“Why I Hate Religion” Goes Viral

"Here's probably the reason I hate religion the most violently.  Religion tells you this.  Religion tells you it's all about what you do!" Mark Driscoll Cathedral in Europe Have you seen the YouTube sensation "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus" that has had over 16 million hits?  Take a look… Jefferson Bethke, who posted this video on January 10th, … Continue reading

You Know You Might Be a Fundamentalist, a Calvinist or an Evangelical If…

“We’ve gotten beyond the Galatian brand of legalism today. We haven’t resurrected circumcision as a requirement for salvation, and we’re clear that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ apart from the keeping of the law. Instead, we have developed another brand of legalism, a brand that is concerned, not with salvation, but with how we live the Christian … Continue reading