Here is some background for today’s post.  We at TWW have been blessed to have the friendships of a couple of teens who are regular readers.  We met them due to a deep and close friendship with their parents.  They also are part of the Wonderland story.  If you go to our archives, you can read our “fact or fiction” posts on a dreadful set of circumstances in a “kingdom” far, far away.  This kingdom has done a great job of “blaming” the victims and storytellers and, in so doing, caused some to flee the kingdom and obtain citizenship elsewhere.  Lise is a young woman who saw some events unfold.  She is brave, vulnerable, highly intelligent, and a darn good writer.  She is also currently studying in Europe and comments from there.  Lise, you are incredible!

We thought that our dear readers might find a comment Lise wrote interesting.  Then, an anonymous reader with ties to Wonderland responded.  Lise’s response is poignant. “Anonymous” then chimed in on Christmas night telling Dee to “Chill out” (which was promptly deleted – remember… it’s our blog!)  Anonymous claimed that her own comment was a thoughtful question.  Well, we leave it up to you to decide.  Once again, we thank this individual for providing superb insight into the mindset of Wonderland.

After we deleted Anonymous’ second comment, (s)he responded in a more diplomatic fashion, and we can only hope that Anonymous will continue to respond in this manner should (s)he ever comment again on some teens who were very, very, very, very hurt by some awful things.

Monday, December 21, 2009 – 04:17 PM


“Today we have churches with 30,000 members (if the numbers can be believed because lying to further the kingdom is not a sin)”

Funny story. I recently (well maybe not, my perception of time is messed up considering somehow it’s already Christmas time…) got a message from two different people over the famous social networking site pretty much saying the same thing. How they were praying for me this week and I should mention any specific prayer concerns if I wanted. Confused (one I didn’t know AT ALL the other only by name) I sent a reply wondering if they were members of my old church. Indeed they were and one (the one I had never heard of) implied that we must have missed each other in Sunday School but I was still on the roll and each week they take someone from the roll to pray over. I replied saying that there is no way we could’ve missed each other because I have never attended said class because I have been in Germany for 4 months.
I got a kind reply asking all the right questions and ending with “We’ll be praying for you! Can’t wait to meet you when you get back!”
Haven’t heard from them since.

I wasn’t even friends with said person on said social networking site. Call me paranoid but I feel like I’ve been Facebook stalked by my old church.
Good to know Wonderland is still keepin’ their numbers high.

Monday, December 21, 2009 – 09:56 PM


So Lise if you are so unhappy with Wonderland have you asked to have your name removed from the Sunday School roll?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 – 08:28 AM


You do make a good point. And since your point is so valid I’m going to address it with complete honesty. Cause honesty is good right?
The main reason that I have not requested my name be removed from the roll is because in some deeper way I’m still waiting for the day that they look at the roll and wonder what happened to that girl. Before I even came to Germany I stopped attending that church for about 8 months. Not once, even one little time, did someone make the effort to wonder as to where I was. No call, email, text, nothing.

As much as I know Wonderland is messed up I can’t help but wish that maybe one day things will return to the way they once were for me. Wonderland was the only church I’d ever known and the people there (while I was never really good friends with anyone) were people I grew up with, people I saw every week for years on end. And as much as I like to think I’m strong, and that it doesn’t bother me… well I’m human. And a sinner. And I don’t want to let go.

Last reason? Because I’m afraid that if I request my name taken off the roll and they ask why I’ll lose it. Lose it in an un-Christian like manner and that won’t be good. I’m waiting for God to quiet my anger and replace it with wisdom before I face the henchmen of Wonderland face to face (which I one day will).

So Anonymous I hope that answers your question. I’m sorry I’m just a petty 17 year old girl. I’m sorry I can’t do the “right thing”. But I’ll own up to it. And much as I’m at fault (not attending church for over a year and not requesting my name to be taken off the roll) I don’t think it lies all on me.

So here’s my question: Do you think it’s right for a church to have people on the roll for a year, not attending, and never attempt to contact them (save a random generic email with no clue that they’ve never attended)?

Oh, one more thing. I NEVER once attended said class. I assume they automatically roll the rolls (haha) over to the next year. But as for the 12th grade class at Wonderland? Nope, never been.

This next comment occurred after a public chastisement and a deletion of a comment.  We wish to make something quite clear.  Although we can delete a comment that appears inappropriate or hostile, we rarely do.  However, on the rare occasion that it does occur, we provide a statement on the blog that a comment has been deleted.  When Anonymous backtracked and responded in a kinder manner, we, of course, allowed her comment to stand.

Saturday, December 26, 2009 – 07:54 PM


I said you answered my question in a mature and thoughtful manner and I thank you for that.

Comments are closed.