG, got any plans for tomorrow?
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Less frivolously, Dee, I hope all is as well as may be in your family (the fact that you and Deb are still planning to watch a movie seems not unhopeful…).
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On the subject of drunk messages… we tend to open a bottle on Friday evenings. Anything posted by me on a Friday after around 4pm ECT on a Friday (which would be 9pm UTC, which is us) should therefore be taken with a pinch of salt.
One of these Fridays I’ll try and come up with something good on the Nephilim Agenda. Should be good for a laugh. I’m very good at charismatic jargon – the Lord’s laid a burden on my heart for it.
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Nick Bulbeck wrote:
I have not been on the sauce this evening, however. This was simply a catastrophic failure of editing.
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Hester wrote:
You left out the Rosicrucians. 🙂
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@ Tina:
And the Nephilim, too…
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Oh my goodness, Nick Bulbeck, I had to go look up “Nephilim Agenda.” Can’t wait to show my husband! I think you should start a “Daily Prophetic Word” for this awesome blog and use your Charismatic terminology. Some of my Pentecostal friends are into these, and they read like horoscopes.
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Nick Bulbeck wrote:
I am so looking forward to this. I think.
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Hester wrote:
I’d heard it’s HAARP’s chemtrails and the resulting Morgellon’s Disease will swallow us all.
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This thread reminds me, I’ve been meaning to get that Rapture Insurance. I’ll need some kind pagans to take care of my pets after I’m gone.
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Spotlight was an incredible movie! Hope all of you will have a chance to see it.
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Dee – I hope all is stable with your family as well. I feel (some of) your pain, speaking as one whose Dad was in, and now out of hospice this year, and have had many friends dealing with parents’ illnesses. Makes life kind of crazy.
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Indeed Spotlight is good. I saw it in NJ on Saturday night. I am writing about it also. Still working my post. I’ve titled it “Why CJ Mahaney and the Evangelical Church Should See Spitlight”
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@ Headless Unicorn Guy:
Is Art Belle still on the air? I remember the one time years ago when someone drilling a water hole recorded signs of people screaming in hell. Lol!
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“2. Conspiracy theories including alien babies being born into our churches, fathered by demons.”
Wow. 😯 If it were me, I might be tempted to respond to that sort of thing just to hear some more far out stuff. That could possibly be pretty entertaining.
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@ Nick Bulbeck:
Well done. You represent your country well.
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Eagle wrote:
As far as I know, it is Art Belle recordings on the radio at this point. From what I read some time ago, he retired from the radio business. I still listen to him occasionally, but it’s shows from the late 90’s and early 2000’s. What a hoot – especially his guests and some of those far out callers!
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Obama is the anti-christ and I can prove it with scripsher!
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I thought Spotlight was well done. Mr. Tree, who is not as inclined to read and research abuse topics as I am, was impressed and had a few questions about a point or two that we discussed. Although he listens to me as I sort through the various abuse situations that I read about here and elsewhere, the movie helped improve his understanding of the complicated dynamics that are in play in abuse situations, the different responses of survivors, even rationale of perps and those who cover for them. I’m looking forward to your analysis.
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Eagle wrote:
Art Bell retired some years ago; handed off the show to another. I used to listen whenever I needed a late-night weirdness fix, but the show ended up mutating from high weirdness to All Conspiracy, All The Time.
I don’t even know if they still do “Ghost to Ghost”, where either on Halloween or Thanksgiving weekend they open up the phone lines and have listeners call in ghost stories that allegedly happened to them. Great source of ideas if you write horror.
Now as for “someone drilling a water hole recorded signs of people screaming in hell”, that sounds like a reboot of the “Well to Hell” hoax of the late Eighties.
The people who fell the hardest for it? Born-Again Christians, propagated through TBN and other Christianese media. I remember hearing about it on a Christian radio talk show of the period, who investigated it and found it was a hoax. I remember the host losing it some time later over “All the abuse we’ve been exposing, and you know what everybody calls in about? Some cockamamie story about Russians drilling a well into Hell!”
And when you mix Coast to Coast with Well to Hell, you get Mel’s Hole:'s_Hole
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Muff Potter wrote:
Tell Obama to take a number and stand in line.
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Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:
By number, do you mean 666? Har har har.
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1. Drunk messages.
I never allow my messages to drink.
2. Conspiracy theories including alien babies
Aw. Does that mean the DEEBS will never come to Western Kentucky to join the locals in celebrating the “Kelly Little Green Men Days” festival? Y’all don’t know what yer missin’. But, there are no babies involved in the Kelly legend, so I guess that would still be open.
Can we talk about Big Foot? They talk about that on Coast to Coast.
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@ Headless Unicorn Guy:
I for one would love to hear the details of this. Maybe let them do a (drunken) guest post?
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Bookbolter wrote:
Or else some kind evangelist to baptize your cats.
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As a matter of fact it means that a moderated comment will take longer to get out of moderation since we now have emails and at times more moderated comments to deal with that complain about moderation that we have to take time to read and see what’s up.
Dee is on the blog every hour or two on a day when she has little time to keep up. Typically she’s on it more than that. And I get an email, to my phone, for EVERY moderated comment. Plus a count of how many moderated comments are stacked up. If I notice the count climbing I then get to jump in and clear the backlog if possible. But when I’m having to read through comments on my phone about moderated comments it just takes time to deal with the blog system via a phone.
PS: For whatever reason my comments under my real life handle on Internet Monk get moderated about 1/2 of the time. I have no idea why. But I don’t pester CM about it as I know he has his hands full and will free the up when he gets a chance.
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@ GuyBehindtheCurtain:
I had a comment for your phone list, but it’s stuck here on the live blog.
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@ Nick Bulbeck:
In my head, that was funny.
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Ok, I couldn’t resist. H E Y E V E R Y B O D Y !!!!!!!
Here is from a certain wikifur page I discovered just last week:
Ken Pick (complete name: Kenneth Pick. Born November 24, 1955)
If I am not mistaken, today is Headless Unicorn Guy’s 60th birthday. So just in case I am correct, here goes:
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Kenneeeeeth….
Happy birthday to you
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.
Here is Sir Paul McCartney singing his version:
And of course I just had to do this one for our favorite Brony:
Seriously Ken, I hope your birthday is a good one even though the rest of us can’t be with you to celebrate it today. May this milestone not depress you, but instead be a reminder of God’s grace and love for you through His blessings in your life. Many more years!
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Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:
I thought it was Nancy Reagan!
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Many Happy Returns, HUG!
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Lydia wrote:
Anyone remember Henry Kissinger and the King of Spain?
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Nancy2 wrote:
Next time I’m on the East Coast, I’m thinking of taking a detour to Flatwoods & Point Pleasant in WV…
“O Phantom of Flatwoods
From Moon or from Mars
Maybe from God
And not from the stars;
O tell us why you fly over our trees —
The End of the World or an omen of peace?”
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@ NJ:
That entry has got to be 10-15 years old. I don’t think I’ve done anything with WikiFur in at least that long.
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@ NJ:
Happy Birthday HUG!! Let me know if you ever make it out to DC again! 🙂
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I had a family member show me a video that had evidence that Prince Charles was the anti-christ. I thought it was a joke until they looked at me any asked what I thought!!! Then there were all the Constance Cumby books my mother read. Sigh.
Many happy returns of the day HUG.
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I’m stirring out of my writer’s retreat to wish you a happy 60th — hope you have a meaningful and fun celebration day!
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@ Headless Unicorn Guy:
Happy Birthday, HUG!
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Hippo Birdie Two Ewes, HUG!
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“Things to which we will not respond. … 2. Conspiracy theories including alien babies being born into our churches, fathered by demons.”
Based on this comment thread your public has spoken: You need to rethink your policy and write on this subject. Or let Nick Bulbeck do a guest post. He seems to have the lingo and the snark for it. And I mean that in the most positive and encouraging way, Nick.
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P.S. When it comes to conspiracies, HUG sent me an awesome link to a Canadian court decision that analyzed a particularly litigious set of theories. It then tore those theories apart in painstaking detail. My gratitude to HUG knows no bounds.
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If that is you then happiest of birthdays HUG, & many happy returns. May this year be your best year yet XXXX
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Happy birthday, HUG!
From what you write, I figured you to be very wise 35ish guy.
Now, I know that you are a very wise 60ish guy!
You will never be “old”.
People like you are always young at heart.
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Nancy2 wrote:
I just figured him to be a wise guy 😉
Welcome to the 60’s club, HUG. It ain’t so bad…
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Sorry, late to the party…drunk, conspiracy theories….it DOES sound like late night radio….or all the relgious broadcasters on the shortwave stations out of Tennesee.
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I’m noticing that HUG has neither confirmed nor denied that today is the actual birth day. I wonder if there is a conspiracy going on? 😉
Either way, Happy Birthday to you, HUG! It always comes around at some point, doesn’t it?
P.S. If you’re looking to do some estate planning, I know of a place that can help. I hear they’ll take you for all you’ve got….I mean, I hear they’re very helpful.
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Kathi wrote:
Have you ever seen NJ and HUG in the same room? No? QED.
Actually, I’ve never seen NJ or HUG anywhere…
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Given where I live, the only person I might run into would be Nancy2, at least that I know of. 2 Nancys at once!
If I ever make it out to the west coast again, I’d love to pop in on Julie Anne and perhaps HUG, and anybody else within driving distance of I-5.
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Zla’od wrote:
You better go with sprinkling, cats must be “reformed”, they get real testy over full immersion.
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Bill M wrote:
Full immersion of cats is possible. You just have to be creative. When my daughter was small, she baptized a kitten in the washing machine – and she shoved a big Tom cat into the toilet, closed the lid, and flushed. It can be done.
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NJ wrote:
If you are ever in western KY or northwestern TN and have some spare time, lemme know! We can do lunch somewhere!
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If I ever did, there’s a high likelihood you’d end up meeting my entire family, LOL. We’d have to be camping or headed for some other particular destination to make the drive from NKY, but I’m sure we could make time for lunch.
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Nancy2 wrote:
Is that a feline baptism or a feline Swirly?
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Tina wrote:
Quite right. The Rosicrucians are up to all kinds of things. They go ’round claiming to be the Men In Black. (The resemblance to Tommy Lee Jones is staggering. Wil Smith, not so much…)
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Bookbolter wrote:
A dear (Christian) friend’s (far-from-dear)ex-husband showed up the other day, predicting the end of the world is comiing before the end of the year. She told him, “I’m not going. I’m staying to take care of Zooey’s pets.
He was last seen running for the border.
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Lydia wrote:
I think that was last year. Just saying…..
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roebuck wrote:
No. but its worse as it goes on…..
Happy Birthday, HUG!!
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zooey111 wrote:
I’m old enough to remember when it was Henry Kissinger and/or the King of Spain.
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zooey111 wrote:
I heard the Rosicrucians began when a 200-year old Hoax about an Ancient Secret Society was mistaken for Fact.
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NJ wrote:
Now that you have discovered My Secret Identity, here’s what I’ve been up to the past couple years:
I have been assisting Eric “Ardashir” Hinkle of PA on several My Little Pony fanfics (i.e. field trips into the Magical Land of Equestria) including three novel-length ones. Here’s links to them:
My Little Balladeer (Novel) — a crossover between Manly Wade Wellman’s “Silver John” ( and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, canonical to both sources and played absolutely straight as a serious fantasy.
The linked copy is a little rough around the edges, but requires no previous knowledge of either series:
Note that one of the themes is Natural and Folk Magic (the ponies and John) vs The Occult (the main villain, from another Wellman series).
Eric is very into Wolves; before he dived into MLP fics, he wrote furry sword-and-sorcery with a pseudo-Persian Wolf character named Ardashir (the source of his pen name). After Ponification, he turned this Wolf obsession into a series we call “A Wolf among Ponies”, told from the POV of one of the Pony world’s “monsters”:
Wolf in Pony’s Clothing (Novel) — This was the first “A Wolf among Ponies”, a screwball comedy with serious undertones.
Requires some familiarity with MLP:FIM, up to the beginning of Season 3:
A Wolf among Ponies: Return to Ponyville (Novelette) — Sequel novelette to Wolf in Pony’s Clothing.
Should be read AFTER Wolf in Pony’s Clothing:
A Wolf among Ponies: First Contact (Novella) — Prequel to “Wolf in Pony’s Clothing”, and our first attempt to tie in with an actual episode of the show. How it all started:
Manehattan Madness (Novel) — Not a sequel to “Wolf in Pony’s Clothing”, but set in the same continuity. A spy thriller set at a high-class fashion show.
And completely unrelated to the others, for aficionados of the squared circle:
Tales from Equestria: A Night at the Fights — the blurb says it all:
Eric’s guilty pleasure is Pro Wrestling, and this story is based on his actual experiences attending matches — heels, faces, angles, and audience reactions. Set much later in the show’s timeline than the others, sometime in Season 4.
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Where were the phone numbers/contact emails?
The above came off the Huffington Post so it’s not gospel but does have some good ideas because the what to do what to do needs to be addressed