EChurch@Wartburg 2/23/19

Welcome to a Gathering of EChurch@Wartburg

The Sombrero Galaxy: NASA

Augustine, 354 – 430  link

Look upon us, O Lord,
and let all the darkness of our souls
vanish before the beams of thy brightness.
Fill us with holy love,
and open to us the treasures of thy wisdom.
All our desire is known unto thee,
therefore perfect what thou hast begun,
and what thy Spirit has awakened us to ask in prayer.
We seek thy face,
turn thy face unto us and show us thy glory.
Then shall our longing be satisfied,
and our peace shall be perfect.

The Prayer of Saint Francis’, an anonymous prayer often wrongly attributed to St Francis of Assisi link

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offence, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring your light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Master, let me not seek as much
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love,
for it is in giving that one receives,
it is in self-forgetting that one finds,
it is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
it is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.

Proverbs 12:28 NIV

In the way of righteousness there is life;
along that path is immortality.

Wade Burleson: A Mouth that Moves Intentionally, Not Rashly from Emmanuel Enid on Vimeo.

This is probably Dee’s favorite song. I’ve often called myself a follower of God’s Own Fool.

A beautiful and traditional Gaelic blessing link

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


EChurch@Wartburg 2/23/19 — 2 Comments

  1. __


    —> Very Wonderful and uplifting!

    Thanx Dee


    Considering all the great things He has done for you?




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